PCU, why is it so hated? Serious discussion

An orc grunt trundles up to you in hotpants, modesty straps and american football shoulder pads.

“Put on more clothes”, he barks angrilly.


Guys stop it, there are just so many Male Orc descriptions I can read before my fragile heterosexuality breaks!

Break it, man.

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Hrrm! Me not that kind of orc!

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A troll axe thrower angrily glowers at your outfit, despite only wearing a loincloth and a full 80s surround sound setup on his shoulders and back.


Listening to synthwave again?


what? in ten

I’d wager they mean for Mord to turn gay.

Something else that occurred while I was on a character I had made. A vulpera chef with Vol’dun inspired food ideas. I wanted to role-play a vendor selling food to people.

It was engaging, fun and really got a few statues moving as they got to interact with someone and talk as they ate.

And then we had one person come along. Apparently, they found out that I was a PCU person, so they decided that they are going to ruin the role-play for others.

They played a vulpera (Which was really off-putting of them being anti-vulpera food). They proceeded to try to tell people to not buy food from me. Telling them it was ‘garbage’. And then acted out ‘sniffing’ and ‘puking’.

That’s right. Someone was so anti-PCU, they are willing to disrupt harmless vendor role-play for no other reason than the person is part of the PCU.


Yea, but clearly that food was filled with chemicals to make them worship Perroy! And make them try and join the PCU, can’t have that happen, no-no Sir!

I really liked this post in combo with your forum portrait in the black dress

A daring synthesis

edit: @ OP please rename this thread to “PCU general chat”


I am a bold one. :rose:


I’d like to sign up for the official PCU newsletter please to keep up to date on the latest developments and gossip.


That’s exclusive to members only.


That’s called boycotting. It’s RP boycotting. And those that do such a thing should check themselves to see who’s the actual cretin.

The ingame sentinel armor is likely based on the Nelf Archer/Sentinel armor
from Warcraft 3 which effectively match up with what has been shown in WoW.

It’s just unfortunate that every other sentinel up until this point has been much more armored.


Boycotting is not a problem, but people logging alts to disrupt roleplay really is. Grim to see some of these characters coming from guilds that market themselves as so so friendly OOC


It should also be added that this character also does whatever they can do try to get people away from PCU related things.

Heading to the barracks? He’ll tell you to go elsewhere to train.
Talking to a guard? Don’t let them recruit you!

It could be said they are doing this ‘IC’, however, their hate is OOC as well, reflected in their TRP showing to hate the PCU.


Out of interest, at somewhat of a tangent, did you have a particular ‘theme’ for what Vulperan cooking might resemble in our world? I think they seem to have quite a few Middle Eastern vibes going on for them, so wondered if you went that route with it?

I didn’t go with any real world theme. I took creatures from Vol’dun and used whatever resources they had in the area to make a menu of items. Like fried snake tails covered in bilewing ‘honey’