It’s not a story the Kaldorei would tell you.
So Vaelene got owned but she will be back for revenge soon! Let the purple wars continue…
This is why you never monologue in the middle of a fight. :^)
Monologuing is a trademark. YOU WILL NOT TAKE IT FROM ME :’(
With new times come new leaders. Vashava Nightsong has become the new leader of the Dirge, and Karinar Bloodmane has replaced Ayleris Greenshadow as her second.
The Dirge are currently located in and around Stormwind, fighting the undead along with the rest of the forces stationed there in this unprecedented invasion of the Scourge. If you too wish to join up and kill Horde, Loyalists, or otherwise, then poke me, Karinar or Ilistria in-game today!
Tyrande needs you to kill Horde. Join the Dirge today.
I’m Erena Lunarglade, and this is my favourite other PCU Elf Guild.
I swung by the Westbrook Garrison after an event a friend put together for a few of us. I was hoping to bump into you guys but I think I arrived a bit late. Perhaps tomorrow! I’ve heard and seen a lot!
Stay classy (Or not. I’m open to new ideas.)
I’m seeking to join on both my druid and my death knight if possible!
Hey, poke any online member and they can direct you accordingly!
Please let me into Dirge of Teldrassil.
Maiev said no
We don’t accept fake elves.
This post was made by true elf and worgen gang.
All cool night elves and worgen should check out these guys though … I’m the least biased critic there is.
Alastrine’s chickens are… nice. Does he still have some?
The Dirge return to Kalimdor this coming Monday. Want to join? Find us at Astranaar on the 8th, or message myself, Karinar or Ilistria.
I hope you are all sticking it to the Horde whenever you can! I hope to run into you guys at some point! Last interaction I had with you lot was amazing.
Tonight we have journeyed all the way to Silithus, just to kill them.
Good! I am still waiting for my characters mind to snap again and go against the Horde. But till then, might have to wait till the Horde take something away from my character again, just for the sole reason to join up.