PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

same for my altmer mage and my bandaari. :pepesadge:

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beginning to seem that way the more I delve into the topic and think on it haha, most the people against PCU in ESO funnily enough are/were against myself and a few of my friends due to our own stances on ERP



Those nerds will do everything to preserve erp because that is the only intimate action they will get aside from their mom bringing them a plate of tendies from time to time.


there was generally a huge stigma against supernatural(vamp/ww) rp, it was that very same community that I started rping in eso with, and was that community that was a hotbed for alot of basically…goldshire/silvermoon type rp, the stigma is disappearing loads though, myself I dont engage much with supernatural rp anymore though, was waaaay too much drama and too small of a community to be able to really do anything worthwhile with once it became fractured

Unsurprising yet still saddening :pensive:

I hoped maybe those people had matured and moved on, not just relocated.

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RP Nord…

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I dunno I’m with Armsmaster on this one. Werewolf good.

one of them i remember before piken when he was just a big pandaren harem gatherer on alliance

he traded furry for rats in asura then traded that for scalies in the form of argonians, just now with a fancier garrison for them

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They won’t, they carry the burden of those 3 things someone said 5-10 years ago in a game.

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Yeah if you go on guild finder in ESO you’ll see loads of guilds that are legit just purely ERP guilds, they even advertise as it, bizarre.
edit: same with the discords, alot of peoples descriptions are pretty insane.

I’ve heard that a certain community (the PCU) is breaking into a certain game (ESO) and has 30+ people playing and roleplaying already and that perhaps you’d maybe be welcome to join were it that you did head on over to ESO …

That’s what I heard at least (really though… we’re recruiting :sunglasses:)


Come Lukas, come friend or traitor come. And bring the screenshots, I have need of them.


An I oop- I feel like this is being done like a drug deal. Oh my goh, where is the secret meeting location? - And where do I have to drop the payment?

Had a whole thing I was gonna write, but I’ll just state instead that this post (which I’ve only quoted part of, but they’re all good points) is one of the best I’ve read so far on this topic. You’re absolutely right after all. A lot of people attribute their grievances to some general toxicity they experienced years ago – and this isn’t just exclusive to the PCU; you saw the same sort of thing with other long-standing guilds, like the Holy Order of “THEY ARE AHG AND WE HATED CATHAN” Lordain (who i realize are also PCU now) – but either don’t take the time to give second chances or don’t care to try talking to people now that they’re older.

I mean, a lot of people that are active now were probably teenagers some 6-7 years ago and it’s just stupid to still be mad at what a literal child said to you on the internet after this much time. You can see it on the forums and everything: people are way more chill now than they were in MoP and WoD (when RP was at its “peak”). I mean, y’all remember Red August? Or every other public meltdown? People treated those things like “sport”.


I wish you guys the best of luck, having learnt abit more today one bit of advise I would give(you dont have to take it ofc) is if you are active on ESO, dont tell anyone your PCU, I came here today to learn abit more because on ESO PCU is an insult, an insult levelled at myself and my friends and some others due to whatever stances people take, I wont be excluding any PCU folk from any multi-community projects I do though regardless of backlash that may come…again though, wouldnt be so quick to tell anyone on ESO your a PCU guild. Its a very small market and taking certain stances can nearly destroy your community over night, we have taken an absolute hammering recently, lost an officer…a good few members.

Why does my life gotta be collateral damage in your post man? :pensive:

May I ask what your projects are called? Or how I may look into them when / if I rejoin ESO?

I love this pandaren and want to hug him! <3

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We had/have the Court of Thorns community, a supernatural community that is but that has become very inactive past few weeks due to alot of the drama I mentioned, however we have a strong solid small core of members(alumni I like to call them haha) that have branched off and created their own mini communities we hope to grow still early stages however, as for the main project myself and some friend were focused on really was The Hammerdeath Arena tourney/festival thing we hope to be a recurring 3 day event every few months, theres a discord for both but atm being honest joining the Court of Thorns is abit pointless all the drama took alot out of myself and our officers and we’ve kinda given up on supernatural rp and are delving into other things such as the Sorrowstar Campaign and a good friend of mine has been working on a new Dunmer community with some others, so nothing huge as of yet but alot of work in progress’s going on with dates to be made soon.
edit: hammerdeath arena we managed to book in a bard/perfomers group to provide a martial opening play and performances through out and have also a mercenary guild booked in to provide security, also some merchant rp’ers …merchanting I suppose haha, so when we slap a date on that roughly toward the end of the Sorrowstar Campaign I believe that’ll be a great project to open more mixing/minging in the eso community, we’d had alot of support from other leaders with this aswell, our aim with the Hammerdeath tourney/festival is to provide a platform for numerous other groups/communities and to foster this idea of…lets mingle and atleast TRY and make things work.

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god knows the game could use one man