PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

Only good for cheap labour. Argonians and Khajiit.

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dres are slave restricted over the pact tho…

dabs in telvanni argonians are property argonians are property

Companion rapport increases are sloooow.

I have. They’re just standing there in the Ul’dah inn… like statues.

Frankly disturbing.

I had to jet over to another server to find open RP and I had a pretty pleasant time of it funnily enough.

I’d have to reactivate the sub to find out.

HATE the altmer

they are voluntary workers

This implies there’s something to be proud about in being a Nord

This post was made by The Visiting Breton


Damn, talk about a derailment… then again, thread seemed to have pretty much run it’s course anyway.

I like how the topic went from PCU n anti PCU to ESO. Great game though! RPed for a while but am now like many others hooked in ffxiv, cat girls ftw. :3 xd


There are catgirls in ESO too


The Khajiit also have a lot more and interesting lore.

but not as cute, afraid to say…

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Eh, have to disagree. Humans with cat ears and a tail aren’t too cute.


Nor as strong as involuntary volunteer workers either.

This is what I like to hear … :sunglasses: :+1:

Honestly, I’ve genuinely only heard good things from all the people that we’ve convinced to try or revisit ESO lately … perhaps it’s time that more hop on to that same boat … even YOU, person reading this post

:eye: :eye:


It isn’t just Stormwind. I’m no angel either if anything I am just as bad as the PCU but know it isn’t just Stormwind. The PCU bring it upon themselves however.

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Judging by what I’m privy to about yourself, I find it extremely hard to believe that the PCU is quite as problematic as yourself, Ghormisa - heads will surely roll if I hear anybody trying to compare us . . .


No you’re all just as bad. Difference being I know I am. You all do not then cry victim when you’re called out. :slight_smile:

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You literally whispered members of the PCU to tell them to drink acid, and expressed a wish to slit our throats in front of our families + decapitate us. Kindly go away you awful excuse for a human.


Not denied, but for the sake of not being muted or banned yourself, I would delete it.