PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

If you say so… it can also be someone who simply does not care enough to open an argument. I used to do what you want me to do. To the point of exausting myself with battles not worth fighting. Each to his own. I will not break Blizzard rules and name and shame anyone for the sake of being seen as strong or weak in the forums.

Someone asked why it is met with violent and unpleasent responses. That is in my view why people dislike PCU. And trust me Grieving is the least reason for it.

Now that I answered Cedil’s question I will stop feeding the side argument about the Rotguard.

Rotgourd, the dankest veggies this side of the garden.


I am confident that there are other channels, where you can share such information aside from forums as per

request before.

yeah, if you want to rp-pvp with us it’d be nice if you weren’t rude to us also

one hand giveth the other taketh away

Feel free to add me on discord and share this instead then :smiley:

Also it is called The Rotgarde.


You can PM it to Perroy or any other member of the PCU on Discord; that way you show your proof and nobody gets publicallh named&shamed all the while Perroy can take care of the problem for you…

Anyways I always find it rather weird that everybody who has something negative to say about the PCU either forgets how to take screenshots, lost them or just go “well its what I think” :frowning:


“A friend told me…”
“I’ve heard that…”
“Somebody said that…”

Nobody ever has any legitimate / valid grievances to air :pensive:


I gotta ask since I never really do RP-PVP, but as in don’t bring person X or more like gear Y or something? :thinking:

gear and abilities, I’m guessing.

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Source: Dude trust me! :joy:

On what grounds do you decide who’s allowed to come though, and what gives you that prerogative to begin with? If I tell you I don’t want a Rotgarde member to attend a battle, will you blacklist them too?

I don’t know who was being rude or what was said behind closed doors ofc, but don’t you think something like that should be settled elsewhere, and not through some OOC vigilante justice carried out in an IC battle?

Ohh like AoE abilities or mythic (current raid) gear then, I assume!

Wouldn’t say the PCU is “so” hated, hyperbole is commonly associated with the most vocal “Anti PCU” lot. They’re naturally a minority that are pursuing this for an indefinite grab at attention. Overall, the majority of the players really couldn’t care less and get on with their own roleplay. Also there plays the factor that it’s a very successful community, if not one of the most successful this realm has seen, which draws a lot of jealousy and pundits of criticism to the mix. To finish this off, it’s becoming more of a meme just because of how zealous these anti folk are. Like it’s a game, if you don’t like the players that play it, don’t associate with them, simple as.

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Depends on: if he made the campaign, I’m pretty sure he’s allowed to decide who can come or not! (Especially to keep balance etc)

On the grounds that Perroy is the creator of said event. Why would he be inclined to allow someone he doesn’t want to be associated with to join the roleplay? Can you give me even one good reason?


no i think instead i’ll just go to their events whenever i can and complainspam in yell and say channels :upside_down_face:

prob means you shouldn’t comment on it

True lol.

If players spent more time improving their own roleplay rather than attempting to criticise others own, they’d be a lot less sensitive.

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We decide who we roleplay with (as everyone does) - you can absolutely choose to avoid any player you want. In this case it was players kicked from the Grim Gest after being reported to Morsteth as griefing on alts

If your reason was the same as ours they wouldn’t be a member of the Rotgarde at that point. Otherwise we’d probably just politely decline the event with your group and organise with someone else. Alliance being so massive means that opponents for RP PVP are pretty easy to replace

I think Morsteth - one of the PCU’s founding fathers, really - has every right to say “I don’t want to RP PVP with x and y” and have that respected, especially if his reasons are good



The battle in Hillsbrad last week wasn’t a campaign or Rotgarde event though. It was a mutual RP-PvP event happening with plenty of people involved.

However the post from Perroy that you directly quoted was in referral to the events and campaigns he himself has hosted, not the matter you’re pressing.