PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

When you are subbed you have full access to all DLCs (in the case of like Summerset, also have access to older expansions) for the duration of the subscription.

You can buy DLCs as a permanent unlock.

Expansions must be bought, but buying the latest unlocks the previous ones as well. Some expansions can be accessed via subscription alone if they’re old enough.

Necromancer can apparently be bought via crowns nowadays. Neat.

Vampirism and lycanthropy are daedric curses, not technically diseases. Also argonians are only “highly resistant” not fully immune. The only disease they’re confirmed to be actually immune to is the Knahaten Flu which is why people thought it was a biological weapon created by the Argonians (it originated in Black Marsh) as revenge for centuries of slavery.

So I downloaded it and got in last night. What a cool blast from the past that was.

I got into the test server, but is there a specific place where the RP is at? Also it didn’t really point me towards where I could do anything like the housing or finding gear etc.

One thing I’d forgotten about the game which I remember really annoying me was how floaty the characters feel, like you’re constantly ice skating.

yeah there’s a whole Thing about it, hit me up on discord and I’ll help you out.

Clearly it disturbes certain people and splits the community. I’ve seen people leave guilds just based on that tag and nothing else. You would say it’s their loss and they are the dumb ones. I say if the tag wasn’t there, there wouldn’t be an issue in the first place.

Nothing is stopping guilds from interacting without the tag, but it allows everyone, including newcomers to the rp and the server, to judge those guilds individually.

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but the over-arching community does make overall co-ordination and co-operation a lot easier as well as allowing superior quality control.

Objectively incorrect. RPers don’t need a community tag to hate to be extremely hateful and malicious towards each other.

I love the hobby, really, but it attracts some absolute rats and snakes, and a lot of easily moldable people that just go along with it.

removing it would, in fact, split a community.


I’m sorry, but I just disagree. I have been on other rp servers and while they all have their problems, I can say with confidence that the whole PCU thing has caused me the most discomfort. I genuinely genuinely wish it didn’t exist.

I have nothing against PCU people and none of them have wronged me. But it’s a source of major annoyance. And I’m not the only one.


And why exactly? What’s wrong with a comunity tag again?

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How’s this work?

Also, if you got rid of it people would be all “they’re hiding that they were in this community! They’re liars and hiding things!” type reaction.

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Because it adds an abysmal amount of totally unnecessary drama that specifically targets a (quite large) group of people.

When I first arrived on AD, one of my first questions was “what even is PCU”. The answers I got varied from “they’re just a community” to “they’re trash, don’t get mixed up, you’ll regret it”.
Having already been in fandoms where even talking to certain individuals would automatically land you in someone’s :poop: list, my first reaction was to run from AD as far as possible.

For most newcomers, their opinion on PCU basically depends on who they talk to first, I feel.

And why again? Because of the anti crowd? We ignore those guys so no drama at all, at least for us.

Fandom person huh? Not a fan of fandoms and I really don’t care what they think, I’m in this for my own enjoyment, not to please drama queens.~

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The drama would remain, people would just ignore former PCU people, and create drama around them still.
Order of Oranaar and [PCU] Order of Oranaar are the same guild with the same people. Getting rid of the tag won’t fix anything. (Good draenei guild BTW)


Removing the tag wouldn’t change anything because there are simply just too many absolutely demented lunatics out there that will come for your blood regardless of what guild you were in. I’ve had my weird share of being Observed by these nutjobs even after leaving the PCU, as far as they’re concerned it’s a permanent branding and nothing you do or say could convince them otherwise.

I don’t know why. But right now it seems like you’re either against PCU or part of it.

Sure there are fence sitters, like me, but they feel like they’re the minority. Even those who don’t hate PCU seem to at least prefer to “stay away from it”, in my experience.

I’d much rather it be “Becky and her clique are nasty, don’t interact” than “those 30+ guilds are off limits, if you want to rp with me”. Is that latter person stupid? Maybe. But sheer number of them on AD ruins it for me.

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Imagine if the only thing you had to worry about in life was some tag on an online community…

Someone educate the unknowing one, but, what does a fandom mean in this context, and why would they not allow you to talk to other persons?

As for the tag, I doubt that removing it would solve anything, and atleast this way it’s immedeatly clear who they’re a part of.

Believe me, it’s entirely possible to be a fence-sitter in this situation. I will admit I have had to tell someone once that it was -I- who decide who I wish to rp with, not someone else, and they thankfully understood. But you just have to be firm in your stance.


30 guilds or one person? I’d choose the guilds personally.
Or just don’t tell them.

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Fandom people are sort of like the anti pcu crowd, if you don’t appeal to their demands or do something they don’t like, they will try and ruin your life forever or throw and tantrum and call you all sorts of names, so stay away from those people.

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I would 100% agree if PCU actually added something substantial to my experience, but it didn’t! It was like any ol guild.

I was more thinking of the amount of people.
It is a community of individuals who may add something to your RP.

Thankfully the few anti-pcu’ers that I know haven’t done anything of the sort to me. I just tend not to discuss you guys too much when I’m with them, works wonders for everyone’s mood and my own sanity.

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