PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

wait until you see their child dragon.


We don’t need to. Child RP is and will always be, the worst. Followed by demon RP.
“I don’t RP a succubus for ERP!” lies!


I think what makes child roleplay creepier is they never come across with the naive innocence of children, but rather some braindead teenager who missed out on primary education after being kicked in the head by a hench horse.

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I kid you not, for all the non-PCU guys here defending PCU or just saying “yeah, I’ve had a good experience with the PCU before”, some of you are gonna have someone unfriend you just for saying that.


Jokes on them, I didn’t have friends anyway.

This unironically reminds me of a lot of 70-100 year old blood elves over the past 4 years in RP.

lucky for you willotree is a double whammy deal as he does both on the same character

Screw them, if they’re going to unfriend me just for liking the PCU then they were not good friends to begin with.


Is it truly unfriending if they were never a friend…?


If someone unfriends me just because of who I choose to Rp with they ain’t a friend worth having.


I think this largely came about due to people thinking/having the headcanon that somehow an elven year=/=a human year, as though they were some breed of dog or whatever. Making their 80 year old elf be an equiv’ of an 16 year old human.

Regardless of quel/kal/shal/sin, a year is a year and they mature at the same rate as humans. They just reach a point and aging just doesn’t really happen until they become Anasterian/Voren’thal and they’re stooped over, gray haired and sickly.


So far this thread has taught me many a thing, including horse gate and that I probably don’t want to know about the pasta sauce thing : |

As for experience with PCU? I only have the forums, as I am not really active in the RP scene (Shadowlands when?) but I mostly see them as very engaged people in their little part of the game they enjoy, that being RP.

Sure they can be rude, but frankly who aren’t when passionate about a hobby?
If anything the grudge holding that AD is well known for and has been for years (hell I remember it from my Moonglade days) is well and alive and should frankly be more of an issue than PCU vs Anti-PCU.

I guess as others will say interact with them and make your own opinion from it, maybe you will get along with them or you decided they’re not your cup of tea and both are fine*

*Unless you ERP, is a nonce, child RP or just god emoting.


I think this is also largely due to other fantasy universes, like Tolkien’s, seeing as A.Knaak, who wrote ‘Day of the Dragon’ included Wildhammer women with beards in his story, has been used by people both to support their bearded female Dwarves (Which is a-okey!) but also to bizarrely shame other Dwarven RPers for not having women with beards?

I think the correlation of years is also something people assume, simply based on the various long-lived races in Warcraft mostly being Elves.

It also came out because aside from the RPG there’s no real definition of a (blood/high) elven lifespan. You have Alleria who is at least 3000, and Anasterian who’s age would probably have been given in the Kael novel (alas).

But the RPG came out with some dumb thing about 350 despite characters clearly defying that. Alleria was around in the Troll Wars, Anasterian and Voren’thal have no age but they are both regarded as elderly (and with Voren’thal, quite infirm).

Ultimately, the headcanon I run with is that under the right circumstances elves can live for thousands of years, but time does inevitably catch up to them. I imagine the lifespan of elves who are in south-eastern villages near Amani territory is much shorter on average than say, a tailor in Silvermoon’s.

I just read through that ‘sauce’ screenshot and I all I can is


I mean jesus christ, if it was some crazy goblin or drunk dwarf… whatever, it’d still be cringe, but at least it wouldn’t’ve been said by a bunch of elves. My character is kind of a deranged berserker and can be capable of some crazy stuff, but… my god. A lot of elf RPers put dwarf swearing to shame it seems. I know that I and some others have actually toned it down a bit with the memes and ‘swearing’ but holy hell, leave it up to the damn elves to actually be more obnoxious and sprout out stuff normally said by 18 year olds.


Same here, just read it an hour ago. Holy moly that was EXTREMELY freaking cringey. And when you see that a relatively prominent RPer (from what I know) thinks this kind of incredibly awkward self-insert second life RP checks out, it’s pretty clear that the bar outside of the PCU really is extremely low.

And then you have people wondering why the PCU is getting big, or even claiming that’s a bad thing lmao. It’s only a bad thing if you RP in a way that doesn’t respect the setting or the game. Which is still incredibly common, sadly.


Raw sauce. No ketchup.

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Gonna chime in here with my observations, as they just don’t line up with this claim. Now I have seen players mocked in a shootload of Discords, but I have noticed that AAW tends to tell people not to. Having had a look for the sake of this post, I’ll add that even in the rules you agree to by signing up:

“Do not use AAW to start or perpetuate any witch-hunts, to name-and-shame, or to ruin any guilds, communities or individuals no matter how much you believe they deserve it. Live and let live. If you are joining with the intention of doing any of these things, please leave immediately.”

I’m well aware that there’s no love lost between some of the moderators in AAW and PCU, but from what I have seen, they do tell people off for talking crap about people who aren’t there to defend themselves. PCU or otherwise. I think the only exception is creepy ERPers being mocked, and that shouldn’t really be an issue to anyone.

I can’t (and won’t) speculate on why AAW exists, but I can and will speak for what I have seen of it. It does not come across as a hateful or anti-PCU initiative to me. :man_shrugging:

Nor me. I have interacted with PCU characters several times on unaffiliated characters of my own, and it has never been an issue. Nor have I felt they were trying to poach me for a guild.

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It took a long time this to also apply to PCU but its been getting better yeah

I mean there is nothing inherently wrong with having more of a casual bit of RP especially if we’d be talking about Random RP, but in this case it goes over the line.

Also when it comes to “Quality” and “Standards”, those tend to be something set by certain groups as you described the PCU do.

Personally, I think AD currently has a bit of a “Grim Dark” phase going on, where everything has to be extremely sinister, etc, which itself is, again, something others enjoy, whilst others don’t.

But let’s leave the pasta sauces in the kitchen and not discuss how we dip Bratwursts into it IC, eh?

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