PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

Join me on ESO, it is the only way.

here’s a keep I made for my knight


There’s a forge / stable / training area outside that’s still WIP. The forge and stables are done, but I’m currently struck trying to figure out how to make the training area with my remaining 30 slots.

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I gotta ask, does the PCU have a presence as a community in FF14?

I don’t believe so, but there are quite a few people from AD there from all RPing groups, some of us play together.

Speaking of FF… anyone from Mateus?

Omega (or Chaos based servers) or death!

Death it is… (I did start a char on the Chaos center)

anyways back to ESO

Back to Tamriel…

I am on Mateus if you want to play at some point. Alyndaria Naese is my char name

Crystal data center represent

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What story are you playing through?

Sure thing, mine is Byrt Merltrach.

I’ll add u homie

Not in a real notable way but bundle of people from the PCU have been checking out ff14 lately.


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real life is dead to me, ring out that final bell


I recently made an Orc Dragonknight (not one IC…) faithful to Trinimac and played through the Wrothgar DLC and finished it last night - it was v good (except the part where I had to kill the Vosh Rakh) :]

Do you have to pay a sub to play the game like with WoW? I heard the questlines are fun and stuff and such so I really wanna try it myself

PSA: If you don’t play Covenant, you’re canonically wrong and I refuse to associate with you


Only in the full version, there is the free trial version