[PCU] Forsaken Loyalist RP - The Rotgarde šŸ’€

Iā€™m curious now. Could you show us an immage that reinforces your argument about them Not accepting anything except Lordaeron Human Undead? Untill then itā€™s your word against theirā€™s :man_shrugging:

So this is what this whole argument started with, isnā€™t it? A quick recap: 1) The GM says they are recruiting the undead. 2) I ask them to specify what kinds of races that are actually recruiting not to mislead people 3) Rotgardeā€™s friends come in to defend the guild with my own accusations 4) You yourself confirm that not all undeads are indeed welcome in this guild

The circle of life (or, in this case, undeath).

So Mr. Dekarn has said himself that the Rorgarde is ONLY for the Forsaken, and now he is trying to convince me otherwise and make me look bad and crazy. Hypocrisy at its finest :slight_smile:

Which is Forsaken aligned undead.

All undead found in the Forsaken, and some living in the case of the leper gnomes.

I have never actually RPed with the Rotgarde outside of RP-PvP events years ago in the Arathi Highlands, nor have I been in any other PCU guild. I actually quit playing WoW actively before the PCU rose to prominence.

If an undead is part of the Forsaken, they are welcome. Provided, of course, the quota isnā€™t filled. Because dark rangers are the elite of the Forsakenā€™s military, formerly intimately tied to the Dark Lady herself, so it would not make sense to have a rather down to earth (by Forsaken standards) guild fielding massive numbers of them.

These races are all part of the Forsaken, the Rotgarde accepts quite a few of them. There is a limit to dark rangers because, as I have pointed out repeatedly, dark rangers are the elite. They are not rank and file soldiers.

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I wish I was able to make friends with online strangers as easily as people who have just been disagreed with on internet forums claim that it is.

My dude, gal, or non-binary pal, weā€™re just telling you that you came to a forsaken guild thread and started complaining that the guild thatā€™s themed around forsaken ā€˜onlyā€™ recruits undead that are related to the forsaken faction.

You came to Pizza Hut and started complaining that they donā€™t sell hamburgers.


I remember having Dark Rangers in the guild before they were actually playable from customisations. Weā€™ve also had Ghouls, Geists, Banshees and Abominations for over a decade.

Thanks for your interest though.


Man, I love RPing my Dark Ranger here :sunglasses:


Heya. Iā€™m a Forsaken Elf. This guild isnā€™t misleading people and the base Undead model is the best.


But they do.

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ah, my bad og

I just want to aktcually post and say the wording is correct. Undead is the mechanical, coded name of the race you play in World of Warcraft when selecting the character creation option. They are only known as the Forsaken secondly and ā€˜undead humanā€™ as a vague sub category.

Undead however supersedes all of these terms.

So when you say ā€œwe recruit undeadā€ yes thatā€™s true, you recruit the undead player race.

If you were to specify other races as loreful flavour options you can say ā€œwe recruit Blood Elves with the Darkfallen textureā€ or ā€œundead using a leper gnome toyā€ and even ā€œBlood Elves playing the Death Knight classā€ if you really needed semantics.

So in short the recruitment notice does not need changing.



The Rotgarde set out to vanquish an ancient enemy, a tribe of barbarian humans banded under a ā€˜Bandit Kingā€™, a self-proclaimed blood relative of the first men of Alterac.

Though a camp was raided and itā€™s warriors slain, an eerie magical effigy was broken in the process, unleashing a sinister evil into the forests of Silverpineā€¦


With the forests disturbed by evil, the Rotgarde ventured out to look deeper into the dark woods.

Discovering the missing conscripts and their mangled corpses, the Rotgarde put the ones responsible to the sword, a wicked Wickerman and itā€™s vile, animalistic minions.


As the Rotgarde pursues the ominous wickerman threat, they find themselves dealing with a mysterious Bandit King. Rumoured to be immortal after performing an ancient Drust ritual, the unit is now stationed in Drustvar in the hopes of countering this blessing of immortality.


As part of the seven kingdoms the Rotgarde wish to see become one empire, Kul Tiras deserved some love, too! Our trip there was great fun, if you ask me, and here are some screenshots from our stay in Stormsong Valley and Drustvar!


The Rotgarde has been having a well deserved week of maintaining a presence in Lordaeron, Brill.

But weā€™ll be diving back into action come next week.

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The Rotgarde have been hunting down rogue alchemists with nefarious intentions towards the people of Lordaeron.

Aside from that, last night, a Trial of Steel was held for one of the soldiers in the Rotgarde, defeating their adversary in single combat and becoming eligible for knighthood.

We are currently in Tarren Mill, chilling


Hereā€™s three screenshots from the occasion for those curious:


Very cool bit of character progress to witness, only wish Iā€™d taken more screenshots.

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In the name of Lordaeron, by the hand of the Executor, and before the Shadow the squire Raine Wolfsberg rose into knighthood tonight!

Gaze upon the knighting ceremony, gaze upon Dame Raine Wolfsberg, Wolf of Alterac!
