PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

I’m OK thanks man


Oddly enough people ain’t gonna take advice from someone that uses 1940’s terminology as standerd. So the door is on the left, kindly see yourself out.


getting called a slur in 2014 RPvP vs telling people to off themselves in 2021, take your pick


The death threats and the accusations of ‘hiding in your community’ just remind me of how predatory it all used to be. Maybe that’s it really, that the hatred comes from a select few individuals who thrive on hearsay and convincing people of things to tear other down using their finely honed craft to try and take down a community who are more likely to discuss things respectfully.


imagine being proud of telling other ppl to drink acid or wishing their throats be slit???

??? what ???

please seek therapy pronto


Ghormisa? More like GHORMLESS.



please seek therapy pronto

I actually am.

The stress I placed on myself was too much and I said those things I really should not have. I let my anger get the better of me. Friends in the last week have come to me and told me I need help and they’re right as you are here.

No excuse for my actions, I freely admit that I said that and it is bad. Really bad. I have nothing to hide in that regard. Do you want to know what led me to saying all that?


I was setting up some RP in preparation with some friends and a select few people at the time I did not know were PCU members. I wanted to keep things small and keep it local to Uther’s Tomb. I had grown tired of the PCU’s presence in Hearthglen, how any other RP had died out and the omnipresent presence that the PCU in Lordaeron had tried to exert over all RP.

I get stressed out to the point I snapped. Suddenly the PCU wanted to start interjecting in to RP I did plan for nor want. But no one in the PCU guilds at the time seemed to understand that. Then I saw a friend stumbled in to a PCU event and wanted to keep him away. I was incredibly toxic to the Ardent Pursuit that night.

Vitsaus to his credit tried to talk me down and calm me, we had somewhat of a civil conversation at the time. But I did inform him then to just leave me alone and that I wanted nothing to do with the PCU. Calming down that night I whispered Vitsaus again and I apologised to him and Naviti for my comments about drinking acid. Things went quiet for about two weeks.

Fast forward and the Blood of Martyrs “Scarlet” guild began to send half a dozen people every night to just attack Uther’s tomb and try to force fighting. I got sick of it and thought “No, this is ridiculous.” and refused to interact with the PCU because it was and lets face it, absurd.

I tried to talk to Lindholm and Vitsaus and I was asked repeatedly to apologise for things. I did apologise to Lindholm for comments I made calling the BoM “subhuman”. That was toxic. He got an apology for that.

I then requested that if I am RP’ing with friends, leave us be. Not everything HAS to involve the PCU in Lordaeron and I know quite a few did not want the PCU to be involved. Argent RP at this point had pretty much evaporated in the region and yet all I was met with from Vitsaus and Lindholm was that I should involve the PCU with everything and that I must plan for them with events etc.

At that point they got two words and I left the conversation. It was pointless and they would not listen nor try and see another’s perspective. It was shortly after this I got super angry. Now again, no excuses but I have always had a temper. A rage. All my life, I’ve been to counselling and therapy before to try and help but as of yet, nothing seems to have worked. I said the comments in the screenshot above.

I am not proud of it. I am not happy with it and to be honest I had forgot I said them. It took me a little while to calm down and I think I passed out that night and it left my memory. It wasn’t until last week I was reminded and reading it back I saw how bad it truly was.

The same day a friend poked me on Discord and saw that I had shared the screenshot of what was said with another friend. Suddenly he was being ostracized everywhere when all he did was try and calm me down which is not shown in those edited screenshots.

I contacted perroy via twitter who informed me he had no wish to interact with me or the other “whackjob”. I said that was fine, just don’t blame others for my actions. My friend was innocent and should not have been burned by my actions. I take responsibility for that.

The crux of all this was no compromise or common sense in thought from the PCU. Not everything in Lordaeron’s RP HAS to involve the PCU but the guilds based there won’t do that. It mostly revolved around conflict RP and that gets tedious very quickly. I know others are tired of it too but this will be denied or refuted.

Again, I take responsibility for my actions and when I am wrong I am the first to admit it, always have. I’m not proud of it, I am not happy with it and I need to seek help as this was 10 steps too far and I am hoping that when I go get it, it actually helps me this time.

But I will forever maintain that the PCU as a whole is not good for anyone but themselves. The reputation they have going back years is deserved. I still want nothing to do with them and now it seems I have my wish. No one in AP or BoM even targets me and I am happy with that.

This is all I have to say on the matter.

Ok, tossing our attentionseeker Ghormisa aside, back to the subject at hand: How do i hook up with our boys and girls at ESO ? I reinstalled the game myself a week back and definately in for giving it a shot.


Your idea of compromise or common sense involves PCU avoiding RP with anyone who is seen with you, basically. If there are 5 other people at Tomb, or in Hearthglen, who are RPing with you, we should “compromise” by avoiding these 5 people just because you are there too.
That´s not compromise, that´s entire guilds avoiding RP with people who might even be interested in RPing with them, just because one person is going to rage whenever we appear.

Are you RPing with friends, though? Or are you RPing with random people? There´s really no way to know and frankly, after your outburst where you acted as if you represented all non-PCU RPers in Lordaeron, it´s kind of difficult to trust your judgement on what constitutes your “friends”.
For all we know, when we see you RPing with two people, those two people can be random RPers who just ran into you while you were at the Tomb and have no problems RPing with us.

Weird, Ardent Pursuit is going strong and we´re definitely Argent RPers.


Thanks for letting us live rent-free in your head all this time.


That sounds like the average 19-28 alternative styled women in my area.

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Or simply a heated Gamer moment.

I seem to also remember (maybe Im wrong), but isn’t ghormisa also the one who fainted IRL (supposedly?) during a koshharg event some years ago because Rotgarde refused to be disarmed for the duration of the event?


Does the PCU have such hyperviolent, insane in the membrane, IC/OOC mixing bellends among its members or are you guys a bit more levelheaded?

Can’t wait for some idiot to portray this person’s handicap as a result of the PCU’s existence too.

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Considering my own interactions with them I find it very hard to believe that this is accurate.

No because people that start going wacko just get booted.


Find out on your own.

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Well… This excalated quickly…

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Every single one of us? That’s an interesting conclusion.


Meds, now!

Fr though am I reading this right is a man saying we are just as bad as him when he wished death upon 300 people Infront of their families all because some PCU men wasn’t allowed to RP with people he Rped with?


An upset about RP in Blizzard’s World of Warcraft should not lead to blacking out and being so abusive as an instinct that you admit to not remembering it.
All this because some people were similarly engaging in RP within zones they’re currently using as a hub. Absolutely sad.