PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

Silence child rper

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Nice, post 666 is about child RPers.

The people with that perception are people who I mentioned in my comment, plus what Diamantia listed.

The PCU welcomes new RPers and people of differing skill levels. They just have to be willing to learn and not do weird things like we’ve said.

I don’t think the PCU is particularly worried about what such weird folk think of us, honestly.


Also Athramus the reason people don’t like you is because you’re a big, dull dud who insists he’s always right and seems to have mistaken the World of Warcraft Argent Dawn-EU forums for a philosophical arena of debate in ancient Rome. It makes you a chore to read and an even bigger struggle to respond to.


I in fact think it’s weird rp and should be considered bad rp when a child goes to own everyone else in an archery competition against adults where some among them are RPing actually good archers.

What are your thoughts on this?


Not that good if they got beaten by a kid.


Oh definetely. That is on the level of having a Human Rogue with small knives defeat a Saronite-clad DK in a fight with nothing, but what they have on their person.

If someone is going to play a younger character, be they a mage apprentice or a squire to a paladin, etc, Imo they should not strive to be the “Special one”. Isn’t the purpose of having such a character to have them grow due to the interactions and teachings of others ICly to begin with?

Being inherently “Different” in that case just makes them an Anime character.

EDIT: What Emberholm also said. In cases like that it could also be used as a comedic moment? “Oh look the rascal who has never held a bow before in their life won”.


Wait, Teliabelle IS Willotree?

Well, that’s news to me, but it all makes sense now. No wonder he is so vehemently against the PCU, he’s friends with the pasta sauce gang.

That and being a child RPer.


You’ll find that a lot of anti-PCU people are usually doing something that goes against ToS or are just plain immoral.


Or a human priest with an inherited sword defeating a giant Azerite tank by simply stabbing it.


The teliabelle thing was new.

But I’ve seen him on his other child character defend a certain nonce in the colour before yellow and after blue if you know what I mean.


hey buddy, you got a license license?


get em, boys


Nah, he’s been vocally defending them here on the forums too regardless of character

I suppose it depends on the rogue. The common footpad with knives has no chance, but an extremely skilled rogue can absolutely defeat a death knight.

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That’s what I meant!

Just as said, i did not know that a certain child horde side was him too.

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Yes as I was referencing exactly what you said as well. A common footpad with knives.

Dolmio is a good substitute

Put the red wine in the tomato sauce

For people to say that the PCU does not RP with other groups is wrong and i do not know where this comes from. When i first started to RP one of my first guilds was the Sunreavers. After a little while and totally having a great time with some great people the GM told me we had a massive RP-PvP event coming up.

Being new to RP i did not know what to expect. One of the best things i have ever participated in (Battle of the Four Corners). I remember the Rotgarde roleplayed with me even though i was very green and there were plenty of guilds there not in the “PCU” so from what i have experienced is they are welcoming and helpful to all. Just give them the chance and i am sure you will enjoy your time with them as i have since that first event. Since then i have been in many events organised by the PCU and had a great time.


child rp is worse than dragon Rp,
change my mind.

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