PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

The accusation of Rotgarde griefing RP-PvP is a bit out there lol, considering I don’t think I can remember the last ‘big’ RP-PvP campaign that wasn’t made by Perroy and Co.


Yeah thats us

There have been a couple, but not for a while and not ones we attended in any capacity

If we can run intra-community campaigns without any fear of drama or rule breaking, we will

Define griefing? I highly doubt Rotgarde would join RP-PvP events to yell OOC to obscenities, flood the chat with noise or block visual sight through size increased mammoth mounts, which is what I would define RP griefing under

Hell, I doubt any RP guild would do that
Being part of a guild that recently joined, the only conclusion I can really draw is that if people don’t like them now then that is not based on IC interactions, they go far and deep for their events in an attempt to provide large scale RP events for people who wish to join

As a new joinee, if people want to avoid me because my guild is PCU, then good riddance, I like my guild and I’ve enjoyed the few PCU events I’ve joined too much to let their opinion weigh heavier


Didn’t one of the last RP PvP have one of the non-PCU players rage quit their guild and start bursting because of their own drama?

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I do this all the time (for Quel’Thalas)


Are you sure it’s not Rotgourd ? The famous forsaken farmers ?

Little do people know but I have actually been griefing RP-PvP since the day I joined WoW.

The problem is that I am just so disgustingly bad at PvP.


I’m not that big into RP-PvP, but aside from everything good about said campaigns, isn’t a problem on ocasion that on Horde side, some guilds sign up but dont attend, where as on Alliance side, a mass of extra guilds that didnt even sign up at all just shows up?

Makes sense to be less chill to those who just showed up there without any kind of message about it prior or even checking if the numbers werent screwed.

(For Quel’Thalas…)

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I see the PCU & Perroy himself time to time meme about his apparant ego. And I know this isn’t probably universal by a long shot, but I think it shows rather the opposite, a bit of humble & humillity if you can :poop: post and joke about your own ego, and that your friends can do it too.

And even if not, well, it’s probably one of, if not the biggest and influtential communities. They deserve some ego boost once in a while.

Tbf s/he ackshually said it was according to his/her own experience right at the part you quoted.

In which case I wonder who asked

Of all the things to try and pick them on it’s ‘griefing’. :pensive:

From the campaigns I’ve attended (and read about) they have always been top notch opponents, counter-griefing people who drag in off-realmers to try and ruin the fun for everyone (and, I recall, mostly to try and ruin the fun for them).


But if her experience is something that never happened whatsoever, then is it really an experience?

It’s one thing(despite equally :poop: ) to say that “I believe the PCU is bad because I heard from someone that they grief RP-PVP events.”

It’s an entire diffrent thing to say “I know that the PCU grief RP-PVP events and kill them, I’ve seen it myself!” with absolutely zero evidence for it, especially when the PCU also hosts and hosted like 98% of the srvers RP-PVP events.

Its also extremly telling that the response to when asked for evidence is “Its my opinion, you dont have to like it!!!”

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I saw we were doing storytimes and I want to do a brief one. I was in the Hand of Conquest before the PCU was made, stuck around for a while after it became a community thing, left to do my own thing, joined back sometimes, lost interest in WoW, and still talk to PCU gamers because believe it or not they’re not an isolated hivemind who agree and talk only with eachother.

Had a luvly time with em and wish em the best, to be a big parrot I’d simply say don’t judge em b4 u actually get to know em, simple as.

P. S. Gobbert aka “Tony” aka The Gnoblin loves feet and Morsteth is infact a being of Evil


What do you mean, trolling your own RP events is the next level, glowing big brain genius tactic.

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The very most foremost.

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Even less of a reason for OOCers to be on AD now when people can just troll their own events!

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Pedo Correctional Union