PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

I thought it’d be interesting to share my own history with the PCU, to maybe show a bit of light on why atleast some people might disslike them, and why I think those people are wrong. I apologise in advance if some time things are off as its quite a couple of years ago and I’m a bit of a scatterbrain sometimes

As I’ve said before in alot of posts, I’ve been on AD for quite a while now, going back to very late Wrath & properly getting into RP in early Cataclysm. At the time, I was alot younger & played primarily just in a circle of friends who I knew from school.

At the time, I played primarily Alliance & ocassionally on Horde. I had as far as I know, zero interactions with the Rotgarde or the general community/groups that today is the PCU. But there were things circulating alot. I was told every now and then by diffrent people, friends & guilidies to dont RP much on Horde-side at all, or if I did to avoid the Rotgarde. Why? Because they were just not nice people, no further explainations given. On ocassion I was told they bullied people but no proof of it other than just word of mouth. Given at the time I was still a teenager(16-17) & of course also wanted to fit in with friends I didnt really ask for much more either. But of course, I was wrong.

Fast-forwarding a little over the years through MoP & later WoD etc, I started to frequent the forums more often, particularly on another warlock character particularly a worgen warlock. I still knew people who time to time would just tell me the Rotgarde Gang is bad, and while I didn’t do any particular bashing on them, having been told stuff by others over the years had of coursed reserved me a little, and I am fairly sure I myself tried to meme on some of their posts in the past against bad roleplay and things. Again, I believe I was wrong in this.

I had also during the time in MoP become a mother myself, matured & as I became more active on the forums, I also engaged in discussions with members of the Rotgarde, or associated with them, and to a bit of a surprise, even when disagreeing on some things they were always generally very polite to me.

Fast track again through the forum history when the PCU name started to hop up(Or possibly a bit before it), every PCU-related person I chatted with on the forums were always friendly, atleast to me personally, and I saw them being friendly to others unless they were complete :toolbox: themselves.
I had also actually bothered to read more about the threads Perroy or other people posted, and found myself agreeing with alot revolving about opinions on roleplay & do’s and don’ts etc and general server behaviour.

During the more rough and recent periods of my life, where I was heavily struggling with Postpartum depression & feeling miserable well after it passed, as well as my at the time last remaining parent falling sick and later passing (All of which I got through thanks to some wonderful friends :heart: ) I also had a very unpleasant forum encounter.
Being the softie that I am normally+everything going on around me, I took it very to heart and felt quite bad about it, and still do to some extent. I won’t go into too much detail to spare the drama, but in a discussion & disagreement about the old CotHL & Emmanuel, several people from both that guild and one that seemed quite associated with them(& one prolific member from the associated guild) took the disagreement to instead try and fling muck at my way for playing a worgen warlock (With some edgy PvE gear, the plague-doctor looking set from Wotlk that I only used for & said character also only used for PvE).
Accusations of varying things such bad roleplay & ERP as well as direct personal attacks despite never having met the person & things I never did, all of which also continued in-game with said person openly mocking in whispers about they could, and would happily also try and fake screenshots to cause as much damage as possible.
At that point they also admitted that it primarily just because they found it funny. All of this can just very easily be shrugged aside as some douche, but it had a personal impact on me quite severly due to never had such an agressive experience before & also being in the worst time of my life at the time. All because I in the end used the wrong forum avatar. It was also this experience that actually stopped me from using Rowená(who has since then changed to varying characters, such as 120 Vixi, Nemmsy, etc) as my forum avatar and changed to Vixí.

Here is the thing though. Aside from my close-group of friends, generally the only people I saw in that thread who backed me up and actually bothered to call out this individual and a few others for spouting BS and doing false ad hominem, were primarily people associated with the PCU. And later on, much later when I talked about the experiences on the forum, the first person(Again, outside of my lovley friends) to openly and very directly say “Yeah that isnt okay, Im sorry it even happened to you” was actually Perroy.

Having then frequented the forums with Vixi only, I have again only had pleasant experiences with the PCU, even when there’s been things I’ve disagreed with a few rare times, there’s never been bad blood at all but understanding. I have also more and more come to realise I think quite alike with several of the members. Any interactions ingame has also always been pleasant alongside this.

I ended up later on joining a discord associated a bit with the PCU, or some of its members atleast, the Gnomish Discord. And it’s been very lovley people there and fun posts to read even if I’m not very active. I also ended up joining the Assemblage of Uld for a time on my other warlock, and I will recommend them if you are looking for a gnome guild. While I in the end had to leave due to a very limited gametime(roughly 3-4 hours) to play & needing to activly pick and choose between playing & RPing with my closest friends(And even then sometimes choose between us playing or RPing), or do anything else, it was also not a sore departure either which some guilds can be.
The guild members were super kind and fun during my time in there, and when I left and said goodbye too I very much felt welcome to return again should that happen.

I apologise that this ended up a little personal and a bit lengthy, but the gist of the matter is:

The PCU as a whole are people, and from my own opnion, generally very nice people who have always been kind and supportive of me with no real reason to.

And from personal experience back in the day, alot of negative comments against them are often either just herse-say, things youve heard from friends with no actual basis behind them, which often comes from someone else down the line who actually did something wrong/bad and didnt like paying the consequences.

There also is alot of hatred towards people just for associating with them, such as a certain forum goer who took it to an even higher/bad personal level than my earlier issue in this post, with the justification for it being that I had previously mentioned at the time that I had joined a PCU guild so I deserved everything coming my way.

Edit: Okay this became alot more wall than I anticipated, sorry!
Edit 2: Assemblage of Uld was invisible for some reason ._.


Simple Cedil… Perroy the leader of the Rotguard has a very bad reputation, and so does his guild and most associated with him.

As I have experienced many times in the past. Rotguard joins a RP/PVP campaign and it dies due to them grieving, camping and so on. It becomes a horrible fest of toxicity.

If this changed I do not know. I tend to avoid anything where it can end that way. However I must say that not all who associate with him are like this. Or are evil, demons and so on as they can be portrated.

I would have liked to join a well planned Riot as Perroy was planning yesterday for IC it would make sense for one of my characters.

I see many Guilds here with the PCU mark on them and I would not have guessed it in game. I would have played or have in fact interacted with some without any negative opinion.

This is extremly false. A vast majority of RP/PVP campaigns have infact been hosted either entierly by, or with the aid of PCU/Rotgarde community members. And you are the first person I’ve heard of in my entire time in AD who’s brought up that they do any kind of griefing.

Infact, the PCU members on both side of the campaigns usually try and stop OOCers from interfering or people not following the rules.


PCU has often been on anti-grief duty in RP-PvP, sadly people who don’t get the rules misconstrue this as them being griefers


I’m not sure what camping is supposed to mean in the context of rp-pvp.

Camping corpses and GYs I assume.

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As I also stated… I do not know if it has changed. But that was my experience in the past. As everything is only valid in the sphere of what I know. As for anyother PCU, I will go as far as to say I only know who they are because of the forums. Because I have indeed roleplayed with some of them and have no complains. As for the Rotguard… that is a different topic and will stick to that and not dwelve since it is not the place to do so.

Can you specify in which campaign(s) you experienced this? I don’t remember a single campaign involving corpse camping or any griefing that wasn’t shut down immediately.

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I mean, if you put out a public statement that they factually join campaigns to grieve/disrupt roleplay, you should back it up with some evidence instead of vaugeposting about it in a response.

Unless it is infact just made up, then you should apologise to them.

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sure thing let us know if you have any images or whatnot about who did this and when because i’m sure perroy would gladly confront the offenders if they are indeed part of the Rotgarde


Hello Nightember.

Please know that the PCU™ takes complaints like this very seriously.
In order to fully process this complaint, please forward any evidence to the PCU™ HR department.

We hope you have a pleasant day.

Príncess, Head of HR.


Open a topic so we talk about exclusively about the rotguard and I will try to find my back ups from the time I used to take part in things like that. But I believe that is not the topic in discussion here. It is the meaning of PCU and why it is always followed with violent nasty opinions about them.

I stated my view on why people react so badly to the tag PCU. This is what I see. if you do not agree you are entitled to that, as I am entitled to have mine. MY view, MY opinion. It is NOT the FULL view or the ULTIMATE truth.

But your opinion also stated that it is a pure fact that:

Which is false. So unless you are actually just trying to fling muck at them, show your proof?

Isn’t it common knowledge by now that anyone who’s on Perroy’s naughty list (for having had disagreements with him in the past or something) will be collectively bursted/nuked by Rotgarde members in the middle of a restricted RP-PvP battle? It happened in Hillsbrad only last week where the Alliance decided they wouldn’t put up with that kind of behaviour and left because of it.

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I think it’s absolutely the topic for you to bring it up and show who these griefers are, it will show you easily why the PCU are actually not as hated as some people like to claim it is (by that i mean the people who says the entire server ignores the PCU)

I always find this to be the weakest thing a person can say when their view gets questioned, or when they get asked to bring proof of their claim. It is a common thing among the people who actually does say the PCU is bad due to X reason.


Well not in the forums, as it seems. Aparently I was the only one knowing it.

Can either of you show us this happening, or are we just taking your word for it?


A wondrous predicament, hmm :thinking:

I thought it’s spelled Rotgarde, not Rotguard.


You’re so in the know about the Rotgarde that you can’t even get the name right. What a tepid altpost

There are very, very few RP PVP events that we have attended that were not personally hosted by me / someone in the PCU. The only one I can think of that wasn’t was one a year or two ago that we left early because the number balance wasn’t fun

I’m afraid that this is something you’ve cooked up - unless you’re implying that I am griefing my own campaigns. Post some screenshots

You’re posting on an anonymous alt so I can only assume that you’re either embarassed of what your main character is or you don’t want to stand by your opinion

In either case, I really imagine that you’re not somebody we’d be super eager to RP with

It’s probably for the best

I think that might be because we don’t do a whole lot of roleplay in the kind of hubs a player like you might frequent

Yes, if we tell someone in plain terms “don’t bring x y and z” and they bring them we will wipe them out

What do you expect? Pay Morsteth’s subscription and I’m sure he’d be more eager to RP with exactly who you want