PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

Didn’t you know ?, having a girlfriend is pretty gay.


True actually


Well, atleast it would be for me. :joy:


Only this one is true


World of Warcraft=Perroy Overlord Simulator.

I’ve heard; “perroy is a nonce who ERPs often” which is a bit umm… what?

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World of Warcraft
Wrath of Perroy

Tbh, I also started out hearing very bad rumors about the PCU, like they were doxxing a lot of people, but my interaction with them has been like… Yea I don’t believe they would do that.

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This one makes even less sense than normal since everyone who ever once looked at a PCU post and had any emotion other than seething hatred is just one of his alts, meaning if that was true he would ERP with himself.

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I would be very much impressed if he somehow managed to hide it from the 150+ sets of eyes of the PCU that are regularly on him + the attention of the rest of the realm.

Instant improvement to rp quality t b h


You must have mistaken us for Vaxir


I know right? its bizarre.

But apparently he was dating an underage girl so he’s a nonce.

(I know none of this is true)

Did she respond to you in the end about it? I’m not sure if I missed that or not.

It was just the rumors I heard, Maybe they were true, maybe they weren’t, but now that I have interacted more with the PCU I believe they are just that, rumors to slander.

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Of course not lol, not in any meaningful way at least

Blizz i need more likes, recent days have been taxing on my supply

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Easier to go silent and hope people forget

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My personal guess is that those rumors are a mix of two things:

A) Complete bogus.
B) Someone being mad that they got called out for altposting bad stuff and was checked up on check-pvp & believe it is doxxing.

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I love check pvp, go look up all my alts and weep.

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A lot of it is this. When i was new AD was in a phase of having serious issues with understanding the meaning of doxxing, thinking it related to any form of attaching an identity to some words

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I was just thinking something along the lines of B.

“They spotted my ERP alt. THEY DOXXED ME”

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How does one person even have that much time??

I saw like…4 alts in there that wasn’t 120.