PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

If you search it out you can find it as I’ve said. But if you don’t like the idea of it then best not to. Unless you’re a masochist.

orange man bad


Not the one I meant, sadly she took it off AA after some folk did an image search and found the same pic on hentaifoundry with a 10 ft long horsedong

Here, have an upboat!

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I don’t think we’re the same person since horse parts aren’t my thing.

Weirdly ignoring my post there =O pretty crazy after that bold “no proof” thing

Maybe you’re only interested in posts where you can post other people’s personal information. You should try find my Facebook next


Ahhh Sainur you are now truly my brother I love you now let us only look forward, never back


This topic will have 500 posts of people throwing stones back and forth within an hour.


And 499 will be on my side

edit: I guess I’m included in that number also


We’re having a civil discussion my right honorable friend

When it’s you it’s just a funny bit of internet drama.
When it’s them it’s harassment and abuse.


This sums Vaxir up for the past 10 years, including her tendency to trashpost on the forums just to rile people up

She’s just a horrible person in all honesty


Do as I say not as I do in action

I can’t say I’m surprised that a blog that advertises a certain green-cloaked themed retinue as a fantastic guild is one that our friend the Scourgelord of the Old Town frequents and agrees with

They’re a match made in heaven with a similar attitude to roleplay on basically every level


Says the one talking about horse parts.

des gus ten

well I am never googling vaxir again

Understandable. Blood isn’t everybody’s cup of tea, nor is nudity.

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Since this will go nowhere, I guess I’ll take the incentive.

  1. What is the biggest controversy you got into that still haunts you?

  2. What is the biggest made-up controversy that people have snowballed into believing because of constant repetition?

  3. Is there any point in trying to mend previous bad relations these days by taking the first steps yourself, instead of waiting for them to make the go-ahead?

Please stop trying to slide the topic with meme posts to distract from your weird doxxing - or maybe you should apologise for dropping personal information re. my guildies & friends

And sure, Cedil -

An officer in a guild I ran a few years ago turned out to be someone pretty similar to Vaxir here on a new account / under a new name. That’s a pretty big source of embarassment but I feel like I couldn’t have prevented it beyond the way I did ie. kicking him the moment someone let me know / linked the details

People like to attibute loads of evil things to me (/ the PCU, I guess) - ie. all sorts of griefing / unpleasant OOC stuff but they never have proof. Normally when asked they’ll say “uhh … my friend heard it from a friend”. It usually has its roots in a. people who are invested in cyber or b. guilds who feel like we shouldn’t be allowed to muscle in on “their” turf. I had pretty big problems with the latter when I first refounded the Rotgarde in MoP from the entrenched community at the time

I don’t care about mending relations with anyone - I am extremely content roleplaying with my guilds / people who want to RP with us and our growth is so massive that in fact people should be apologsing to me


Of course, that is what I am expecting :3

My favourite thing about COAD now is the clear shilling and sucking up to Bayerleyn Retinue; a guild that is so notorious that in the last thread it brought enemies together with the power of our shared hate, because admitting that perhaps in this instance Perroy/PCU might have had a point would be to go against the whole intent of the Tumblr (a harassment blog aimed at Perroy)