PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

Oh I’ve read up a bit now and I’m of the opinion that, given due to the overwhelming amount of seemingly genuine support of associated players and guilds, it’s probably all fine and dandy. I still stand by my point though that the immediate impression that the forums give isn’t that great in my opinion —I tend to stay away from the epicentres of drama mostly— and that after having seen plenty a thread/drama revolve around the acts of a singular person, I tend to be sceptical from the onset when a community project like this carries the name of a single person. This isn’t to say anything negative about the PCU by the way — I have nothing against it personally, I’m just saying that from my perspective (and that of like players), it’s easy to get a (possibly) skewed view very quickly.

I’m confident that once you get involved with the PCU and get to know the people within, get acclimated and used to the various in-jokes and whatnot, it’ll be a right laugh; requires a little leap of faith that sees past the talk/rumours/conspiracy theories of doxxing and privacy breaches though. (Might be a bit of an open-door type thing to state, but… you know… it’s a reply to the initial question. xD)

EDIT: Then again, not that my opinion matters much anyway I reckon. I’m mostly doing PvE stuff over RP nowadays anyway.


As someone who has been in and out of the PCU, the people in there are friendly gamers who put a lot of effort into RP. The events are high quality, as well as the banter.

Also, every day is Lawson’s birthday. =D


Think you should come back to RPing on Rotgarde so you can meet my absolute rat of a Warlock, Rosenfeld


The thing is that drama revolving the PCU is more often than not external only, in the community itself drama is actually almost non-existant, if you don’t read the forums its sometimes like there’s none at all.


I will one day. We need our ol’ Bearan, Toq, Candle trio back! >8D

It absolutely is (and I say this as someone that was once sceptical of the PCU themselves before joining), but it:

Which is ultimately a shame, as the vast majority of negative rumours and claims attributed to our community primarily consists of hearsay and a lot of rumour-mongering

As I stated earlier (I can’t recall if it was in this thread or another), it’s generally the equivalent of a very long and tiresome game of Chinese whispers, but instead of those participating sitting in a circle, it’s just a very long line with no actual end

I do strongly advise that before you buy into anything stated that you also read through the posted opinions of people from our own community too and deduce your own thoughts on such (as opposed to what an unfortunate majority of people do, which is believe what a friend or somebody they know says without actually thinking beyond that).

It’s detrimental to both us and the community as a whole, and is likely the reason the rumour-mongering has gotten this out of hand to begin with


Almost every single time I talk to a person who’s vehemently anti-PCU, it always starts with ‘now, I’ve not interacted with them, but I’ve HEARD…’

It’s just rumour mongering and witch-hunting. And you’re right, Elyrius, my friend, it is a shame!

There is no evil lingering within the heart of the PCU… (except me… hoo hee… hah hah… hoo…)


It’s true - Bearan is quite a dark entity…

I’ve very much had the same outsider perspective as Katrlsla in regards to the PCU.
My actual own IC experiences with the members, which mostly constitutes the Assemblage and a few others, has been very good. I’ve enjoyed RP’ing with them and they didn’t seem like a “impenetratable bubble” to people outside the community.

I think personally the “hate”, is just good old human psychology, tribalism and whatnot. I do think that the forums, with all their drama sadly often involving / directed at the PCU, gives them a bad PR amongst those not close affiliated with it. As they kind of get the impression that this is a thing that also happens internally (even if it’s not).

If I were to only look as an outsider from the snippets of information or few forum threads I read, I would get, sadly, a slightly bad impression of the PCU. But luckily I’ve had the pleasure to do RP with a few to form my own opinion. In which case they were quite friendly and engaging.

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I get you on that, especially as a man who has spent years in circles where the PCU would get bad mouthed quite often and almost every time they did something, might just be rping might just be forum posting. It would get thrown into the chat and said “look at the PCU and this horrible thing that they are doing!!”
It even got so far as when I joined the PCU on an alt just to see how they actually are, the GM of my former guild, bwimtoru from blood howl. Literally said “careful they going to try and manipulate you, especially perroy that has studied the ways of Goebbels!” (Goebbels is some German n-word that was manipulative I think? Not entirely sure)
Honestly it’s just such a weird thing to say just to slander and make me stay away, luckily for me, i kept on interacting with the PCU.

It’s just a funny haha name tbh, people used it as a mockery and perroy thought “hey thats rlly funny thats our name now”

The rest is history.

Ironically all the BMing that PCU received was what drew me to the community, I am no stranger to the double-edged tongue of the RPer.

The more you see a community get unprovoked :poop: without evidence thrown at them, the better their RP is.

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Thread started off with a huge :sweat_drops: of drama. Exceptional read, shame it got watered down a bit by the end, but this week’s forum drama has been more entertaining than last week’s by far.

Keep up the good work :+1:

Good morning, everyone! :slight_smile:

Morning. Wish you a good day! :slight_smile:

I was in the same position than a lot of the people here. I’d done RP-PVP with the Rotgarde many years back which was very, very fun while I was in a prior guild, and we had a good relationship with the Rotgarde until my GM turned around one day, with no explanation, and started saying “Rotgarde Bad, Perroy Bad”.

I was confused, but I was also young and trusted by GM, so I joined the line of Chinese whispers for a few years. Not spreading any hatred, but partaking in the dislike, even though I’d experienced how pretty fantastic Rotgarde RP was.

A few years down the line, I was convinced to join the PCU, and while nervous and sceptical, I ended up having a really great time. Coming to nowadays, close to a year within the community, it’s the best RP I’ve ever experienced, and I don’t say that lightly.

You may hear this or that from people you know, but you can never know the full story without going to the source. A s k. Don’t trust the opinions and hearsay of others all the time. Form your own opinions.


Ahoy there! We’d love to have you along with the Battalion, you can find me, Wizzywix, Triggz, Letzy or Kinoro on most nights so feel free to approach us at any time.

Exploring more of how anti-Sylvanas Forsaken interact with the rest of the Horde and make a name for themselves now that they no longer have the prestige of being ‘The Warchiefs people’ is something we’re very keen on exploring. Gravenfield, a Forsaken engineer has been our longest standing member and has caused a lot of interesting RP. Just this week our Vulpera sought to cleanse him of corruption because of a mislaid ‘get out of here before I slaughter you all’ joke!


I’ve created a warlock on Argent Dawn towards the end of Legion because I’ve heard it was the most popular realm for RP (although I’ve had no experience RPing myself), just to “reserve” a character if i ever wanted to try RPing. To keep it short, back in April of 2019, after an IC question I got directed to the Rotgarde,. So, keep in mind that the whole aspect of rules and aspect of RP was a completely fresh concept for me at the time. The amount of support, advices, fun, joy and thrill was and still immeasurable. I’ve never been in a community in WoW for that long because after about a month I’ve realized how people weren’t connected to each other nor did they interact (referring to some huge guilds with 400+ members and etc.). Throughout the months I was informed about the constant jealousy and hate the PCU got, although I did not see or experienced any of these alleged horrific and terrible acts within the PCU. A great man once told me… Success breeds jealousy, and now I see why. Better of keeping your mouth shut if you have no evidence rather than constantly hating on something because someone told you to do so and follow it blindly like a dog. I’ll be enjoying the RP in the legendary Rotgarde alongside the kings in PCU.


So I guess we’re doing this now.

I had joined AD about 2015. Around the WoD time. During that I had a run in with many a guild. Some decent some not as much. Though I kept with the Gearfist as it was my first and generally kept me interested during the time. Around Legion I had first heard of the PCU. Or well specifically “The Rotgarde” and how they were doing the odd, as worded by those who blurted the accusations out, deplorable act. To the extent of the medals used during the Lordaeron BFA-Pre Patch being a rendition of Wehrmacht medals therefore being associated with “ze germans”.

Although at the same time. Those I was with had questionable characters or acts committed themselves. Whether that be the rumours of ERP, which as far as my memory allows me to know got told that as long as it was private it was alright, which I just disliked. Or the Troll fiasco when they, and others, started near the pre-patch of BFA to bring trolls of other, hostile tribes, into Orgrimmar. Which were arrested by the Hand of Conquest for not being of the Horde. I got sucked into that and had the tendency to dislike those in the Rotgarde due to it. Though at this time I felt as if my RP was still, in a way strangled, kept in an amateur state.

Although after afew months, and the Lordaeron campaign had passed, and the proto-stages of what would become the roaming hub propped up. I had begun RPing as Durnok Flamescarred, an Orc of the Crossroads who worked as a Caravaner. Which made it questionable to why so many were running. And how many had the tendency to act exaggerated.

After-which. My curiosity got the better of me. During one of my IC supply runs between Orgrimmar and the crossroads. I allowed myself to stop at Razor Hill for someone within the Hand of Conquest to be searched. And out of the boredom and such of both the search for -something- (though ICly caravaning) that I signed on and was immediately exposed to what I had been missing within AD rp. I had only fought the odd NPC and tons of raid markers to that point. So the constant stream of available NPCs was both welcome and embraced simple enough. But the expansive reach i was able to see. What I had been either blind to or purposely brushed away from, such as the earlier accusations, started to make less sense. And since then had been involved within the PCU for what I can easily say as most of my RPing time since. And I am thankful for them.

Don’t be blind by rumour and suggestion. The real way for learning is to take the first step yourself and experience what there is to experience.


( Brothgar, Sternfist, Hallwell here ) I have said that before and will do that again. A few months ago I had my own disagreements with PCU and voiced once or twice against them. Now I know I was wrong and was stupid enough to jump on the hatewagon simply because I believed in what my guildie said back in the day ( he turned out to be a renard but thats another story)

the pcu is great and Perroys doing a fantastic job for this server. Now I am very much interested in joining it myself if allowed.


Those who aren’t allowed are a rare few serpents who know exactly why they aren’t, I’m sure our guilds will happily welcome you!