PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

Three words; Warlords of Draenor

With nothing to do but level alts, a lot of alts got leveled and going up from 20 levels is much easier than doing 120.

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Holy heck and I thought I had an alt problem.

You have a doxxing problem

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Its not just WoD that i did all that.

Back in Wrath, I got 1 of each class to 80 so that was 10?

Then cata I had an extra druid for alliance RP, my nelf.

Then MoP came and i leveled a few more duplicates, i was also spread across 3 servers by then having moved my mains to here from Sha’tar, but i had alts on Earthen Ring because my friends were there and my alliance alts were on moonglade.

THEN everything else happened in WoD.

So all in all, had quite an army who only needs 10 levels every expac with a couple leveled from scratch plus WoD.

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I tried that; but I don’t show up at all on that site… Or I am doing it wrong :frowning:

Anyways I have all NElf classes(3 are still level 1, tho) 1 Belf Paladin and a NB Warlock(solely because Nevles can’t be those classes) and thats it really :nerd_face:

I know I asked a zillion times before, but I keep forgetting what doxxing actually means :frowning:

Leaking information that either can or outright reveals the person’s IRL identity in some form.

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The Church of the Holy light was? What do you mean was Tehya? We are still here :slight_smile:. But yes we get that a lot - you bad - you PCU.

Also please, please please do not mention us in the same sentence as that Duskwood guild who also had “church” in their name. Some actually think there is a connection. The connection? Perroy is the GM of both like you just said. I had that /w a few times along with the N*zi accusation and some more even wilder stuff that can’t go on the forums.

I was actually planning to write something else here when i stumbled on this and another thing I’ll get back to later.

So back on track. From my perspective only doing RP based in SW the PCU has really brought some fresh things to a scene that is a bit stale. What is mostly offered is social RP and relationship RP. Imo that kind of RP is boring to say the least. The latter almost always leads to attempts at ERP. Embarrassing really. If I wanted that I could just go down to the pub instead of sitting in front of the screen.

So yes please more of conflict, political intrigue and generally interesting story lines. It is very easy to get involved and feel included in the things you deliver.


I’ve also gotten abusive whispers about having ‘trans rights’ in my OOC info, so people just really like to try and find any excuse to criticise


Do you mind if I ask why you have something about trans rights in your OOC?

Because showing public allyship is important - and OOC info is very rarely useful.

If I can make one otherwise marginalised person feel a bit better with it instead, I will


So this is the second thing here I feel I have to reply to. I’ll try to be short since this is about the PCU and not about us.

I’m sorry to hear you feel mistreated by some of us in the past Vixi. If you want to sort it I’m happy to do so in PMs or on disco.

If not you have my sincere apologies here and now. I am well aware that some of us said bad things in the forums in the past.


I appriciate it alot, and it is very kind to offer the apology despite you not being one of the people involved :slight_smile: and while things have stung a bit after(mostly due to me clinging onto things easily & of course how the situation was at the time) the main issue was not your guild itself or those members who took part as much as it was the other individual.

Other than that really, I can only say that so far from what I’ve seen observing on the forums(not much in game yet) is that the guild has changed very drastically towards the better from what it once was, which is nice to see.


They’re either transphobes or don’t believe it belongs in-game. Either way why should it matter to them what someone has in a TRP as long as it’s not like… YA KNOW…

Kek, only two of my characters show up there

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Fair, they’re extremely gross.

Why do you have so many alts of the same class?? Who hurt you Croecell

Where did they even go.

Why not?

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Girl just likes to level!

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