So we took your advice to roll on a low population realm(Ten Storms) with my friend on the second day after launch and we got to level 60, got our professions and grinded some reputation for rare patterns.
The server is already a ghost town, there is basically no guild that is able to form a raid group. There is every once in a while some people LFG for gnomeregan and stockades in world chat and that’s that. I couldn’t find anyone high enough to do scholo/strat for over a week.
The economy is a joke. For items/mats below level 40 most prices are equal or less to vendor price. For items/mats higher than 40 there is no supply or demand basically and nothing actually sells.
I am on the verge of quitting the game since I’m totally exhausted grinding mobs and actually wanted to do some endgame content. And I’m not responsible for this, dear Blizzard. You made us roll on a low pop server and leave Gehennas. YOU made blue posts saying that things will balance out. They didn’t. This server is pure trash and there is basically no point playing here anymore.
I already have 12+days played on my character so I won’t just reroll from level 1 on another realm.
Give us paid transfers (for the community aspect you might want to limit it over a long period, I don’t know. That’s up to you). Low population servers are still low and there is not a single bit of fun playing in these forgotten places.
I am the friend he is talking about. And he is right. Ten Storms is an empty server. I hope that Blizzard will find a solution to empty servers.
Wrong. You made your own choice.
You are wrong. When the server was initially launched, there was a blue post asking everyone on full servers to transfer to this new server and promising everyone that they will do their best to keep the servers balanced. And there was another blue post actually stating that paid transfers will be probably implemented in the future.
That future has come. Some servers turned out to be randomly low populated and it’s disgusting to play there.
to be honest 10storms is not as bad as dragonfang. I just rerolled on 10storms and it seems okay, people are still leveling, all good. you can’t expect anyone to be 60 like you since many have jobs and play the game differently
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Yeah, I have a job too but I had 3 weeks off for classic launch. I’ve hit level 60 on 4th of september. (only by questing, I never aoe grinded, ever.)
Obviously I didn’t expect everyone to be 60 that early, but hey, this is 18th of September now, come on. Even with a work and 4 kids you should be able to do it if you know your thing by now… Or at least be level 40+, even if not 60.
Stop care about irl money ur in azeroth do the best of it instead of just throw monopoly money in my face u dont know what i would do if i were in ur shoes and have money
I played classic on launch so much u cant believe it but im just level 34 all dam gankers and coward ally just gank me when @Balrok show up and kill them all just 1 shadowbolt and bye bye but we ganked them so hard we forgot to level dawg anyway i played so much even on my job and thats how i got fired
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inb4 classic realm connections 
Anyone who takes the game more or less seriously thinks the same way as far as I can tell.
I can’t think of a worse situation, have a low population server and the vast majority of that low population are still below level 40 after 3 weeks.
How many times must people be told it’s a terrible idea to rush to 60 before they get it?
Magesty since you’re so skilled at leveling why don’t you start fresh on a more populated server, you’ll catch up with everyone else in no time.
I didn’t rush to anything, but you are not intelligent enough to understand any arguments above.
The server is dead. I make a search on the AH for basic gathering materials and there is none. Zero. I tried to sell basic gathering mats for over 3 weeks now and they don’t sell, ever. Like mithril bars, rugged leathers etc. They go below vendor price on AH, if they ever sell.
I bought off all the wicked claws from the AH for 5 silvers and 10 coppers. They vendor for 5 silvers and all my mailbox is filled with them.
I checked on other servers they are 5g each, and they sell like candies on the AH.
Do I have to explain more? The server is dead, period. It has nothing to do with levels.
There is probably something like 2% of the total population who are at level 60 right now. You’re going to have to let everyone catch up before you can proclaim the server as dead.
Done that dude thanks. I will keep bumping that topic.
@ tem:
Yeah I gave it 2 weeks after I got to 60 and it’s day 15 today. Still no signs of any server economy.
Also maybe that 2% is correct for this dead server. But on full servers like golemagg, gehennas and shazzrah all end game content is being cleared for 2 weeks+ now and there are even people with full tier sets.
So that 2% wouldn’t apply there, which is again the problem.
As a last note (i will return back to the game): Some people might like to be in a super casual dead server with no raids and no endgame content. I don’t enjoy that, so if they could give us the paid transfer on a 1 year cooldown or something, I will just leave the server and people can keep enjoying their super exciting stockades runs on this server.
I respect that. And Blizzard should respect people like me who are stuck in a limbo.
They should just merge two low pop servers, paid faction transfer at £20 a character is a joke price
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I don’t get it, you rushed to 60 and transferred to a new server where the majority of players will be just starting out at level 1?
You can’t have played casually to have the hours you’re claiming. In fact you’ve pretty much confirmed you’re playing on average 12 hours a day… I play 2-3 hours and am a proud level 35
if you think for a second 12+ hours is casual you need to take a step back and take stock of your life.
What this really reeks of is you power levelled, though you could “get ahead” and manipulate the markets to turn a quick coin etc by jumping to a new server where you would be higher level than 99.9% of the population but it kinda hasn’t gone to plan, no ones buying your stuff and you’ve no one to do end game dungeons with.
Bring 60 3 weeks after release is hardly rushing. In the first week sure.
Nice attempty at trolling but you are still stupid anyway.
One last try:
Being 60 in first 4-5 days is rushing. A lot of people “rushed” in large servers.
Being 60 in 7 days is not that much “rushing” but its still a dedication. I did this.
Being 60 in 3 weeks is not rushing, it is super casual. Almost none did this on ten storms. Know why? Dead server.
Having 50 level 60s on a server on day 4-5 means that server is very high-end and competitive. A few servers had this like Gehennas and Shazzrah.
Having 30 level 60s after 3 weeks on a server and doing a /who 60 at prime time to get 15 results means that server is garbage.
Can’t really simplify this more. If you can’t even understand this, go try brain surgery or something, I’m not an expert on that.
We didn’t roll on these servers consciously. In the first 2 days of launch none really knew which servers would end up empty or dead. Blizzard asked players to choose new launched servers and that’s what we did.
So we are right now in a dead server since we listened to what Blizzard asked us to do.
Use your brain.