PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

Yeah I remember that attitude on Sha’tar. It was on Moonglade too when I moved there.

Not on Defias Brotherhood though, everyone seemed chill with their lot there.

And then I came to AD and even people on AD thought that way about people on AD.

i always hear of this era but never about what actually happened despite semi-regularly RPing with amarea on GW2 back in the day

It’s only me, really.

We just triggered a lot of poorly RPed criminals and level 58 (not a) DK edgelords. We were something like a mini-PCU at the time.



if you sub you gain access to every bit of content apart from the latest which is Blackwood in this case so you dont really need to buy anything other than the latest chapter n a sub if you want everything, also necro can be bought for like…1000 crowns in the crownstore Im sure, when you sub for a month you get more than that aswell im certain something like 1500-1700 crowns, more than enough to buy necro.

Also, owing to the conversation about cliques, regardless of the clique in question…I stopped playing WoW around end of Wotlk start of Cata(during my time I dont even recall PCU existing, I had never heard of them) and WoW had cliques/communities even then, you cant please everyone some roleplayers wish to do larger more inclusive content than other roleplayers and that generally does annoy the other type of roleplayer, the other type of roleplayer is what I have experienced in ESO and what I mean by that other type of roleplayer is someone who gets insanely bothered by others doing large projects, ambitious projects…because they relate it to some silly idea of “OOC powah”, I experienced this over a decade ago on wow and now on ESO. My only suggestion with stuff like this is if you dont like a larger community doing their stuff…dont partake? no one is forcing you…

Correct, if I’m not mistaken it’s a product of either late Legion or early BfA.

Or I’m just completely mistaken lol who knows

I recall AD’s “premier” clique back then being City Guard/Bloodied Crown/High Court of Chancery n few other similar sized cliques, Horde didnt really have one at the time I -think-, could be wrong…also guys, Ciryl Gane is the best heavyweight on the planet, I knew he was cant wait till he fights(beats) Francis.

Never forget the blood elf community prior to 2013-2014. Aerilen is correct, when he says that community is more benign now in comparison as it used to be, witch hunts and public ignores (ooc and ic) are less to occur cause everyone kinda grew out of that, and primarily all the public (or less so) long-standing opposers of PCU are the ones, who hosted the said cliques ages ago, deliberately forcing their opinion down everyone’s throats.

Hell, they still do :clown_face:


I remember when AD’s cliques used to throw “Civil Death” at anyone they didnt like, those were the days haha(same people would of course always refuse to lose a fight or be killed off themselves though, obviously)

I’ll never forget some of the weird requirements pre-2014 Sin’dorei guilds had. Some of those if they tried those things nowadays, they’d be thrown off a bus. I once knew a guild who’s IC questioning involved sexuality because they didn’t want to risk characters IC contracting some very severe IRL diseases. If you catch my drift.

And I know there were a fair few guilds within the Sin’dorei hub pre-2014 that would take close care to monitor things like that, or outright ban it.

But- Outside of Sin’dorei RP. One thing I will NEVER miss from the Cata-Period… Pack Guilds and-… Worgen Child, Rp’ers. HNgrh…

Like most things in life, I’m not sure about anything. You think you finally know something about WoW’s community and then, wham bam. Turns out you’ve been bamboozled. :sob:

As long as I am sure Child-Worgen Rp’ers and Pack Guilds won’t return…


time to start the [PCU] pack guild.

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i mean, at least if the PCU did it, it wouldn’t devolve into what the typical pack guild does.

Always wanted to make one where they were wandering traders/huntsman who was a pack.

But I really don’t RP on alliance.

true we couldn’t offer people the authentic pack guild experience

I never did that.

What I referred to fandoms was literally fandoms: people who liked to talk about: Overwatch, Clone Wars, Rick and Morty, whatever. Just stuff that has fans.

Oh no, I have not. And frankly I’m not a fan of what I’m seeing. But I stand by my opinion, tho.

I’ll never forget that one Kaldorei embassy guild setting up shop right in the middle of Silvermoon. Didn’t much help their image that the leadership were ERP fiends / groomers behind the scenes.

Sometimes “the good old days” really are better left in the past.

Before I joined the PCU with the Battalion I remember there were quite a few profoundly manipulative people who seemed to enjoy constantly stirring drama and creating cliques, constantly vying for some form of OOC power. It’s really that concept that there’s a large number of guilds that all RP together and basically have people refereeing their quarrels that the really vicious PCU bad crowd hate.

I’ve seen so much of people going, ‘I’ve looked at the PCU and I’m not a fan/don’t like what I’m seeing’, and I find it’s usually a single incident with one guild which, to be honest, if they’d just -talked- to the officers it really could have been resolved. Instead it’s just ‘ok yeah I don’t like what I’m seeing here so I don’t like the entire PCU and would rather avoid them’ under the strange presumption that we all RP the same way.

Good grief, what you see from the PCU is campaigns, public events, law enforcement guilds that actually stick and interconnected storylines that span multiple guilds. All the while in the background you have a bunch of people trying to spoke the wheels because they either miss the cliques of olde or they disagree with the simple rules of don’t ERP, don’t god emote, don’t meta game and don’t do anything that would break the immersion of others.


I came to this server during summer 2013, which was about middle to late MoP, and while I do not remember much from the sin’dorei stuff as I never roleplayed on Horde that much, I do remember Hrothgar, AHG shenanigans, pack guilds, House wars in Gilneas, Stormwind riots with 200 good men, and other wacky things. So yeah, ye olde days weren’t exactly better, and, to quote Alice:

Also realises he’s been on this server for near ten years now … Help…