PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

me and perroy go through personal issues daily and he still keeps me around

i think you’re reading too much into it



I have and continue to cause more grievances to the man than all the others combined and I am still here.

Though I am first and foremost a Grim Ganger, PCU has so many solid, genuinely wonderful & likeable people like Koiffen, Skabb & Gobbert I truly feel sorry for people who refuse to interact with them just because of a guild tag.


Wait a minute… You seem familiar…

On a serious note, I attended the Riot rp today and oh my god, it was a blast, it actaully kinda reignited the love for RP I had lost. And thats no joke, things actually happened, and it had an actual effect on the world.


Oooh! What effect? I’d love to hear what your experiences were. So much happened and its lovely to hear what each person experienced.

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Well, since there were a lot of hatred for Rendorei, I, in all of my absolute 100% glowing brain genious quickly made an Rp character out of my Rendorei, and got into fights, that was absolutley fun. And people you know, actually were roleplaying like their ”NPC” roles, if they got hit with something as a regular civilian… they got hit good.

It felt good when hits actually landed from both sides, instead of

Alicia does a triple flip in the air and shot off into space to dodge your attack cause why not

Also the effect was that it actually took part in the world, instead of guild only things that only have an effect on the guild, but this was an event anyone could take part in, and everyone could aknowledge, that’s what I absolutley loved.

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Absolutely! I was a lowly butcher in that crowd. A single stray bullet is going to tear through my apron, clothing and bury itself deep into my chest. Not catch on leather armor or bounce off.

Watching as bodies laid on the ground, piling together as people fell. There was an atmosphere there and it was tense.

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Yes indeed, as I said, I now have a renewed passion for RP, cause I have not had that much fun in -months-

You should seek out some of the PCU guilds then. Any character you may want to play?

This one, on Alliance I already have my perfect guild, wouldn’t want to leave them even if I got a million euros for it.

Well, we have many choices for undead:

  • Rotgarde, a pro-Sylvanas group.
  • Bilgewater Battalion - Goblin group that accepts undead
  • Red Venturers - Big family like mercenary group.

I highly recommending visiting their forum page on here to see which may best suit you.

I think the Bilgewater or the Venturers are the right for me, She is kinda anti-Sylvanas so, I don’t think a pro Sylvanas group would do a lot for her. :sweat_smile:

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in that case i highly recommend the venturers out of the lot, they’re a friendly bunch (sorry BB gamers ur cool also)


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See which one appeals to you more!


I don’t know why there’s this perception going around that to be a part of the PCU you have to be a sycophantic lacky to Perroy who agrees with everything he says.

In fact I would say that openly engaging in battle with the upper PCU management is an entertaining + very common passtime. It’s a tradition…


So, outsider perspective here. I’ve casually RPed for many years, mainly just being a lone wolf in a tavern and more recently only with friends in a party. What I know about the ‘PCU’ has been snippets of information leading me, eventually, to these forums and the PCU ‘recruitment’ thread.

For someone who encounters the PCU in this fashion, it’s -very- difficult between the numerous forum posts and (insider) jokes to not get the immediate impression of the PCU, starting with the name even, being little more than a massive egostroking, largely OOC thing with some RP added to the side — even if this ends up as being totally false, it’s not a great first impression.

Those more acquainted with the AD roleplay scene might know better at first, but I can imagine that outsiders/newcomers and lone wolf-style players can quickly get very wrong impressions due to all the forum posts (and the drama.)


Inside jokes strewn across our threads aplenty, the PCU is far from a primarily OOC community with roleplay being a side commodity; in fact, it’s exactly the opposite.

We have thirteen high quality RP guilds spread across both the Alliance and the Horde now, and I suspect we’re only going to continue growing. RP is our absolute central focus, so much so that our members don’t even send any form of OOC messages in OOC channels such as /say, /emote and /yell. We’re very much dedicated to upholding the quality of RP, despite what some of our forum personas might otherwise imply or portray

I’d also like to add that we’re very open to almost everyone with an interest in finding a guild / community, even the lone wolf players . . . every wolf needs a pack, Katrisia . . .


A lot of the drama is kick-started by witch-hunters on the forums, and in game, who slander the PCU. Look at any forum thread, and you’ll see that a good… 70% of the time the good ol’ ‘PCU drama’ is stoked up from the embers because someone directly targets us with their daily insight about how we’re detrimental to the server in some way. I say 70% because we do have a few chimps who will just start flinging poo for no reason. These people exist in any community, especially on a game like World of Warcraft, and even more especially on a roleplaying server.

The in-jokes I don’t think any of the PCU would deny taking a part of - we’re a community, we have a very, very active series of Discord servers, and we’re all very good pals who communicate on the reg’. As a form of camaraderie, we do enjoy sharing these insider-jokes amidst one another.

As for the PCU being an ‘egostroking, largely OOC thing with some RP on the side’? I couldn’t disagree more. We’re primarily a community focused on roleplay. The friends and bonds that we make OOC, through passion for our characters and also just a general sense of community is just a very nice cherry on top of the dessert. Look at our numbers, the activity of our roleplayers, and our stance on keeping OOC behavior to a minimum on Argent Dawn, and you’ll note that RP is very much a core fundamental value.


Alright I typed all of that and then realised that u’d basically made the same post just before me right OK cool Elyrius thanks mate thanks mate thanks mate thanks mate thanks mate thanks mate


Game set and match Bearan mate… today, you’ve been owned

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