PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

To my knowledge this draenei isnt a Usual Suspect ao I don’t want to assume just yet

Wasn’t even assuming they were the usual subjects.

Just deducted based on; “what rubs Stormwind RPers up the wrong way the most?”

Chiming in with two cents on behalf of TRC.

While I wouldn’t say it “kill’s normal RP”, it certainly is a problem. My guild has been burned in the past by the ‘Anti-PCU’ crowd, some of which assume we are part of the PCU, and have given our members abuse in whispers or ignored their characters, even though we are not PCU. Nor ever have been.

The role of being a fence-sitter is getting increasingly harder, as the people who are anti-PCU are more and more taking the stance of ‘if you’re not against them, you’re with them’. The answer is, we do not care for your B.S. We have nothing against the PCU and are pleased to interact with everyone.


It’s not a hard concept to grasp. People will respond to things relating to their group of friends, the sarcasm is mostly from the fact that 80% of the people responding here got tired of actually trying to have a normal conversation about the topic like 3 years ago.


Maybe it is time for us fence-sitters to band together and form our own party… of fence-sitters. FSU? No, too on the nose…

Based approach


Man I just want to RP. I don’t give a toss about some insaneoid’s long grudge because they had a bad emote fight with Morsteth ( which is actually impossible btw ) four hundred quadrillion years ago.

I will RP with anyone. Yes, even you Pekun. I see you typing.


:crab: :crab:

My RP is ruined for all time due to not being able to RP normally for 1x day due to a riot event.

I quite easily remember this encounter as i was the one saying it was not worth our time, you were rping being rly smug to our faces IC when we simply asked why you were in the area, so we attacked you guys (so not even an ambush lol), followed by you people dodging for all time while still being really smug. Its simply not fun RP for us so why should we bother with that?
FR be honest instead about what happened instead of this weird “Nooo we don’t accept character injury but i will also not mention that we were just being really smug ic to a hostile factions face loool”



“How DARE somebody put an event on that the general populous could join in on in MY area and invade MY space and interupting MY RP!”


Pretty much this. I’m still fresh in that regard and open for conversation. I want to understand both sides, but when I try, a lot of the time I just get “I hate the PCU because of ‘past experiences’” and when I ask for details, I don’t get any. All I get is vitriol flying at me.

When I try to ask for what happened I get nothing. When I ask for the name of a person in the PCU they got wronged by, they don’t have one. We absolutely deal with people when we hear they are acting badly, but if anti-PCU folks never give us a name or concrete stuff, there’s nothing we can do, and it just comes off as baseless hate for the sake of it. So I really can’t fault the guys who’ve been in the PCU for much longer than myself, for not having the patience for futile conversations anymore.

Yea, some people in the PCU have a really rough tone. Even I have been on the receiving end. But it’s all water under the bridge. You end an argument and move on. These 3 year old grudges are ridiculous. Especially when people paint 350+ players with the same brush just because they had a bad encounter with one person in that group.

Meanwhile hardly a week goes by without one PCU guild or another having to deal with RPers throwing either hate or death threats at them.

People whisper newly recruited members in our guilds about how they made a bad choice and how horrible the PCU is they just joined, and how they should quickly get out of there. Again no concrete examples, just “Those guys are evil and you should flee!”

Meanwhile we’re just trying to rp. With everyone who wants too. So this entire “war” feels very one-sided from what I’ve seen.
You don’t have to get along with everyone. Just ignore the individual you have problems with, not their entire guild or community.

And @Seaxwulf you will not get the other half of my face, too! It’s mine! It’s firmly attached to my skull and it will stay there! Keep your chompers to yourself and knaw a bone! :C


In fairness, one could argue that starting a thing in a major city imposes the IC event on everyone around it who’d want nothing to do with it, having to reckon with (the riot) that took place and forced to incorporate it into their own story.

Although this also applies to any old thing like a bar brawl or the hated GUNSHOT that turned old town into gang war central. Anything that interacts with the wider world and other players is an imposition urging others to accept your thing happening, from the moment you click that button to create a character that isn’t actually canon!

That’s just how these things work. Recognising that another player, event or incident exists in your WoW is a choice too. I didn’t much like having martial law imposed back in the day either but as we know, RPing is a cooperative creative exercise: Things that become very difficult to ignore will happen and ignoring them will add up until people exist in what I keep calling mutually exclusive headcanon where they can no longer meaningfully interact.

That’s what’s happened and it’s sad.


While not untrue I’d say that this is simply part of RPing in a major RP hub like Stormwind. I wouldn’t say the same for Silvermoon because it is essentially dead, but if you RP in Stormwind I’d say that events are, as a rule, opt-out rather than opt-in, y’know?

It simply is what it is.


From my own anecdotal experiences, a lot of vitriol is born out of people raising a flag for someone else. I imagine the original incident was likely either miscommunication or a bit of name-calling and it’s just been Chinese whispers and saber rattling since.

A friend of a friend had a bad experience…


No promises.

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More or less, though I’d say there’s responsibility immediately laid at the feet of whoever wants to do a big happening in the major hubs to be decent and reasonable. It’d be entirely unreasonable to impose that the riot mob stormed the keep, killed the regent and set up the Republic of Defias, which didn’t happen.

Now’s it’s similarly unreasonable to do Uldum Agrabah, which did, and it’s my headcanon that it didn’t so here I go ignoring it as an example.

I’d say with the riot people had a chance to opt out of stormwind RP just for that one day since it was posted on the forums i am 99% sure

Because it absolutely is 1 sided, some of these anti-pcu people are just absolutely crazy like when i joined PCU i instantly had some people i considered pretty alright friends to the point we were messaging daily just turn on me and say i am a horrible person.


Yes that seems to be the case. They also never want to divulge the name of that friend of a friend.

Plus I’ve seen people who left the PCU completely go off the rocker and spin a yarn about how they were bullied out, while in reality officers tried everything to help them.
Met the same type of person irl as well, sadly. There’s just some people who completely lose it when things don’t go exactly as they want and misconstrue things to fit heir own narrative, Kellyanne Conway style.

thats when u do the big combo of /point + /laugh at them