PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

WoW has its fair amount of genocides, ceaseless warfare, plagues, demon invasions, Old god invasions, undead invasions…

You’d think some hundred if not multiple thousand year old elf would have something more interesting to say than dipping ‘sausages into sauce’.


Now that Mayoblaster isn’t around it’s a fairly normal channel I think but at it’s height if you searched “perroy” or “PCU” it would be pages of demagoguery being pushed mainly by 1x gamer


Exactly this too. I think both of us being pretty long-time members of the Dwarf Community on AD know that if we were to say something like that on our Dwarf characters, we’d be rolled in oil and dipped in feathers by the very same people, no?

Again. Some of my best memories are from Dwarven Random RP and that’s close to my heart, mostly due to it’s light-hearted, yet grounded nature.

We can all meme about dwarf swearing and the stereotypical drunkenness but yeah, that ‘sauce’ thing made even me cringe, even worse when I actually know one of those people in that screenshot on different characters…

I don’t mind a bit of crazy RP and fun when Sainur is not killing stuff, from pouring ale into Pandaren noodles to witnessing explosive-wielding goblins riding crabs in some hallucination - my character has seen/done some crazy stuff, but no, I can’t recall it anywhere being close to… well, -that-.



But also any bans done by crazy Mayto on people for being PCU before he left in his rage is still valid reasons to keep people out of the community. So while it might “feel” different, i am inclined to believe not much has changed about the mod team and how they handle things.

Of course there’s nothing wrong with a casual bit of RP, nor did I say there is. I’m talking specifically about the kind of casual RP that involves two semi-immortal beings giggling like middle school teenage girls about extremely inappropriate jokes and topics.

Uhm… that’s kind of what communities do, though? Besides, it’s not like PCU standards differ very much from Blizzard’s own… which is something every RPer has to adhere to anyway (spoiler: many very much dont). Kind of a weird point there, mate.

WTF i cant believe AD has a bit of a grim dark phase going on?

It’s almost like the world was stabbed with a giant sword that literally made the planet bleed or night elves had their lands torched and their people massacred or the Horde went through another very tumultuous period of rebellion that involved lots of bloodshed and betrayal or the Alliance invaded Zuldazar and killed thousands of trolls and their king and left them reeling with anger wtf wtf!!

Yikes in 10

There is room for such characters to be a little dorky or -out there-, like the blood elf who was sent to Stonard because he was such a poindexter no one really wanted to deal with him.

It’s more of a question of tasteful roleplay tbh.

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Ah yes, Mayto, who did not want to give me a yes or no answer regarding whether a certain group of crimson-clad clowns were good for AD or not.


Aren’t the Zandalari a rather small Tribe of Trollscompared the other Troll Tribes anyways? I doubt if the Alliance killed thousands of them they even would have a functioning Kingdon left…

Unless I am misinformed about the size of the Zandalari Kingdom🤔

Did you play BFA?


I did., yes.

I feel like BfA makes it pretty evident that the Zandalari are huge in number. Darkspear are the tiny ones.

Which is exactly what I meant as well? I know quite often people can come off as confrontational at the Forums, but that was not my intention. I am simply tossing out my opinions and takes on things into the air.

While I do agree on the part of the ToS and Community guidelines, Blizzard has never written a “Guide to GoodRP 101”, no?

Again, you seem to be under the impression that me voicing my opinion about the darker themes and phase means I think it’s wrong to do so?

As I said before myself it’s something others will enjoy focusing on more than others! Be it a minority or a majority.

Not to even mentions peoples like the Dark Trolls, Drakkari, etc whom are basically on the way to exctinction.

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The Zandalari were always the supperior, powerful ones. Just look at the main Horde hub for bfa lol

Yea, and that same expansion makes the Void Elves appear huge in numbers to… Or atleast more then the crack-squad they supposedly are :frowning:

I was just wondering if they are as huge as they’re shown ingame, because we also know Zandalar isn’t really the size of the Broken Isles either(I read somewhere that the ingame Kul Tiras and Zandalar are actually way smaller then they appear ingame)

Remember when Ion was like “Nah we can’t have Quel’dorei since they are so low in number”… Only for them to create a whole new offshoot comprised of not just Void-afflicted Sin’dorei, but Quel’dorei afterwards as well.

The concept of the Ren’dorei could have worked, but they rushed them into the game with a half-assed reason and tie-in with a old lore character.

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Should’ve gone with the damn Argus Broken! Now we just left them to suffer on their dying planet! D:<

They’d always be elves - they are designed to mirror Nightborne as ‘race from other faction in our faction’. The story just works a lot better if they were the high elves who followed Alleria through the Portal and acclimatised to the Void over time, rather than them being outcast blood elves.