[PCU/Horde] Saurfang Legion 🤼‍♂

If you changed “So I reply” to “yet I reply” it would make more sense in the context of your post



The reality is that I always unironically win every confrontation with you guys simply because I can outlast your retardess and wittiness to infinity until you either roll over or get uninterested


Nooo without IC and OOC crossover we’d lose gems such as


You get blown out in every single reply to you @Athramus and then you just post the opposite of what you argued before, in one thread you went from obfuscating the simple statement “It is nice when it is nice” to something that took you like four sentences



Maybe not as a player, but as a debater? Enough to keep you busy and take it personally for hours, making 3/4 of your post personal attacks. I know you don’t care about me as a player, neither do I about you obviously. But to be honest many of your replies seem to suggest you do care quite a lot. You attack me way too much to be as disinterested as you want to make us believe.

Nice attempt to save the sinking ship. I like how you admit you’re a bit invested now.

Nope. OOC is more than just you behind the keyboard and IC is more than your character. You can’t remove OOC from IC, we usually don’t worry about OOC because we assume we often operate in the same framework (or similar): we all assume that certain things are cool and others are not and we believe there is a RP etiquette people should adhere to (which extends beyond “no lolling”, “no metagame” etc). But sometimes we actually don’t and many OOC conflicts arise.

Instead you claim that your OOC motivations shouldn’t affect what the character thinks… well, kinda. It’s true that the character has to be indipendent from OOC to some extent, he needs his own identity and be true to himself, but he does so on the very same OOC framework that I speak about.

Yeah. I can see why you think that.
Honestly Morsteth isn’t a debater, he’s basically throwing memes around all the time. Basically 99% of his points are strawman: he takes a point and makes a caricature of it.

He has an easy time because the guys like you don’t want complex things as they don’t understand them. If it makes you laugh, it’s game for you.

(If you think about it, he hasn’t really said anything about the OOC or IC thing that is any close to being substantial and has dropped the idea that I hold a grudge against the PCU)

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You don’t care but also

Sorry about that

I think my second reply to you said

so IDK if you’re just struggling for an angle because your point (“to be nice IC is nice OOC”) isn’t going so great or what

World salad that says “actually if you’re mean IC you’re mean OOC”? I like it

Glad you agree I’m right now

Nah he’s a way better debater than you because you’re just not coming off as charismatic and your point is a. not a good one and b. is delivered in a way that isn’t endearing

He’s running rings around you and you can’t keep up


So my character thinks within my own OOC framework. The OOC framework are things like the RP etiquette. So me OOC thinking that you shouldn’t bring your OOC biases into IC means that my character is now also thinking about what the players behind other characters are doing?


You have entirely stopped replying to my posts because you can’t: They are so simple in showing that you just post for the sake of posting and getting the last word on everything / carrying out your OOC grudge

What a weird statement, I am exclusively debating you even now when I post this

Assuming your opponent to be really dumb is the number 1 rookie mistake


I edited the post to make it clearer, I thought it was a mess.

Yes, but I am not buying it. If you were doing for the sake of winning arguments you’d be providing arguments, not insults.

Where did I say that?

You could read the rest, big surprise!
Again, you’re just trying to make a caricature. I realize you might be tired, but you asked for it. Atleast try to debate instead of making strawmen all around. Also you’re not Morsteth so yours aren’t funny.

Honestly it’s the other way around. He basically complained first that the language was too complex and wanted to water it down. Then lamented that the language was too simple, which is why I made it complex in the first place. Of course he never replied to this point, because he dodges any point that is problematic, like you’ve done now.

Ironically I am not the one doing this. Someone is, however. During all this time, I am the one pointing at the two things that originated from the discussion and I kept my attacks on your persona (and the pandaboy) quite moderated when compared to you two, who take every occasion to act like people who… well, want the last word. Is it possible you haven’t even understood what is going on here but you just feel attacked and that is “uncool”, so you have to bite back?

Are you discussing what I wrote or not? I did bring you, again, the whole debate of OOC and IC argument and I think now you should be able to understand it.

Editing your posts because they don’t match what you’re saying now doesn’t mean that you haven’t been forced to concede your point

You don’t need to buy it, you’re not the target audience

You conceded that that was the simple basis of your point here

You’ve already done that for me

Me after watching one Ben Shapiro compliation video

No it isn’t

You’re just posting words that barely have any structure now while Morsteth is making responses that can and probably will win awards

I think you’re still struggling to get this thread. Maybe you should take another read


I’m not sure a Darwin Award is something to aspire too…

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didnt ask

also would be funny if it made sense but it doesn’t


Yeah agree with Urugar, don’t remember asking


Again this is really a bit of a weak argument if you don’t show where my point was conceded. A claim doesn’t make anything true.

What did you prove, that I care about the discussion? Sure I do.

The others aren’t either dw

I don’t see me saying that however?
Your point [in that passage] is a tautology: if something is nice then it is nice. There is no implication of a passage [between being nice ic and ooc]. It’s not “the character to be nice has to be nice both IC and OOC”, it was “people have to be cool OOC to get along, if they want to prevaricate on others OOC that’s a big no no” easy enough to understand?

Read it has; “You have to be collaborative OOC to have a good RP experience”

Totally not patting each other on the back I see.

Nah it’s a really strong argument

You keep editing your posts / pretending previous ones didn’t happen


Yeah they are

Yeah your entire post was either a self-evident truth or just some Cathedral RP “nice character = nice OOC player” spin

You switch between the two a lot

I don’t think you’re great at reading tone


It’s okay I don’t need permission to post in a public forum thread.

But more relevantly it’s nice to see the (former Stygian, now Saurfang) Legion uphold the values of pacifism and friendship in light of how the Horde is going forwards. I am interested to see how they intend to fight the true threat facing Azeroth.

Alas this gets confused a lot of the time, especially when roleplay is being used as a power fantasy or otherwise for fulfilment not being received elsewhere.


Yeah it’s grammar mistakes.
Who would have imagined that at 5 am

Such as?

This wasn’t something we were debating however. I always said I do care about the discussion.

Show me where?
It’s a bit of a contradiction that you claim I switch meaning when before you claimed you didn’t understand and asked for a simplified reply.

So now you claim you understand what I write but I switch the meaning? You have to pick one.

Then we start from there.

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Ok why have u chosen this argument to die fighting for when no one has said OOC courtesies aren’t needed sometimes. The ideal RP is for me, also IC and OOC not crossing. But the definition of that is the roleplay not being influenced by OOC things. That is what makes IC, IC. You are literally arguing for the sake of arguing and I will throw a steel chair at you. Joining a raid group for RP, that is the same as an actor looking at a stage direction on a script. OOC you seem like a drooler but if my character met yours he wouldn’t instantly think them to be a drooler, that would come -after- you showcase your epic Pig & Whistle/Habbo Hotel Second Life RP.


Nah you change your point sometimes also

Scroll up

Yeah we were

Nah we will continue from here

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“Let’s assume the worst out of you to discredit you because you disagreed with me and you must be bad”

Basically: I think you sleep with nargles.
Prove me wrong.

You make the accusation you provide the proof my dude.

Especially considering I have quite a few reasons to doubt the honesty of your points.

Also you keep avoiding all my arguments to focus on minor details that involve me. You claim you want to win arguments? Formulate one! Let’s start by clarifying your position because so far it is a mess: