Pause button in m+

Whats next quick save feature in M+?

this only applies if you have overgeared people, knowing what they re doing who absolutely smash the content.

if you have undergeared people or people who have “normal” item level aka are still progressing gear-wise cant go afk this long, they dont have that much time to spare. 5 min going afk? no way.

It can easily work without it being overgeared, but you do have to know what you are doing indeed (or atleast you need a tank who knows what to pull, and you need your DPS to do moderate amount of DPS.) Most of the time all you need is your DPS to know their rotation and cooldown usage, and a tank who can pull around those CDs.

If you are undergeared for the key level you should not queue for it, really. Also define undergeared here. What counts as undergeared for a +10 for example? “normal” gear level is perfectly fine for the key difficulty, not being able to utilize it can be an issue that reduces the amount of idle time you can have.

Show me where I said “I’m an expert”, otherwise its just you saying stuff for the sake of saying it.

If you’re going to say something that pretty much resembles “lol no” then you could at least do some explaining as to how a pause function would work without it tying into the back end because WoW isn’t a Peer to Peer networked game.

i dont want to be that person, but looking at your dungeon history… i dont think you really know what you re talking about. the people you re running with are all 2.5-3k rio and most of them have 4 set pieces, like the 4 set bdk tank. they know definitely what they re doing.

try running dungeons with people who have a similar score to you and then tell me if you still have 5 min to spare to go afk.

thats why i put normal in quotation marks. you dont need a high item level or set pieces to clear content. you can time 15s just fine with what others would probably consider undergeared, thats what i was trying to get a cross. but you definitely wont have 5 minutes to spare.


Yes, their primary content is M+, so they focused on it first thing the patch came out. My focus is on raiding, so I was only doing a key a week for the vault (it is also why my score is so low. I did not have much variation in keys.)

I do not pug, so that is not going to happen.

I guess we have to agree to disagree on this point.

Don’t get married. It’s that simple :wink:

yes, because there is literally no way the average person has 5 minutes left in +15s every time.

im not trying to call you out or anything like that, i dont care what or how people play, but speaking from experience, 5 minutes arent feasable for most people unless they have a team who know what they are doing and have the equip/tier/experience to do it.

I mean… have you all played Shadowlands at all??? The timers on those dungeons are much tighter than my … :thinking: … … bank account :poop:

I like the idea of a pause function, but I also concede that if left as is, it would soon be abused.

A pause function would be very handy and would allow for cases where (as has been listed above already) someone has a dc, power outage, emergency phone call, child suddenly crying out etc etc.

However there needs to be constraints on its use,

  1. An 80% majority of party members have to accept for a pause to go into effect
  2. A pause may last for no longer than 15 minutes
  3. You start the run with 1 pause and cannot accrue any further pauses on top of the 1 (like combat rez for example)
  4. Once a pause is consumed it has a 20 minute recharge timer
  5. All ability cooldowns are frozen. If you have a 12 minute cd on salv when you start a pause, you still have a 12 minute cd when it ends, if you are out of mana at start, your are still out at the end etc etc. No debuffs are removed, or anything.
  6. Similarly like above, your characters are now frozen, you cannot move, check gear or anything until pause ends.
  7. Given its very limited use and long recharge time there is no need for a separate scoring system or additional death tally. Given you are trying to rush against the clock for extra points already, I hardly think people will play slow just to use it again.

Additionally I think other new mechanics could be brought into play (off topic now but valid all the same)

People are plagued by people leaving groups and keys are then ruined. I think in a similar fashion to a pause the only way to leave a Mythic+ should be linked to votes.

Until the run is finished, no one in the instance can leave via the entrance, no one can hearth, even ninja logging and using the nearest grave yard option from support would be ineffective until any of the following are fullfilled.

  1. The M+ key has been completed be it in or out of time.
  2. A vote is put forward asking party members to agree to disband the run, for which a 60% majority vote is required.

With the above, right click leave party would be disabled also, as would uninvite.

These kind of rules would make people think carefully before they use pause pause (and not be able to abuse) and also get people to think about joining groups without being able to troll people by joining, waiting till you start the key then leaving after the first trash pull or as the key was started.

I know what I’d do if I’m in a group I don’t want to be in if that was implemented. I’d go afk until they vote to disband or simply just not play good enough for us to get through it or just alt+f4 and go do something else.

Fair enough. To counter that then perhaps a new metrics for blizz to follow (we know they love their metrics) and that is if participation level does not or is deemed to be afk’ing etc or auto attacking etc, you are then locked and barred from any M+ on your character for a period of 1 week + additional days remaining of the current reset.

I am not going to lie, it is people that simply leave cause they cannot be arsed that are also part of the problem. Given your reaction I assume you are one of those.

If you are looking to push scores, then you are more likely to find like minded groups instead of trying to use people “For weekly” keys and then being all hurt its not being nuked down at lightening speed.

I mean lets face it, if your in a full pug group and there is a genuine reason to bail your likely to find 2 others in that group to agree with you, that is unless you knowingly joined a group intended or aimed at finishing the run regardless of time status, in which case it is a you problem.

I don’t join those groups and leave.

Start punishing people that are below the healer on DPS then. Like, actually ban them from the game for griefing. When you’re in a key and it’s not advertised as a key for weekly, you can’t seriously expect someone to stay as the healer when you have dps that are below the healer.

not if you limit it to 1 pause for lets say 5 minutes max. I mean we had that option in warcraft 3 and no one really “tryharded” with it, it was 99% of time used for proper reasons.

you gotta open a door, child crying or something, just a disconnect, etc etc. and not to mention a lot of competitive video games have a pause function as well on competitive scene ( for example league)

its a really simple decision, would it do more good than bad? if yes then you have your answer.

This already exists in raid encounters which have multiple phases and cutscenes, like the sylvanas fight for example.

Did we play the same game?

People just paused to annoy people.

:joy: your opponent could unpause the game, you had to have entire group in agreement in order to keep it paused, what are you even talking about? :joy:

It’s simple.

Just like other poster said - it would be the same mechanic as one during Murozond encounter or Elisande - all buffs, cooldowns and movement are frozen. So mechanicaly - absolutely no problem.

There should be restrictions of course, such as you can’t use it combat or only party leader can pause/unpause the game. To avoid abusing trolling you can leave party causing you to teleport outside after 1 minute.

As for communication during pause, there should be just limit to pauses - really, this is so small advantage I wouldn’t even bother to do anything with that.

But of course people can see past abusements - what I’ve learnt from these forums: “If solution fixes 100 problems but 1 creates trivial problem - it will be hated”.

that’s how some peopel in this thread sound on god. pause could help greatly with m+ but someone has to make some extremely extreme extremist example to why it’d be bad :joy: wow community is something else

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Wow brain is a real thing