PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

Culling **

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I certainly didn’t ask.

Hey Koiffen, did you ask?

OP. It’s sort of implied in the thread name itself.

If s/he says it did happen, then yes. It is not comparable to hearsay in the sense that you can’t “correct” the “misinformation”, unless s/he provides evidence that you can refute.

The question instead is, does his/her testimony hold any merit? As far as I can see, it does not, given how we are provided no evidence.

I only answer.

PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

The OP asked why the PCU is hated, Nightember gave her reason why she hates the PCU, but offered no evidence.

So as Broadblade said

And that is for the individual to decide.

Snarky comments about who asked aren’t really helpful in this matter, especially from those outside of Perroy (since Perroy was the one attacked).

Just my two cents :man_shrugging:


False ! I shall now expose you.

In this instance, we clearly see the individual known as “Koiffen” has asked a question.

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:pensive: :door: :airplane:


Who asked, though?

Honestly, you know who asked,

ladies and gentlemen, we gottem

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I can see what you mean yeah, and you’re of course free to think so as well, even if I personally disagree with it. Mainly because I dont think it holds any merit. (Her argument that is)

And that is primarily because of her very weird responses when asked for proof, or even clarification of when it happened. While I can also understand not saving screenshots of everything, it is a little weird that she is actually incapable of giving any further details other than “it happened” when its something she specifically stated she’s experienced first hand and hinted at to be some common occurance.

I would like to get a list of all the rumors of PCU that seem to be circling around on AD.

Can anybody provide me with one?

There was that one time where Lawson shot JFK


I think my favourite one I ever saw mainly because of how otherwordly bizarre it is(Not the thing itself, but that it’s even used as a “Bad” rumor or even attempted to be used as some sort of jab.)

Perroy had a job.


I don’t believe it holds any merit either, specifically because of the reasons you stated. It is not naming and shaming to bring up the specified event and time it happened, and since neither of those have been provided I can’t believe his/her statement in this instance.


I once heard that he always trinkets sap.

Yeah, it looks like the poster is a liar.

“Oh i have proof, but I’m not posting it in the thread”

Its basically crap stirring for the sake of it.

The entire pcu is alts (despite 150 people rping at the same time

Perroy had a job and this was somehow a bad thing

Perroy wants to control literally everyone

We are all n*zis (even though a public mass discord that used to be among our biggest detractors has a lot of yikes-worthy memes in them)

Lawson shot JFK (happy bday lawson)

Perroy had a girlfriend and this was bad somehow

We are all perroy’s alts

Every guild people dislike is a pcu guild (to this day our fans try to say church of the holy light was pcu, same for the confirmed pedo that got evicted from Duskwood)

A member was caught doing really depraved erp (perroy instantly ejected said member + nuked the entire guild it was in)

There’s probably more


Isn’t that abit harsh if there was only one degenerate?

Also, proof Perroy is evil, punishing the innocents! :wink:

Some stains are too deep for a simple washing, in this case, it was absolutely the right call.