[PCU/Horde] Saurfang Legion 🤼‍♂

We’re not here to please you.


So rather than wording this complicated and long worded to seem like this is a worthy debate in short you’re mad that we’re still RPing and haven’t vanished of the face of Azeroth and want to know why we’re still RPing?


A bit of a simplistic translation. But yeah. That would be correct.
Y’know, having more concepts widens your horizon, makes you cooler.

I am just discussing about IC and OOC situations with the pandaboy. The PCU/Stygian thing was solved in the first reply actually

If you read the initial post it’s stated clearly that new leadership is drafted in from the rebels - to help the now Saurfang Legion members with everything that’s changed.

We’re not going to lay out all out IC plans in a forum thread. If you’re interested in joining IC and contributing to plans do that. If you’re interested in coming and seeing IC what we’re doing in Orgrimmar do that.

Also seen as I don’t play Alliance the reference you made to them was lost on me.


Just here asking if you guys are cool or suck, dont mind me :nail_care:


Obviously we suck. :smirk:


So you’re unhappy that people on Alliance play character that aren’t overt good guys / have nuance to their character in the form of hidden agendas / corruption et al?

Oh my days

The saying goes that in the kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is king

Yet you posted it in an 100% OOC way, which suggests Athramus opened his laptop and began to type on the Argent Dawn EU forums

Unless you’re honestly implying that your character’s IC beliefs should be an impetus for OOC change in this group?


Actually, the forums register whenever you send an active keystroke and a little portrait pops up so I know this isn’t actually true =(

I can’t believe this is your 30min masterpiece, honestly

Ahhh yes … " the proofs " …

Very entry level reply

Not enough “proofs” perhaps …

Your posts

For someone who mentions people’s IQ in a negative light as the keystone of his response I think you need to spend a little more time proof-reading (or better yet, don’t begin comparing IQs (???) on a video game forum - it has the opposite effect of the one you’re aiming for)

“catched” isn’t a word

Also please fix the formatting, it’s very messy and difficult to reply to :grin:


So this whole thing would have just been answered by this part of the OP:

Kind of weird to write half a disertation on the concept of OOC framework and its interactions with IC gameplay when you apparently haven’t read the OP, tbh





Yep, which was actually something I mentioned in my initial response


Looking for trouble and if I cannot find it, I will create it.

But also I won’t read the OP and argue an answered question anyway.


Wrong character - was posting to see if the issue i was having had resolved itself.


This is another topic. I don’t mind corrupt officers per se, which I find cool (that’s the word you want to hear yes?), but I do mind them if they’re a facade to enact a OOC agenda over other players (ie. control of the region).

Yes, I posted in a OOC way because OOC matters and people should be concerned about it. My point exactly.

I’m just telling you how it is. But this info is cool, is that so? So you did reply for 20 minutes straight before? And then stalked me for the entire time while I was writing? Lol! Huh, guess your point about wasting time is a bit pretentious here.

Yeah you know. Rather than claiming you’re right, actually bring any form of evidence to the table? Otherwise you’re not only bad at winning arguments, you don’t even know how it’s done.

Thanks for the pro-tip: you say it’s bad to speak about people’s lack of skills? totally not what you and your undead friend have done before! not cool dude

Speaking of which, you still debating at all on the OOC/IC thing or you’re just thinking about me? “Not invested”, yeah SURE!

I did read the OP, but the whole idea was just a draft and didn’t exclude the possibility that it was all an huge facade.
I was glad to know that’s not the case.

Crazy how a man’s style of writing can change so rapidly under the pressure of the


It’s actually a very unsurprising result of the panda’s lack of substantial replies. In the first posts I’ve given the building blocks of my arguments.

Then either they are demolished or they’re not. The pandaboy has provided very uncool arguments so I don’t have to focus at all.

Hey orc above me, I’m willing to leave the discussion if the pandaboy asks. I actually asked if he really wanted a discussion about trivial things and he was all “oh yea go for it”

The posts you made in ignorance of the OP as my undead friend Tyreis pointed out ?


I’m speaking about the debate with pandaboy. But actually I replied to your friend above.

Like this:

Or is it…


What a truly nebulous thing to say

There is absolutely no way to “control” anything beyond in some respects the behaviour of people who join a guild / community

I think you are just saying words at this point

Yet you mention that it is your character’s IC opinion and even emoted how your character would reply to this thread

This is so epic but also I think this paints a pretty telling picture of the difference in (to put it politely) our expectations of roleplay

The info you’re trying to provide via the google translate treatises isn’t particularly cool or useful

What a busted / gnomish reply. Can’t wait for the next one in 45minutes

You want me to post evidence that “catched” isn’t a word?

source: I passed a GCSE in English about 200 years ago

yeah SURE!

Losing your cool out here king. Please stay relaxed / on-topic

The OP is literally the concept of the group at this moment in time and it is very obvious that you didn’t read it / your point was just “I don’t understand IC conflict and want everyone to be nice” in more words than necessary

The cathedral RPer mindset …

Your argument remains “things are nice when its nice lol”

I wish you would focus a little more because it really shows

Why do you keep refering to people by their character’s races in this quasi-IC way? Is this an IC post? Is the wifi good at the Cathedral of the Light?


It’s actually you who are not replying to arguments.
Pandaman told you very quickly that he doesn’t care about your OOC gripes. Your only counter-argument was that sometimes OOC authority gets abused for IC purposes, so actually your OOC gripe does matter (for some reason you didn’t explain). After pandaman’s point that OOC authority doesn’t exist outside of communities/guilds you just fell silent on that argument and started babbling about how agreeing is good.