PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

New mercenary guild called Flames of Requiem, same people minus the pedo in chief.

Last sighted in the nerth


Scattered and formed new guilds I believe.

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Dang we’re reaching as many posts here as my item level.

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So many… Alts.

And I was proud of my 6 120’s! D:

We’re already way past mine :frowning:


Being a Tree El—
Sorry, a Highborne Mage is something to be proud of in, itself :slight_smile:

Can confirm, atleast we didn’t devolve into something lesser! <3 :smiley:

Not unless you’re undead!

But those who did, minus two, hold supreme cities.

What is the current state of old Eldre’Thalas? :wink:

Being undead results in personal hygiene problems that also plagues amazing cities like Suramar and Silvermoon.

You can have Zin’Azshari if you’d like - it’s a lost foundation anyway.



I have nearly 1 of every class at 120 (missing just mage now, I think), and 2 of most of those classes at that.

: )

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bruh in 10 characters

I have one of every class bar DH at 120. Two druids.
I have two or three of everything over 100.
I had a huge alt issue in Wrath and WoD.

i have only this warrior at 120

beat that

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From end of Vanilla to MoP I had only this char(Gnome Mage back then) then in MoP I got my Warrior to max-level, after that I just randomly started to level chars in WoD(and having one boost per Expansion does help with that tbf)…

So now I stand at 7 120’s and 1 97!

As for the rest; Ya’all bunch of alt-addicts!:scream::joy:

I haven’t had any issues with them personally, only heard things about them. But the things I’ve heard havent been good. But I dont judge people after rumors. I like the Painted Shields quite alot, tried them out on a toon. But it just wasnt my cup of tea, personally.

You have more characters then me these days.


that rp kinda turns me on tho

That’s disgusting