[PCU/Horde] Saurfang Legion 🤼‍♂

Sadly that’s just something that is reflected in the lore / NPC dialogue - grunts remain grunts while referencing how they used to be on Sylvanas’ side and ex-loyalist NPCs are defended by Baine himself when they are discriminated against. The vast majority of the Horde army remained in the loyalist faction for one reason or another as per the cinematics

If you don’t agree that’s a shame but it also means you’re roleplaying in a setting different to the one Blizzard is presenting = (


the cinematic really went over your head didnt it


That’s the World of Warcraft that you play. Yah, yah, yah, yah, yah!


pal idk abt u but i think it makes a lot of sense for ex-loyalists to abandon sylvanas after she abandoned them and also be ex-loyalists to like… save their lives??? not everyone wants to die for sylvanas, they just liked her as a leader

u should come play horde and see for urself how things have changed


If you believe this to be “poor RP” and a “power-play”, you’re unfortunately very disillusioned. If you took a moment to follow the various repercussions that have come of the end of the War Campaign, you’ll very quickly come to see that those who were formally loyalists are being explicitly pardoned for having been misguided by Sylvanas’ words and false promises.

So, as a result, I’m not sure why you find it difficult to see that this also applies to us just as much as it does everyone else. I’m smelling some OOC scrutiny from this one forum post character of yours. It’s really quite ridiculous to see this painfully blatant dislike of a community bleed into your opinion of IC repercussions and interactions. Do you struggle to differentiate the two often, or?



I will have no murder on my turf. :dagger:

Murder in the Cleft and you will be murdered before the guards found out you murdered so then they will have to solve two murders with no witnesses because the Cleft doesn’t tolerate snitches. :dagger::dagger::dagger:

And the Shattered Hand will leave us well alone because they know that we’re keeping the murders to a minimum by simply existing.

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Sylvanas is not a nice person, the writing has overwhelmingly done her dirty as well but she is known to also do things with subtlety, to cover up dirty secrets that could have caused an uprising in 8.0 never mind 8.25, secrets only a wowwiki mystic can divine.

I used take issue with the comment about her having the support of the majority of the Horde, she would be at odds with a fair few of HER known actions, but add in brutal crackdowns? Have the Valley of Honour become a charnel house of public executions?

Thing is the writers aren’t paying attention directly to Argent Dawn’s roleplayers, it makes sense that the Horde might support her because in their world maybe it wasn’t all so overtly done, exiles, imprisonment and executions thrown around everywhere.

Now fair enough current lore is Baine saying you’re all cool, it’s your characters lives at stake and you have accepted what looks to be fair few consequences already, but it would be dishonest to not note a lot has taken place that could be considered different to the setting and this projected outcome.

That’s the issue really, we’re waiting for bites of lore to update our roleplay and it has culminated in this HORRIBLY disjointed ending, ting ting!

At least I can offer congratulations on your promotions Toq and Skabb!

Who was executed in the Valley of Honor?


A fair few people, I think a lot of them were probably alts of people in PCU?

Not entirely sure, I know there was that alliance elf spy who was killed, raised, and killed a bit later.

She came back wrong.

Sounds like legit kills. Why should there be any repercussions for that?


I think Shan Lu is posing the question whether Sylvanas would act more subtle toward the majority of the Horde than blatantly having her critics - however minor the criticism may be - executed in the center of culture in Orgrimmar as ArgentDawn made it.

At least a question I find worth discussing? Correct me if I am wrong.

The Alliance spy sure, there has been a lot of people killed though.

It’s quite bizarre because some of them just seemed to come there to die which has only really fed this mess.

You shouldn’t take issue with that because it has been established lore for a long time. There are several references even in 8.25 to Sylvanas having the majority of the Horde on her side, to the rebel side being incredibly undermanned (to Anduin’s surprise) - even one of her sisters suggests Anduin teams up with her against N’zoth because at that moment in time, her army was the biggest one and would be a massive asset

In terms of brutal crackdowns, executions, etc that is all also reflected in the lore. Zelling is publically executed after Sylvanas calls the Horde leadership to watch and even sells tickets to the show. Baine (the highly respected high chieftain of the tauren) is detained in the same incredibly public event (so public, in fact, that Gallywix is marketing it)

During the loyalist path, you beat Eitrigg to near death and drag him through the streets in chains and you massacre civilians that refuse to be conscripted into a defensive militia or are looking at enemy propaganda. She sends assassins repeatedly after political opponents and has civilian targets like Brennadam leveled by grunts

You may have also noticed that she very publically commited what is described as a genocide in Blizzard short stories pretty publically at Teldrassil and also very overtly plagued her own troops at the fall of the Undercity


No, it wouldn’t - what is dishonest is writing some hot take on a story you apparently haven’t played through at any point or are otherwise deliberately obfusticating

Nah the issue is people who rant on discord and then post some quasi-polite loremaster post (apparently without playing the war campaign at any point)


Damn, people NPCing encounters for their guilds? What a cardinal sin

Come off it, king


Colour me corrected.

Alright well, ting ting I guess?

Regarding the moth like attraction of death, it was something I talked with Toq at the time and found bizarre because there were actual randomers coming along, letting themselves get killed.

Not poking at your npc’ing of events.

Take it easy yo!

and the answer we see in 8.2.5, as well as earlier patches, is “no, no she would not have been more subtle”

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I’m not sure if the Saurfang Legion is a bad idea, but many legitimate concerns are valid both IC and OOC. It’s a strange flex from people that the other day were super pro-Sylvanas.

It’s obviously a way to throw away a few heads to sit at the winner’s table. And I think it doesn’t take too seriously the idea that Sylvanas’ model didn’t work and possibly couldn’t work. There seems to be a genuine moment from many NPCs, but here I just notice a few meme about it. While it should be serious business. But then again, it is your RP.

So I’m just wondering. If the PCU is going to change banner, how will this impact their IC asset? For example: will this new community change its political asset and advocate for peace between factions, since they are supporting Saurfang’s view now?


and the answer we see in 8.2.5, as well as earlier patches, is “no, no she would not have been more subtle”

I’m sorry. Over time I just forgot about the part of the war campaign where you choose a side, hence I didn’t take the loyalist questline into consideration. Disregard what I said.


absolutely and we’re thrilled to have people approach us about it IC (as long as it’s not done in a weird clown-esque manner)

Can’t speak for every one of the guilds but HoC has been cracking down hard on anyone trying to instigate more conflict and division.

that’s ok king mistakes happen I’m glad you own up to it :slight_smile:


From what I know from both HoC and Grim Gest: Yes, there have been some significant changes in course. HoC for example got a few new higher-ups that used to be part of the rebellion and they are cracking down appropriately.