PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion


These forum comments are so entertaining, thank you AD :smile:

Got all classes at 120+ some extra warriors, hunters, and something else I think.

you are disgusting

Generation conflict. That’s kind of it. A thing that naturally happens. A 40+ year old roleplayer would feel weird in guilds where people spam dank memes all the time. (nothing wrong about that, but that’s just how things are)

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I’m pretty sure quite a lot of the “Pcu bad” crowd have shown to be around half of the age named in your hypothesis.


What an incredibly weird post, especially from someone with alts in meme guilds


Not even close to accurate, perhaps leave this topic to RPers!


LLLOOOLLLL. :mechanical_leg:


No one forces anyone to join the PCU and there is nothing wrong with a group of people that share the same interests to band together and all enjoy what they do together. I have been on some events by the PCU and had fun in them and some i did not enjoy so much. But just because i did not totally enjoy one dos not make me come to the forums and vent about how bad the PCU is when all they are trying to do is provide events for the whole community. If you do not want to join in no one is forcing you.


I’m of a venerable age where I have learned how to block/ignore/filter content that I don’t like, including the posts of absolute dolmio sauce enthusiasts on these very forums

And I don’t have to do the same on any PCU-ran guild or Discord these days at all


Haven’t you heard?

We hold a monopoly on all RP now. All role-play that happens on this server is 100% PCU based.
And if you don’t attend, we will force you to get involved at gun point.

(Disclaimer for anti-PCU: THIS IS SARCASM.)


True, we make people flee Stormwind just by RPing there. I think I’ll keep RPing around our detractors on purpose.


PCU generates a rather three sided view some hate them some love them some just want avoid the drama best to actually interact with them and see for yourself where you stand


i will actually make you attend at gunpoint


You play the devil’s advocate like it’s a paid job. At this point you’d be better off being honest and just admitting your dislike for the PCU (but even then, such an admission would only be confirmation of the tangible fact that has been your sentiment for so many years).

But what is more amusing, is that COAD works on half-truths; some of the stuff posted on that tumblr is outright false, some of it are quotes taken out of context and of course, some of it is true. But on the other hand, it’s a thread that isn’t above doxxing but you lap it up all the same, the notes on some of the posts detail your avid readership.


Doxxing is bad (unless it’s someone i dislike)

The vaxir take.


The issue with the PCU is that despite their good RP, they’re likely to cross a line when it comes to treating people respectfully, and can become outright disrespectful.

It should be widely uncontested that bullism does happen from the PCU (just look at our latest discussions filled with slander from their side) and has happened in the past even when there was just one guild associated with the PCU (ie. one player being bullied when he created an undead guild, ultimately targeted in-game and forced to disband it).

That there’s no intentional and unjustified malevolent mistreatment of others is just a false information. That being said, the PCU also has positive qualities - which have been eloquently posted in the several replies around here.

With this in mind, it should be noted, the PCU might not be the big baddies out there. This attitude (bullism, causing drama) is very widespread and goes way beyond the PCU. People attacking others on AD is hardly fresh news. It just happens that the PCU is also good at it.


Alas, in dealings with the PCU disrespect begets disrespect

Tbh this is not true. Many people from the PCU are super suspicious and will often accuse others of being bad/imply that others are bad people for standard disagreements.