PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

Yeah, Karvanoppa is a famous individual in ESO lol…for all the wrong reasons, I been trying to encourage a new dunmer community for a while and some of our members went n made one, alot of progress being made aswell atm thankfully so very very soon that’ll take off and just blow up I imagine.


can’t say for much but i’ve been part of EO before and after PCU and personally i enjoyed it better before we joined but that’s not to say it wasn’t all bad stuff with the PCU. I used to really hate PCU but the friend i made on Ebon Onslaught has a bit opened my eyes but what i semi dislike(personal thing, nothing else.) is the campaigns, was in another guild before we had to disband due to some bad eggs.

We had a chill day off in the Goblin “town” in Northern Stranglethorn while PCU had their campaign there and was approached by an orc (don’t remember his name or guild as this was a good while ago and didnt think much of it) who chastised us for having fun in a “warzone” when we didn’t really know or care that the PCU was having a campaign but this guy from my view was kinda wierd as lore wise there is not much interest in Stranglethorn with the Gurubashi threat wiped out for good more or less at this stage.
So why would there be a skirmish or what it now was going on? And i do excuse my grammar, have always had a bad time with it due to my ADHD. If i come off as negative it’s not my point, personally i don’t care what guild people join PCU or not as long it’s not that goldshire one which a certain streamer interviewed.

We had a member of I think I know what guild your on about join recently, a certain draenei “female” lead guild based in goldshire? he was ranting about it, saying how evil the PCU were or w/e I done abit of research said my opinion on that guild he then accused me of being whatever, n yeeted him tbh, mad ol’ stuff.
edit: just to clarify abit more, its all these accusations that lead me here today more than likely annoying you guys haha sorry, I know im an outsider, just curious is all.

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Very much indeed.

I have only one response to this: AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH

On a more serious note, your thing in ESO sounds pretty much exactly like what we do in WoW. Good luck with everything!


thank you, I think so too, I wasnt sure what to think of you guys because I try not to base an opinion off one side of events, but it seems alot of your detractors are also mine, for alot of the same reasons it seems I too wish you luck with your campaign against such odd behaviours.


I just want to be a crime committing feline without being associated with these people please i beg


I think instead they should tell everyone who’ll hear it, sounds much funnier

true which makes it a perfect place to set up plots of our own! If I remember right there was a banshee loyalist-fuelled scheme in the works there to resurrect a particularly nasty loa, which the horde and alliance promptly went to nip in the bud.

And then the horde and alliance had to share a region for the duration of that campaign so that went as well as you might expect.

If it was a bunch of hidden loyalists i can see the reason, didn’t do much research. And i can very much see how well it can go. Lmao.

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Because we Dust Devil are masters in collateral damage.

I mean if you want to, go ahead, may not be the best thing to do before you have your feet on the ground there though, I would suggest cementing yourself before putting that brand on yourself there.

you convinced me, currently packing my bags

Hrmn. Is there anything for any altmer (dunmer is also acceptable) chads?


Dude, ESO is amazing as a game. I’d honestly play it but looking for people to play it with sucks and I heard the RP is mega exclusive because of one realm for US and one realm for EU

For you Aerilen, there will always be a place among us [twitches somewhat after saying this]

(@Sovereign#0004 … give me a message … perhaps we can strike a dark bargain and we can hold hands and become as one in ESO)


There be some cool altmer people about, but alot of mixed groups really, and more cross community stuff beginning to take place Sigtryggr/Cassander#2709 add me up if you want, ESO is a slower moving community though its not really as open world spontaneous and what not rp wise, not as large a community as WoW

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Thats not how you spell bosmer or orsimer…

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look at this cool gothic armour I have in ESO


hahah, I wont even insult bosmer or orsimer there be some bada**** about.

Wow u look … positively … BADASS

Now join the PCU on ESO Telaryn … !