Pause button in m+

This is such a weird concept, people act as if you need multiple pauses longer than a minute in a dungeon that only lasts 30 min.

If you play low keys and u have to answer the door, go answer it and 9/10 times you’ll still time it if you’re any decent.

If you play high keys then schedule yourself for 30 minutes.

Idk why we have to have a system in place for people to constantly pause just because they cannot make 30 min free time out of their day when they sign up for that.

If something happens that needs your urgent attention then go do it, priorities?

What if someone pauses it and they dont come back in ages and you have 4 others waiting for the one, nah. Just not happening, schedule your time better or don’t participate in timed content when you know you won’t be able to make it for it’s duration.

a death is more than 5 sec, yes it cost 5 sec to die, running back takes longer, or ressing takes 10 sec, and then if u wanna eat food again thats 10 sec. and the actuall loss of dps while ur dead.

What im trying to say is that a death is much more than 5 sec delay. more like 15-30 sec per person. maybe even more if its a full wipe and u have to run long away.

So a pause if they bring it, would have to cost 3-4 min of timer.

No way, players are going to abuse pause button for fun like votekick. :rofl: :globe_with_meridians:

simply everyone have right to participate in timed content … and just bcs something happens in real life … key should not be broken just like that … if someone knocks on door … or mail come and u might need to sign … and all other real life things … or family member forget key and cant get into apartment they should not wait outside of until u finish key … and there is really a lot of things… just if u dont want pause that does not force you to use it … and nothing will change to you if others use it simply dont play with them … and lot of thing before ppl was telling dont put into game and later no one was complaining when came into game it will be same with pause button

every onee has the right, You are correct. this does not mean every can time it without or with pause. there is one way to time more dungeons, and that is to play better,plan better.

Sure, there’s already mechanics in raids that do exactly that.

Maybe it’s very hard to implement in a dungeon environment, but there’s already effects to stop any CD recovery, DoT, HoT, etc etc etc…

The most recent example is the fight against The Jailer when it phases, but as I said, maybe it’s hard to code in the engine for all the dungeons with the mobs and everything else.

Also, as others pointed out, it should be limited so it’s not abused in some way. I would say one pause or two allowed per run would be it.

Nobody is saying you’re not allowed to play Timed content, just that theres no need to pause the game because you cannot allocate time for it.

If you are busy and choose to do timed content you have to face the concequences.

simply u will not lose anything with pause button … and m+ is only timed content in the game there u dont have any option to break … even in the raid the longest is 10 to max 15 mins and u can if u fail u have another pull … but in m+ u have to be 30 mins on pc and if u waste time u will key lower key and instead of +1 u will get -1 and u will need lot of time … whole hour at least to place key on level where was suppose to be

Blizz will never let u relax in their favorite esport gameplay.

One little tips I want to share is:

  1. Go to WC before the run begins
  2. Get yourself a glass of water before it begins
  3. Make sure you don’t w8 on pizza delivery when you start
  4. Please smoke before joining
  5. Charge your headset, keyboard, mouse before joining a group

Please and thank you! :slight_smile:

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World of Elderly

ok what about … when someone is nocking on door? … when someone forgets about key … what about when postman comes with something what u need to sign … what about when tank gets dc or anyone else gets dc …

Easy! Say: I have to go irl emergency and start a new group when you have time to play once more. It isn’t the whole world imo!

But I would love to see non depleted keys instead. That would ease much suffering for ppl!

simply m+ need pause button … this is game … this is not real life … and also ppl who cant have 30 mins of time to not move in real life also deserve to do m+ in time

Simple, if its important they’ll come back… If I’m in a key I’m in a key. Any packages or w/e i can pick up later… neighbor wants a beer, we can do that another day…

still … random dc … and this kind of random things can always happen … and still ppl dont deserve to fail key bcs or real life … to many ppl cant play m+ bcs of real life things

If you can’t, then you shouldn’t be playing in the first place as you’re supposed to work.

If you’re not working then that’s your free time and your boss is not supposed expect you to be at his disposal.

If exactly that actually is his expectation: Change the boss.

simply u dont understand that in real life there is a lot of thing which are more important than game … simply if family member forget key of and u need to open… or mail coming and u need to sign up … also someone can knock on door … and other things

And you don’t understand that those four others you are playing with are also real people that comitted their time.

On a football match you surely can leave the pitch to take a phone call. But the referee will not stop play until you return.

So if there is an emergency (or whatever you think is an emergency…a ringing phone or doorbell is not imo) then tell your group. Normal people will proceed without you or even wait for you.
Toxic people on the other hand…let’s just say it’s not your fault if their perception of life is faulted…

still only football dont have pause … all other sports game pause … and simply just bcs some ppl dont want pause in m+ … that doesnt mean that ppl who want pause for 2 or 3 mins are not deserve any pause … simply just play with ppl who you want … no one will force you to play with ppl who want pause if u dont want … same opposite way