PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

Oh I may get to playing it then, now to find ppl. Also, seems that you cannot add someone on FF14 unless they’re online. Pepesadge

As Zagkush says, you can buy the baseline game and have all of the baseline content and zones without any form of extra recurring payments, but I’d also (personally) argue that ESO+ is very much worth it

It effectively gives you all of the DLC alongside it for just being subbed, an additional inventory just for your materials that sends them all there amongst other various bonuses (including an XP increase, afaik). The game is totally good and fine without it, but as a newfound ESO shill I will forever tell people to subscribe


I am a Bosmer in the Cov, does that count?

I’m yet to do that, I’m actually playing through Elswyr because I stopped playing when it came out. I like dragons me.

I’mma guess mostly on EU servers?
I have a feeling they would HATE Balmung at least.

Depends. Do you spell it Y’ffre or Jephre?

Correct. Omega on Chaos, if I’m not mistaken.

Only way

Cheers, life is good again.

I would say buying the base game first can be a trap, since if you then want to upgrade it’s best to buy full version of newest expansion that gives you base game and all the major old expansions with it. Though then if you don’t wanna throw large ammount of money ahead I suppose it’s a decent option for a try. If you keep being subbed to ESO+ later you can play old expansions and DLCs save for newest one anyway.

The former, I don’t want to get taken out by a gypsy cat.

Thank you kindly, friend. I may get into ESO eventually since it does look good and I’ve heard I can play a templar healer or something else like a druid as a healer. So I’m looking forward to that

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Your Covenant citizenship has been revoked.

Based Daenians worship Jephre :pray: :pray: :pray:

Caska knows where I live and I’m not getting mauled.

Let me know if you do Alyn . . . perhaps I will be able to offer you a home there :sunglasses:

I would be glad if you did . . .

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Can someone explain to me why these two words are in the same post

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Never trust a Br*ton, even Bretons don’t trust Bretons

Redguards are amazing. I vaguely remember playing the game 2 years ago. Very vaguely. There was some desert place, then some orc island with stone ruins. That’s all I remember

But yes Bretons bad

Nothing supported yet. But a few players are lurking in the EU cluster used for RP. Omega? Chaos? I forget which one’s the datacenter and which one’s the server.

Offer me a home!