PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

it was settled elsewhere but said people came anyway. seems like you don’t know much about the situation to really have an opinion on it

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The entire Horde side was PCU so this roleplay happening was entirely based on our involvement - so it was instead

I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how organising RP works + have an even more fundamental misunderstanding of how to post on your main


The PCU does not have enough cowbell, it’s a serious problem. :pensive:

Someone has rank 3 twilight devastation.

Battlefield blows up

o o f

Isn’t that the Rotgourmet?

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An alt poster walks into a thread demanding RP from the PCU

Let it sink in + your brains will also sink in


Players are under this really weird single minded complex for public events. If the PCU is making up the majority of the Horde force then their voice stands as being far more important, it doesn’t matter about the context of the event, because if they pull out the RP PVP seemingly becomes RP.

My brain has collapsed into a blackhole.

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Yeah it’s such a high level of entitled cope - as if we are here just to provide the misc. north guild of the month their free NPCs antagonists without any concern for what we would enjoy

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Thing is, people are very quick to accuse others of cheating in RP-PVP. Those people are normally the ones that expect to survive a 1vs100 fight.
They die, blame they got bursted cause they walked in the enemy camp

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Barlun also why are you simply posting on an alt as a disguise

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Sounds like a serious medical condition.

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Yeah I have to agree with the Galfordian here you should post on your main to put some weight behind your words

It’s fine it can be done for him

You… should get that checked out friend… Before it grows to big and swallows the whole of Azeroth. That’d be really bad.

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Cool story, Ember… Come back with actual evidence for your claims next time.


A lot of people seem to cite the dislike they have toward the PCU because of Perroy himself and supposedly because it inflates his ego.

The way I see it (as someone who doesn’t always see eye-to-eye with the officers) is that out of all the sins, pride might be the deadliest of all, but if that is the one fault the man can be associated with, then that is absolutely fine.

Could be worse, you know? Could be that the GM wouldn’t be just or fair. Could be that they’d spread lies. Could be noncing on minors. Perroy & the PCU doesn’t do any of that.

Also, like it or not, the PCU has created or had a hand in almost every single major RP event on this server and creates overwhelmingly majority of the high quality rp storylines and plots for the server. Hell, my own annual Hallowed Ball wouldn’t be possible without these guys giving me a hand.

Considering the input that I personally give vs what I receive from the community, the investment is almost entirely one sided in my favour- And for most members.

Pcu is simply great for anybody who wants to get quality RP done. Not only this, but due to the numbers, the community has a growing variety for different roleplayers.


“So I heard…”

It was in fact really cool and cathartic that someone got their comeuppance for griefing other people’s RP for the hell of it. No bystanders were hurt.

Worth noting also that they were not a part of the restricted RP-PVP that was planned anyway.

As someone who has been actually doxxed more than once, and most recently by cancerous elements in the AD community (of which I would not be surprised to learn that they have ties to this sickly tumblr blog) it really pains me to see someone well known for pulling the ‘I was doxxed’ card be so pro-doxxing for people they just dont like.

Even the apology was completely insincere.

Vaxir, honestly at this point I think you should stop mindlessly posting on a forum for a game you dont even play any longer because you dont gain anything from it and just make yourself look like less and less of a functioning individual.

After witnessing this latest spate of posts all I can do is pity you, it’s time for you to let go of argent dawn if not world of warcraft entirely.


As stated earlier, the PCU guilds very rarely attend campaigns that aren’t created by ourselves. If Perroy creates a campaign where outside guilds are allowed to attend, he’s got every right to deny a sperglord trying to attend, usually its for good reason such as failure to adhere to RP-PvP ground rules or excessive swearing (which isn’t in WoW universe by the way.) or perhaps its just because they’re a known nonce :^)