Pause button in m+

well cant order other ppl what they will do and how they will do … if u do that way that doesnt mean that other ppl have to do same thing

Yeah so if they make keys not lower and someone wants to leave my key to eat a slice or two, I won’t mind too much as I can just try again.

What if they pause, eat their entire pizza and are then too sleepy to continue? Then my key is lowered and I had to wait for them to eat an entire pizza.

dont forget reason why m+ is fun, it is because it can fail and that it scales, you play good and do good runs, u keep on climbing, u do rotten/bad grp u fall down. there is reason why it feels good to time new dungeons, because it can fail!, and when it dosnt fail it feel so good
If you are at the right lvl… and thee right lvl can be any key lvl depending on the person.

Take the bad with the good, i cant force ppl to see my pov, but i gave some attempts.

Have a good day all.


This is one of the dumbest comments ive read on the forum this year. Congrats.

‘‘Oh no i did a fk up!! time out please!! Let me try again!!’’

It would be great but people against are here just to disagree for attention points (LOOK I HAVE DIFFERENT OPINION).

Looks like you know nothing about but for some reason you think you’re an expert xD

Pause wouldn’t hurt ANYONE and would help in some cases. If anyone thinks this would give huge advantage they should get some sunlight :wink:

Also you can communicate prior to activating the timer for bathroom breaks. If you ordered a pizza then simply don’t queue for M+ until it has arrived and you have eaten.
Sure sometimes unconventional things might come up and you legit get dcd. But that happens and you just need to chalk it up to bad luck.

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I think the portion of times where a break is acutally warranted is so low its not worth adding a feature like this at all. A feature like this would very likely just cause more problems not to mention require alot of work. Because if its avaviable more people will try to paus the games for even lesser things and it would reduce the pace of the game in a negative way.

Sure sometimes you might fail a key due to someone needing to afk for abit but those times are far between and mostly you can finish the key anyway but not in time which is fine. Most disbands arent due to afk or someone needing a min.

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What’s dumb is going into a key if you can’t commit to the run.


While I think a pause button is not needed in any content of WoW… If there will be one added, it should work like in the Game Northgarde. Players can pause the game:

  • Only in Coop Modes
  • Have a limited amount of “Gimme a break” uses
  • Players can still manage inventory and leave groups without penalties (if needed)

I mean let’s be fair.
How many IRL problems can’t be avoided with a bit of planning or just postponed by simply saying “wait i will get to you in 20 min” ?

If the problem is something so big requiring your immediate attention, probably you won’t be done in a minute anyway so at that point, who cares about the key. And i am not gonna sit there waiting 20 minutes till you sort your real life off because, guess what, other people play in their free time as well so by blocking a 30 min runs for “X minutes” you increase the chance of other people stepping into IRL issues as well, prologing the run even more or making it end up with a disband.


If I have to pause the game every time somebody needs it I’d get very frustrated. I want to play. It’s like being stuck in the traffic and seeing your exit in the distance… anxiety level 90000

No thanks,

It will degenerate into some tryhards making complicated play by plays for every pull by pausing the game before a new pull.

For the people that need to pee or check on a loud bump or child, while its suboptimal it shouldn’t ruin your key. If it does than accept it or plan ahead better.

You are 100% right about this, but even if 1/10 keys get ruined because tank/healer has to afk 1 minute, its still too much. I can think of NUMEROUS situations that can occur that you cant plan for.

Also to circumvent this being misused, everyone should be allowed 1 minute each for break and only one time / key.

But how many of those numerous situation that you cannot plan around can be solved in 1 minute?

runs out in the kitchen

This is just an example that you can not plan around. Meanwhile your team wiped on the boss.

If you get treated like that for such a trivial thing you have worse problems than wiping on the boss honestly.


Not really, I think most people ever lived with a partner have experienced something similar and it doesnt imply that its happening often or all the time. Im just giving you an example of everyday things that can happen randomly to people that takes 1-2 minutes.

I got dced today in a M+ which ruined the key. was down, was even on rio which worked fine etc.
Very strange.
Took me 5 minutes to log back in, 2 dps already left, we redid the depleted key and timed it +3.
A pauze button would’ve helped in this case for sure.

No way the pause would work mid-combat honestly and again i don’t think it would be viable to have a personal pause to use whenever you like.