[PCU/Horde] Saurfang Legion 🤼‍♂

This is the case. No matter how many robes of strangely structured prose they throw over over that argument, it will remain “it’s nice when people are nice IC because it means they’re also nice OOC” which is such an out there take that I honestly think they’re just pulling on my nose


sips elixir of tongues

Hello human


Not really. She tends to get arrogant and overly emotional.


  • Confrontation with Garrosh

  • Trying to assassinate Garrosh before his trial

  • Teldrassil

  • Her starting a rampage after Veressa refused to join her in UC


“Totally not invested in me” finally discredited.

Onto the next point.

Or just hard for you to understand.

It’s the usual “‘many people do it bad so it has a stigma upon it”.

I’ll write it in Morsteth language: corrupt officer RP is redpilled if you’re not doing it for the sake of a powergrab.

People control each other everytime. The topic of control/influence is very similar to the whole OOC/IC debate. People enact influence upon others in plenty of ways. Not just with explicit consent etc. Some forms of influence are cool, others are not.

It was just a ironical reply my dude. Of course the point was my OOC concern. As is yours. I’m not the one pretending that OOC doesn’t matter.

Read again and wait your turn please. You got a different reply. The whole framework thing was to explain why OOC matters. If I recall correctly, the authority bit was an explanation of why I brought up the question in the first place, because people were attacking me on that point too.

Why are you so obsessed about everything I do? You have to go out of your way to discredit literally anything? It’s just better than learning your name dude

It isn’t. It’s basically the watered down version for you to understand
But hey, if we have gone this far, now it seems like you agree with my point?

You are just responding to make a response at this point

Edit: [Waited his turn]


you’re arguing over something that isn’t even happening lmaoooo

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Saying more words / making no point

Damn, I waited 30 minutes for this

No, it’s just nebulous

“we should be nice IC I think that’s nice” is not a strong point

Do you think people can mind control you OOC into RPing with them or are you still struggling to read the OP / understanding the IC/OOC dichotomy

Yeah but then you also began to say it was your IC concern (?)

reply to a post that a guy took 30min writing → why are you SO obsessed

Come off it, gnomish

Yes, it is



Why? Because you think the points have been proven? If not, what doesn’t convince you?

You have made 0 points that exist outside of the Cathedral RPer dimension so far


damn :eyes: athramus chillin in da cathedral square :church:
he kinda vybin doe :flushed:

We started the debate on two trivial things.

One was = you didn’t care at all and the other was that OOC and IC aren’t connected. Your debate was a joke to begin with and I told you from the start. If you realized it this far it doesn’t say anything “cool” about you my man

Yeah and I won instantly (easily)

Your OOC opinion shouldn’t effect what your character thinks, yeah

Are you actually arguing pro-mixing OOC into roleplay to a greater extent? [cathedral bell tolls loudly]

Winning this argument only took like 10% of my power


Two hours later…

Again. I have never denied I am very invested in the arguments I make on the forums. I honestly think you didn’t understand them at all, hence why it took you two hours to realize that what we’re debating upon (a debate you initiated, I’m afraid) is quite stupid.

I wonder if you’re even reading what it’s being written lol

Your original point was different. It was that OOC should have no impact on IC. You don’t even remember what you’re debating.

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What’s going on with you my man what’s happening


A bit out of context. It’s just the strawman thing all over. That’s uncool. You’re lucid enough to realize what is going on, or you need it explained to you?

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Is it brain worms that force you to take part in an argument you think is stupid for 2-3 hours while repeatedly stating how little you care about it?


It’s the brain bugs man!!!

No, out of context would look like this


I hope we make it to four

I mean I enjoy arguing on the forums in the same way I’d enjoy eating a delicious Big Mac - it’s really nice but I’m not going to be invested in that sandwich afterwards and will forget about it once I’m done enjoying that world famous secret sauce (not be be confused with Pasta Sauce, which we in the PCU do not like)

In the same way I enjoyed reply to your arguments but don’t have any investment in you as a player

I think it is you who hasn’t read the writing on the wall

Literally the same point written in the same way

The ideal form of roleplay for me is one where there is little to no crossover between IC / OOC

I’m surprised you find that contraversial but I think we are accustomed to very different types/levels of roleplay

I think Morsteth is also easily outfoxing you here. You’re just posting words and acting offended and doing your best to derail while he is posting very witty and charismatic ripostes