PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

YES mate!!! Get in!!! Back of the net


What’s your char name on Balmung?

Then you have seen the terror of ERPers in Ul’dah. The most fun thing about it is that most of them aren’t even from Balmung themselves

Staying away from Balmung then…

I love how this entire thread has flew off the rails and is now about ESO.

Please, continue. No stinking Thalmor though.

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Dunmer are best elves

Hlaalu Battle-Merchants :handshake: Breton Merchant Knights

the only redeeming quality about Ayrenn who’s character is otherwise literally the kind of trash tier second life RPer you’d find trying to hook up at Lion’s Rest.

She ran away, renouncing her claim on the throne because the snobby nobles of Alinor are so stuck up and they just don’t understand me :rolling_eyes: and adventure the world as a Neutral RPer until her dad died and she suddenly realised that she is the chosen one who needs to save the world and unite the Dominion while sparking a civil war due to her breaking just about every law and tradition conceivable along the way (societal laws among Altmer are so strict that they can execute you for just publicly embarrassing yourself. There’s one quest where you can decide whether a noble gets executed for spilling wine.) but it’s handwaved away because Ayrenn is the chosen one and everyone who doesn’t unconditionally love her is written narratively as an evil meanie who is wrong.

Not that she ever had a claim on the throne in the first place - Altmer heirs are born inherently illegitimate of the throne. To make their claim legitimate they need to study statecraft for 10 years among the Sapiarchs before they can ever be recognised a rightful ruler.

Naemon is the rightful ruler by law because after Ayrenn renounced her studies, Naemon went through the trouble of legitimizing himself as the rightful King until Ayrenn suddenly came back one day and took the throne because chosen one and Naemon is written out to be the bad guy for questioning Ayrenn’s incompetent rule.

All of that sounds incredibly biased, but that’s factually what they wrote the story to be. Legally Ayrenn is an illegitimate ruler and even her own seat of power is ruled by a Queen Regent to soft retcon how badly they crapped the bed writing Ayrenn as a character.

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'Ate WoW

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Do I play a templar or a necromancer? These are the questions.

Necromancer?.. ponders

Templar is easy to do well with as a new player while Necromancer has a high skill ceiling. When played right, Necromancer is the top class in the game right now because new class FOTM, but for a new player it can be a little daunting.

My latest character’s a Templar and I have a really cool tank/heal build where I can solo heroic dungeons and be physically unable to die because of the absurdly dumb amounts of self-healing I can pull off. The DPS sucks and that’s why people don’t like the build but I do a gnarly backflip on them

ultimately if you think necromancer’s cool, go for it. You can learn it.

What is the druid-like class? Man I wanna talk to y’all about ESO more on discord but dunno how to reach you

I always tend to gravitate towards either rogues or paladins and I feel like necromancer could be a refreshing break! Gunna have to see what the Altmer attitude to mancery of the necro kind is.

That would be Warden. It was OP when it came out in 2017 but it’s been nerfed since then. I don’t know where Warden stands now but you get to have a cool bear pet


Basically Necromancy (for the most part) in Elder Scrolls is done by summoning a lesser daedric spirit to possess the body. You could summon the original soul, but freshly deceased bodies still have a tether to their soul which makes dominating them difficult and prone to breaking free and murdering the Necromancer if they fail to subjugate them quickly.

It’s easier to simply summon a lesser daedric spirit with no connection to the body to dominate them easily. Anything that could even be misinterpreted as daedric influence = violently killed where Altmer are concerned.

Since Alyn is a paladin on WoW I think her version on ESO would be Templar. But I cba going templar if I’m honest with you, it doesn’t look like my type of smash and hash. So I think I’ll go templar.

FAKH it time to download game

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[nods at you as a dark and ominous silhouette in the distance]

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It is happening

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All this ESO talk…

come nerevar friend or traitor come come and look upon the heart and akulakhan and bring wraithguard i have need of it come to the heart chamber i wait for you there where we last met countless ages ago come to me through fire and war i welcome you welcome moon and star i have prepared a place for you come bring wraithguard to the heart chamber together let us free the cursed false gods welcome nerevar together we shall speak for the law and the land and shall drive the mongrel dogs of the empire from morrowind is this how you honor the sixth house and the tribe unmourned come to me openly and not by stealth it began here it will end here have you any parting words or would you prefer to skip the speeches and get to our business you are the challenger here after all so to you goes the courtesy of the first blow now that you have come to me here there can be but one result many times i have considered offering to share this place with you i considered offering to accept your oath of service you might try to buy my trust by giving me wraithguard keening and sunder i thought we might once again be friends comrades brothers in arms but i have won this place and power by right of conquest by right of daring and enterprise i will not risk it to cunning and deceit i offer you no deals if you are my enemy i cannot trust you and even if you are not my enemy i cannot let you live it wall all be decided here i believe i will prevail but i cannot be so sure and i am vain enough that should i fall i would wish to be remembered in my own words so if you have final questions you would ask ask them now i have final questions i would ask you if you would answer my first question is are you really nerevar reborn that is bitter the gods and fates are cruel i served you faithfully once lord nerevar and you repaid me with death i hope this time it will be you who pays for your faithlessness my second question is if you win what do you play to dow with the power from the heart will you make yourself a god and establish a thearchy or will you complete akulakhan and dispute control of tamriel with the septims or will you share the heart with your followers as i have and breed a new race of divine immortals you will follow the model of the tribunal that is a dull and unenterprising ambition see what the tribunal have done theyve sacrificed honour and dignity of the dunmer race and handed over our ancient land to the mongrel dogs of the empire you may mean well but you lack vision you are not worthy of the heart my final question is if i had offered to let you join me would you have surrendered wraithguard sunder and keening to me to seal your oath thank you for your forthright response and now if you have any questions ask them otherwise you are the challenger i await your first blow i will continue to draw divine power from the heart and distribute it to my kin and followers i will continue to broadcast divine power upon the blight winds so that it will touch each soul on vvardenfell and then more broadly across the waters to the rest of morrowind and tamriel in time every mortal in tamriel shall feel the liberating contact with the divine the sixth house will serve as the elite cadre of our movement as cultists evolve through various stages of enlightenment they will become as suits their abilities either holy warriors or priests their duty is to prepare themselves for service their joy and liberation is to enter even more deeply into the profound enlightenment of the divine dreamworld i will free the dunmer from the imperial yoke and cast down the false gods of the temple i will lead them out of their ancient superstitions and gift them with intimate knowledge of the divine then perhaps when morrowind is once again restored to its ancient glories it will be time to consider whether the dunmer should cultivate ambitions of empire if by my crimes you mean the inevitable suffering and destruction caused by war then i accept the burden of leadership the sixth house cannot be restored without war enlightenment cannot grow without the risk of upsetting the tradition bound and complacent herd and the mongrel armies of the empire cannot be expelled from morrowind without bloodshed as i have charity and compassion i grieve but our mission is just and noble i have no idea what happened to the dwemer i have been denied the opportunity to study wraithguard and i am not sure how much of kragenacs lore was invested in his tools and how much in his own sorcery and mastery i have long studied kragenac and have come to admire his wisdom and craft someday after the campaigns of the sixth house are secure i hope to have time to dedicate to this mystery akulakhan will serve three purposes first it will be the champion of my armies liberating first vvardenfell then morrowind and then perhaps the rest of tamriel second it will serve as a sower and cultivator of the divine substance derived from the heart three it will serve as the prominent banner and symbol of our cause to defy the empire to liberate mortals from ancient superstitions and to glorify our crusade against the gods oh please nerevar spare me i surrender i surrender ha ha ha ha ha farewell sweet nerevar better luck on your next incarnation this is getting tiresome you are a stubborn thing nerevar come on ha ha ha ha oh dear forgive me but i am enjoying this what a fool you are im a god how can you kill a god what a grand and intoxicating innocence how could you be so naive there is no escape no recall or intervention can work in this place come lay down your weapons it is not too late for my mercy omnipotent omniscient sovereign immutable how sweet it is to be a god persistent arent you stupid this is taking too long damn this thing what are you doing what are you doing fool stop this is the end the bitter bitter end


STOP posting about the


critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV!

I’m tired of seeing it!

I was in a server, right, and ALL of the channels were just


about the free trial, which includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn!

I was watching the Tokyo Olympics, and thought "That’s a bit award winning, just like


the Heavensward expansion, playable up to level 60 with no restrictions on playtime!"

I picked up my Champion underwear, showed it to my girlfriend and said: "Hey babe,


sign up, and enjoy Eorzea today!"

This thread has seriously devolved from what it was, hasn’t it…

Yes it’s now my recruitment thread for ESO instead