PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

It is very very tight knit, the comparisons started when myself and a friend was disgusted in some very odd…borderline forced ERP type situations going on in a community we had just joined, we didnt agree with how things were done, kinda put an end to it then got branded with the “PCU” stick haha, but yeh, is a weird one…no one wants their reputation sullied for next to no reason.

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wow how am i 0% surprised that it’s coomers

Idk, when I joined I felt it friendly and welcoming. Just- They wanted me to stick to lore and offered help if I ever made lore mistakes. I dunno what’s stuck up about that, never had an issue once, because just followed lore and was polite and friendly. But each to their own, I guess.

The only places really looked down upon there are the ones that try promote / force ERP and heavily break lore. No real difference than WoW imop.

yeah we put an end to ERP in the community we was sharing with other guilds and instantly a small crusade was set against us haha, fortunately we’ve recovered but stuck to our ideals and are thankfully beginning to overcome barriers, alot of multi-guild projects going on, so something is working atleast, cant complain.

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Yeah welcome to give or take half the reason why people rage at the PCU.

We don’t want ERPers in the guilds and we don’t want people in general to be ERPing in the middle of hubs but for some reason this is a really big ask.


accidentally finding out about the secretive guild orgy that’d taken place, three months after getting booted from one for not following the railroad hard enough was funny though


Though, NA to note, is -very- ERP open. And positive. Most guilds will have a brothel. Though what I saw was that EU tries -very- hard to keep a difference from NA. However mostly admittedly the aherm- Khajiit and Argonian guilds want to have the NA culture / openess of lore and ERP, rather than the EU’s ways. Though I was told many have moved over to NA because of it. Not sure what it’s like now.

I agree with those ideals, I think if people want to ERP there are other formats for it, not games like ESO or WoW or whatever, the community we had joined was pretty much a personal harem for its leaders, once we discovered this we stamped it out, replaced it n became hated for a while fortunately for us alot of other community leaders shared our ideals and we havent been utterly destroyed by our campaign against that type of behaviour but have infact recently flourished because of those ideals, it was a rough 7 months though I cant lie, we lost a very good officer due to all the drama, which is a shame but I cant blame him for leaving our stance was considered very controversial for a while and we was targetted relentlessly


wish the eso scene had less coomers and shady :poop: going on, seems a good rp setting and i spent months perfecting my ayleid ruin home :pensive:


Good on you, standing up for basic online decency king


very true, absolutely adore the setting/universe and the housing is so cool but m a n

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i’m starting to get the vibe that’s where the whole guild wars 2 piken square degenerate community moved

I wont repeat some of the reasons why we took such a strong stance, I’ll leave it to your imagination, I’m sure you know how perverse/weird some rp’ers really are, the stuff they do IC they could literally go to jail for irl if they done it irl, and I’m not on about stealing/killing either…thats a normal thing for rp.

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based on a cursory of the roster an ESO rp discord i lurk and sometimes post in your not wrong in that assumption :grimacing:

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I sadly - think I know exactly what you’re on about. As a side note, as someone genuinely curious if they should return to ESO. - Is it worth it, or does the community still need a bit more time to calm down? When I was there about a year ago, it wasn’t in the most stable place, drama wise. And there were only about three - four guilds viable

big stickler for me as well, if this has changed it might be of interest, but its impossible to see without being in The Discord™ alas…

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To be honest it depends really, you probably know it can be hard to find decent rp on a daily basis in ESO due to how bubbled it is and how uninvested alot of the rp’ers are, theres a huge tourney/festival that myself and some friends are organising but again I dont even know how successful that will be, theres alot of bubble stuff with ESO…its slowly getting better…more mixing/mingling but its still not quite there yet.


I just want to RP my bosmer werewolf, eat people and worship Hircine :pensive:



So-- most of the anti-PCU group on ESO are the coomers the PCu have butted heads with?

Sounds about right.

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