PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

Merely do something the community rees at and then begin posting. Easy.

It seems pretty clear that Athramus isn’t a fan of the PCU, but what I don’t get is, why does he feel the need to keep debating and arguing with them.

Just move on man.


Look at your own post history lol

It’s not an image. It’s reaction to how you act

I am replying to you very directly. If you want to shut your eyes to the reality of how people percieve your posting / why you get those replies that’s your choice

To be fair I wouldn’t insult the draconic mastermind of Argent Dawn by comparing him to that person - he’s just fond of the attention rather than being openly malicious and to his credit isn’t involved in doxxing

Guy tells you “your posts don’t have the effect you intend on me”

You say “I disagree”

Sorry, Aerilen, but you actually love these posts now

Yeah (not you sadly)


Hmm I don’t recognise that, if I disagree with a majority, I simply disagree and am fine with that. I have strong doubts I’m the only one.

All my in game experiences have been positive. I’ve been impressed with the quality of the roleplay of the PCU guilds generally, and I appreciate how inclusive and supportive they are. If they are not, they have good reasons from what I’ve seen. Besides that, they’re mostly lighthearted and fun people. In a way I find it sincerely upsetting that people with a PCU guildtag may expect abuse, while the community itself is friendly as far as I can tell.


You mean like the time you jumped into a thread that had nothing to do with about what I’m about to say & very directly proclaimed that it was 100% accurate facts (& not just your opinion) that every single thing I ever posted on the forums was complete lies?

Which stemmed from an argument we had well over a year ago before that nothing to do with the topic either, since it was about politics & I ended up disagreeing with your political opinion on a few things and then left it at that. And didnt interact with you much on the forums after that honestly, but the few times we did were still mild mannered.

This doesn’t even cover everything else you quite nastily said to me in that thread either, and how you refused to apologise at all for it to this day because you openly proclaimed that everything you always post is 100% neutral facts that can’t be disputed and you are soley driven by logic, never by spite, emotions or other motives. This also after the fact when I owned up to getting agressive back in the end and called you some things & apologised. To which your response was “Thank you but nah…I’m still right and you are wrong/Bad”.

Then of course you also in the thread later did actually procclaim that wether anything you said were true or not wasn’t actually relevant, because I had previously stated in the thread before your barrage of mean-spirited walls of text at me, that I had joined a PCU guild back then.
So anything you said was something I “deserved” for that reason.

I will go back to pretend you don’t exist now, which works mostly well. The only reason I briefly broke it this time around was because I felt it needed to be adressed.

YOU are by no means some victim who’s being innocently targetted. You are infact THE biggest example I can think of when it comes to someone activly targetting someone’s image, all because of your own personal spite for PCU even being mentioned, and with your entire argument laying on a political disagreement a year prior.

Now, I will again pretend you don’t exist and I will say what I said before: Please do not respond to me in any future threads or this one, since you can become incredibly nasty and vindictive at any given point.


I’ll back this up by saying that it was just the same before Void elves showed up, so it would be silly for someone to claim that void elves are single-handedly ruining Stormwind RP, or whatever that claim would be. The issues that are there now were there before.

The only difference is that a fair few of the resident blood elf players now hang out as void elves in Stormwind instead of Silvermoon(?), and they brought all the not-always-stellar quality of roleplay with them. Ups and downs.

Just write something stupid, all these NERDS on the forums will take it super seriously and beat you up.

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Let’s take this outside. I’m a trained navy vet.

Right here right now nerd :clap::clap::clap:

Magnus did nothing wrong.

Your move.

Literally who?

Doth thou even consume literature!?

I’m not a fkng NERD

I’ve got bad news for you…

Give it to me straight, doc


Missed a detail so I am correcting this post to reflect that.

You’re a nerd, Harry.

Just like us.

This… It cannot be! You must be a liar!

Yeah, almost all the discussions were initiated by PCU people; if you don’t count the length of discussions, you’d notice I don’t post much about PCU at all.

Yeah, you’re replying to me, your entire posts are about me. But you’re not answering my question though.

It’s not really something that doesn’t exist, it’s quite widespread. If you see a lot of people telling you how amazing something is and how bad something is by contrast, you’re going to get heavily influenced. It’s one of the reasons PCU get a lot of prejudice in-game (people disliking them being very vocal about it).

As for the rest, basically all the points posted by Aerelien and Perroy can be explained with cognitive biases that stack up: the tendency for group members to spend more time and energy discussing information that all members are already familiar with (i.e., shared information), and less time and energy discussing information that only some members are aware of (i.e., unshared information); in-group bias, illusory superiority effect, tendency for people to over-emphasize personality-based explanations for behaviors observed in others while under-emphasizing the role and power of situational influences on the same behavior. And in this case, defensive attribution hypothesis is quite present too.

Never said that everything you say is a fabricated lie. I said, on the other hand, you alter the meaning of what others have said to prove your points and that is absolutely true.

You were advocating to harass people who aren’t super liked by the community. I simply took the burden of proof and show you how it feels like to be mistreated, despite you agreeing that saying false things deserves mistreatment. You can’t really lament an unfair treatment when this was the position you were rooting for all along.