Pause button in m+

Mh maybe a 5 min max, 1 time per dungeon, vote based pause system that can only be triggered outside of combat,with the possibility to leave mid pause could work.

But it should really be something you use out of a really important matter.
Big no to multiple pause, in combat pause or things like i have seen suggested in this topic that would become annoying real quick.

yeah like I said in my original post, have it meet few criterias:

  1. out of combat
  2. entire group agrees to it
  3. limited to 1
  4. lasts 5 minutes max

Fixed it for you. Get a better partner that doesn’t treat you badly or can’t wait 20 minutes because you’re busy with something.


Guess this would need to be 4/5 cause if one dc and count as online you cant pause. But overall i could be fine with this version.


So a basic theory with no knowledge of how it would work on the back end.

There’s no shame in admitting when you don’t have the answer.

“Son, people have broken into the house and they’re stealing from us”

You don’t have proof that

is true, yet you stated a fact because you said so xD

I literally wrote already existing mechanism. IN GAME. You’re just another vinzora-like poster cherry-picking replies fishing for attention. Bye.

This must be because you cannot answer my question.

Its not the same thing.

No, you just cannot accept that I disagree with you. Resorting to a poor comparison just shows how poor your argument actually was.

lol… doees the run even matter at that point.

Lets make some real clown fiesta here since u try act funny.

‘‘on, people have broken into the house and they’re stealing from us’’

Np i can pause wow for 1 min now! not a issue, just hope the robber leaves within a min…

like /facepalm mega pepega

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Maybe don’t go in keys when you know you have a delivery due (because deliveries don’t always arrive perfectly on schedule)?

Don’t answer it. Why give other people the power to dictate how you spend your time by rushing to answer the phone the moment it rings? Let them talk to voice mail and call them back when you’re done.

(Emergencies aside, of course, and if it’s an emergency they’ll call again immediately if you don’t answer. I liked the old landline answer phones for this reason. You could listen to them speaking to it and decide whether to take the call right away.)

“Can we just pause the key for a minute because there’s a burglar in my house?” LOL

This kind of thing happens to me rather a lot. Keyboards have liquid traps to avoid it getting into the electronics. If it was on the PC itself, you’re already DCed and your PC is dead.

My friends know better than to ‘stop by randomly’ - that’s how we’ve stayed friends. My family all live in different countries, but even if they ‘happened to be in the area’ they’d know better than to just turn up on my doorstep.

Not if you schedule the delivery.

To the OP, this is the most absurd idea ever. One of the key features of MMOs is that they happen in real time, there’s no pause, and the ‘lives’ of other characters within the MMO universe continue even when your character is offline. To introduce any kind of pause would be fundamentally opposed to a core principle of MMO.

If there’s an actual real life emergency, it takes precedence over a game. Always. But most of the things that happen during keys are not emergencies, and can be safely left until the key is over.

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“Delivery expected within 7-14 working days”

Well…better just sit next to the door for a week…

still if u dont want pause … u dont need … that doesnt mean that other ppl dont need pause button … simply this is not real life this is just a game

Only humans need a break. You can’t convince Blizzard with arguments like this.

If it’s that important, I hope you do sit next to the door for a week. Don’t go out to work, to shop, don’t shower… yeah, right.

Show me the company that doesn’t have tracking for what they send today and I’ll show you a company that needs to get with the times.

that is actually great suggestion. I suggest also make in-game suggestion so it goes to devs.

Yep, think we need to stop making more and more content easier. Mythic+ is supposed to require dedication and skill, the timer is a part of that.

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Lol seriously recognise, that there is something in yourselves that requires a calmer approach and less prickly pears. I know you will all probably find a way to take offence, but as I have typed. If you need a pause button, it’s in your own heads. Its not about Pace and RACE its about cool heads prevailing. The dedication and skill only comes from one thing. Application of thoughts. For you and others. Most forget to even communicate to take an invis pot until they are past the mob and, then typing in on party members… where’s ya pots, where’s ya pots… on people as i do souly in general. out of group…

See it for what it is. 0.0

SLOW down. Or do you need another interactive race to get the message when you click in on them.

Separate what you read.

Appreciate the pause.

Know your mind.

Stop forcing burnout, That is no race or game at all.

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You make the server.

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Aka Mental fart and mental Burps. To busy concentrating on application of the next heart murmur.