PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

Is my pocket not good enough for you?!

If you want to go on a RP server, Balmung & Mateus are the biggest. While Balmung is notorious for its goldshire 2.0 that also happens to be near the main hub for RP, Mateus is pretty chill and has cool communities to interact with, from what I gather

Because High Rock is consistently through out the eras the golden child of the Empire and is canonically the most prosperous region of Tamriel due to the metropolitan trade hub that is the Iliac Bay region – nothing can be shipped from the Sea of Ghost (skyrim) to the Abecean Sea (Gold Coast) without first stopping somewhere along the breton port cities. Not to mention it’s rich in natural resources with the largest deposit of Orichalc in history being discovered under Emeric’s rule who has been shown to be a genuinely shrewd and clever politician like a Breton King should be in a nation of silver-tongued merchants where politics are the national sport.

Not to mention the other faction leaders are either a second life Lion’s Rest RPer who’s a noble | rebel | adventurer | queen | warrior, but also canonically an illegitimate ruler according to lore relevations in Summerset, and then a random bard who’s only claim to power is that his ancestor was called a coward in front of all the other Jarls, and Skyrim was split in two because they threw a tantrum and ran away declaring themselves the High King anyway despite losing the popular vote – Eastern Skyrim is the illegitimate offshoot kingdom.

also it’s based that the orcs call the Omen of Betrayal “The Visiting Breton”.

OK Ranko you will return to me and my people but on ESO instead of WoW and you will then have a home in the form of a LOVING community (and maybe also a guild or two in the works…)

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I’m into it.

I did made my own FC on Mateus…

Have you fallen in love with ESO so hard that you don’t play WoW anymore?

GOOD … good

Bretons poo their pants (I made this lore up right now!!)

You know what they (I) say … join the Dominion or become a minion

No but wow, that truly is the dream … perhaps I should do this

imagine being ruled by a Lion’s Rest RPer


if you love her so much, why is she not allowed back to her own seat of power

I myself am only on WoW for the RP right now. I feel like a lot of people are. Hence why I asked :smiley:

Perhaps you should . . .

15 euro from WoW would turn to 15 euro for ESO…

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she has to stay in my house for ALL time that’s why

Trust me, this is the only reason I even glance in WoW’s direction at the moment - I would love to ditch the tenner I’m paying Blizzard otherwise

Alwinarwe is infinitely more Altmer Queen than Ayrenn can ever be

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Yeah, if I didn’t have my guild I’d probably be unsubbed right now myself. They’re a lovely bunch.

Maybe then I’d be on ESO…

It could be whoever and I wouldn’t even care to be frank Telaryn, I’m just an elfhead who loves elves … I love ALL elves (except half elves)

Altmer … Bosmer … Dunmer … even Dwemer and Falmer who were both put in a blunt and smoked … I simply love them for all time

[links you “10 hours of hypnosis” youtube video] You will play ESO anyway … !

One of those two is voiced by Kate Beckinsale and that makes her infinitely more baller.

I’m personally on Balmung, but most of the PCU are dabbling on the EU side of things.

I will play ESO anyway…

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I have added thee, Elyrius, I come to forge the pact! ! !

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