Over and Out

My final paragraph was a reference to the award winning 2002 blockbuster hit “8 mile” in which Marshall Mathers/Eminem/B-Rabbit discovers that a rival MC that he is pitted against at the local rap hot spot “The Shelter”, has in fact got a particularly posh name in Clarence and his rap persona is shattered when it is outed that he does not come from a broken home (which was a common theme for a large proportion of the local community) and attended a private school. Dog = Dawg.

What I was not doing is putting across the notion that Clarence is of any type of canine breed.

Happy to help.

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Such an underrated film. Well, I mean, obviously not that underrated, as it did win awards, Eminem proved he -can- act, and people still make ‘Mom’s spaghetti’ memes to this day, almost 20 years on…

Either way, well, good luck in what you do next.

Can I get your gold ?




My biggest wish is that ActiBlizz lose their rights to WoW, WoW becomes as great as WOTLK/Legion again, and my friends will log on again.

I hate using memes but theres alot of copium here. Lol.

This is the second time my friend list has been completely dead. The first one back in WOD.

Now my friend list is dead, and for the first time since I started WoW, every single guilds is empty too. Litteraly maybe just 1 online. And these are social 500+ guilds.

Kinda sucky because I aint going to take that crap covid 19 vacc garbage, and now I feel completely unmotivated to play WoW.

Life is boring. I wish covid happened during Legion instead, I wouldnt care. ><

WoW is litteraly the only game Ive ever liked, every other games ive tried is not near as perfect.

BfA sucked and Shadowlands is a garbage expansion. Why are there regular animals in the afterlife? What happened to the ideas?

Why is Blizzard copy-pasting myths? Why are there foxes in Bastion? Why are there bats, bears and spiders in Shadowlands? Why are there wasps? Why are there horses? Why are there BFA mushroom people there? I got so hyped the first time I saw that preorder mount, it looked so outlandish. A flying weird worm that you only see in sleep paralysis.

What is Maldraxxus? Why is there things growing on it? It would have felt so awesome if they were like “hey yeah this is an old god or a void lord we killed and now were living on it sapping its power for our own use!”

I mean do something.

And whats with the traps in the Maw? Why are they like going up and down every 5 seconds? Why are they in such a stupid place when people can litteraly just step to the side and run past it?

Is this the afterlife?

I expected something else.

Like waters going from the left to the right. Trees rolling around the sky. Weird runic patterns in the sky. Areas where you walk up and down. A place where gravity, logic and everything shift.

This expansion feels so bland. When I saw Hellfire Peninsulas sky, I knew I was in a weird place. I expected something even stranger in the Afterlife.

I expected like fivethousand weird planets and weird objects in the sky or something. Maybe a sky where you can see two dimensions with weird patterns as night and day sky.

What happened? They could have smoked some DraenorsMagicalTonic and made something out of it.

Its the afterlife, you dont have to copy myths or animals, you can use your imagination.

The only, ONLY Afterlifish thing I like is Torghast and Oribos. Two pillars, one that is surrounded in a big Jupiter-like atmosphere with clouds around the tower, and one in the middle of a weird summersky.

That’s not the point. Maybe you will quit, maybe you’re a man of your word. The point is still just.

:slight_smile: I hope you have a nice break though, the game always feels like brand new after a few months break at least

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R.i.P Brittany Murphy

Bobby is over and out indeed …

good riddance .close the door on your way out

how much sub time have you bought ? till 2077 ? say hi to my great grandkid when your sub ends .


I thought you guys were against telling people how to spend their money?


An usual sunday on the world of Warcraft forum you can feel the sunshine and warm shine through the screen !

Everyone is polite, in a good mood and friendly not a bit of sarcasm or toxicity no, there are truely no place in the world like that one ! We’re family !!! :sunglasses:

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Because we are cunning…

can i haz your gold?

We who play or don’t should respect your choices.
I’m sorry you didn’t keep finding something you loved in it. I hope either you find something else you love as much or one day WoW improves to the point you will come back
(Maybe even gets done by someone other than Blizz)

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Yes it was. Now it is full with real life political woke crap. Disgusting :clown_face:

i bought 6 months when 9.1 came out… logged in for 30mins total since… runs out in January.

just pre-ordered endwalker will be playing that instead :).

unlike wow they actually made casual content in that expansion.

wow is still chasing the esports dream it seems … no one told them esports isnt cool anymore.

I like to think your helmet is just a dead vulpera’s face ontop of your face.

Random and off topic sorry

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Sorry for your loss. My condolences. At least you get to see her daily.

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