Orc stun resist racial has to go

as rogue, I dont even try to stun gnomes. waste of CP and energy.

this is why they should get rid of exclusive classes

give shaman to alliance and paladin to horde is not weird, especially in the SoD world where runes coming from a world where shamans and paladins exist in both factions

they did that for TBC and onwards because these kind of discussions were the norm in vanilla’s hayday and blizzard got tired of that.

that being said, i don’t like that solution. its lazy and unimaginative.
i like the fact that both factions have some unique spice like pala/shaman being faction-specific.

again, homogenization = bad.

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Runes are abilities that come from “balanced versions of the game” →
put them in an unbalanced world = more and more unbalance

for me Vanilla is the best version, but with 2019+ knowledge (min-max), adding both classes to both factions should be done

Classic Era is forever, so being the underdog(alliance) forever is bad

love the quotations marks here, because that is indeed what “balance” is in the other versions of the game
 “balanced” indeed.

it can’t be perfect like a chess game, but some balance is needed

Yet i only see resists after resists on my pally

On top of that it’s insta dispelled anyway :slight_smile:

since 2019, i’m on the game and i can testify → horde always been more populated on PvP servers → servers became mono-faction
→ this is a real problem for the game that is the BEST MMORPG of all time

people are not young innocent geeks like in 2004 anymore, min-max create unbalance

if you really want to see just how effective/ineffective it is, you should try to play orc.
i could swear this racial doesn’t even work, but it is much easier to tell when it doesn’t work as opposed to when it does because getting locked down is significantly more impactful both visually and mentally than a quick “resist” floating up the screen for a second is.

im sure it happens for me all the time and i simply don’t notice, because like i said, its just way more noticeable when it doesn’t work because the scenario goes from “lul it literally had no effect” to “omg im sitting here shut down for 9 seconds and i can’t do anything about and its really frustrating”.

on the other end of the spectrum, having your stun resisted has the same effect - its way more noticeable because you just went from “hah i locked this guy down for 9 seconds” to instead going “omfg this guy should have been dead but he isn’t! trash game!”

when your stun DOES land, you essentially take it for granted, and when it doesn’t you get mad because that’s just how humans function
 same way the other way around, when the stun DOESN’T land i take it for granted, and when it does, i say “omfg bro
 and people complain about this racial?!”.

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If u really want to see just how effective it is, you should play alliance rogue.
Id say that 70% of my CS’s/BTY’s are resisted.
I stopped even trying to stun orcs, its just a waste of combos and energy.


if that’s all it takes to send you running away crying you weren’t going to win anyway, successful stun or not.

maybe try to innovate a bit.
you know orcs are inherently stun resistant.
so use a different opener.
adapt and overcome.

Orc racial has to ne nerfed for sure, its responsible if the long PvP queue
 No racial has been this busted in the History of wow (Hence the nerf chance to resist- stun duration)

Nerf hardiness now!!!

3 stuns resiss in a row make me out in window.

This is why racial orc need to be nerfed. A guy who have 100% resist stun.

1st engage : twitch.tv/coolspote/clip/FineBigTortoiseUWot-xUIRYQ_IVDGkzEPo

and 2nd engage : twitch.tv/coolspote/clip/CaringShyBatWTRuck-FKpGXDiPi1qOUyZ2

I killed this guys only with nightmare trinket proc who disorient target proc.

paladins and rogues want hardiness nerfed. gee what a coincidence.

Yeah because it’s cheated racial.

Imagine you face alliance ennemy who have 25% flat resist fear. You will cry for nerfing this racial who will be OP.

Imagine you playing easy horde faction with cheated racial and you give lesson to everyone xD

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i can imagine facing alliance enemy who can:

  1. remove poisons, diseases and bleeds and get immunity to them for 8 seconds which makes dwarf rogues the best rogues in the game. - stoneform.

  2. detect my rogue before i can detect theirs - perception.

  3. further increase my difficulty finding enemy stealthers since shadowmeld = free increased stealth level for nelf rogue/druids. - shadowmeld.
    3A. Nelf Shadowmeld+Sniper Training is downright broken OP no class can survive their wombo combo and nobody can touch them while they are stealthed, and even if they can, the hunter can still wombo combo and win the fight.

  4. get out of my roots, making gnome warriors the only race of warriors who can forego warbringer rune which is mandatory for everyone else - escape artist.

but sure, none of these things are good, because we’re in the business of complaining about horde racials to justify our losses.

by the way

i think you mean 100%. dwarf priest gets fear ward, so lol
 oh and human priests get lay on hands.

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What coincidence to see horde players trying to sweet talk how not OP Hardiness is and how OP stoneform apparently is.


htt ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXuYOLMT2gQ

TBC-values wouldn’t hurt in my opinion. But they should have done that before hand.

he asked me to “walk a day in his shoes”
so i asked him to walk a day in mine.

this is how you crush the argument irrefutably - by pointing out (using examples) how your racials are also strong.

particularly effective, considering you guys basically act as if you don’t get racials at all.