I have tanked hundreds of heroic dungeons since cata released and never saw this many kicks, let alone the same guy getting kicked over and over. So I think there must be an issue with what you do during your runs. You must be doing something to constantly provoke your party to vote kick you.
What they could do, is add a 5-10 sec delay before the yes button becomes active on vote-kick window, while no is immediately available. That would not solve 4 guildmates kicking someone deliberately, but at least the rushing random players would probably rather click no and gogogo rather than sit for 10 seconds thinking “why are we kicking this one again?”.
And yet, it doesn’t stop that behaviour at all. Funny, isn’t it?
I can’t even count the amount of players I see in RDF, where they sit down afk at the start, I try to vote kick them and the system tells me “you cannot kick that player yet”.
So your system only really punishes good players, or rewards toxicity.
The main fix of this would be to count a pre-made’s vote as one. Three people queueing will have one vote count, not three.
And why should they have less votes? What if we get a situation where 3 people in premade were queued with 2 randos that suddenly decided to, for no apparent reason, kick one of the premade members?
Because they are not individuals. They are one party. As I outlined.
What if we get a situation where 3 people in premade were queued with 2 randos, and the premades suddenly decided to, for no apparent reason, kick one of the randos?
You see, literally the same thing happening right now. You only proved the my system wouldn’t be worse in the slightest.
They are individuals. Ones that took an extra step to make a party. The party doesn’t count as a single unit no matter how you try to rationalize it.
And this is where you’re wrong. Your idea empowers single players and punishes those that group up. It also creates imbalance in terms of votes as it lowers the total amount of votes as in current system we always have 5 (the one initiating Voting automatically agrees the one that’s the target of voting disagrees). In your system we have:
5 votes when the group is entirely made of solo players
4 votes with a single 2-player party
3 votes with a 3-man party
2 votes with a 4-man one.
For the sake of argument let’s assume you need majority to pass a vote meaning a tie means the vote is null (otherwise you shift dynamic on favor of kicking rather than protecting anyone). Each of your examples leaves all the power in the hand of solo players if the voting comes from a premades requiring unanimous decision on either side except for the last case where no voting can be done as you automatically tie. Meaning that in worst case scenario the almost full party can be terrorized by a solo Player with no mean to counteract.
Of course, but only punishes the premades because currently they have an unfair advantage over singles.
Also, you are wrong. The one who is voted for does not count, action is only taken with majority, so currently 2-2 is a tie. This means that at least 3 players currently would have to vote yes a minimum for a kick.
With my system:
If there’s another single with the premades, their vote actually matters. Currently, their vote is useless.
If there are no other singles (4-player premade) then they can vote out the only other player, as they currently can.
Either way, it won’t be changed, but this is objectively a better, more fair system. Disagree all you want, water is wet.
They have power equal to their numbers. Again why exactly is that unfair? Because unlike solo players they can coordinate their votes? You assume every single group operates maliciously. And from my experience it’s usually solo players that act disruptive. Had one two days ago when we were doing normal dungeons on alts to level then up in a guild. There were four of us and the picked up Hunter. Since we were rather rusty (especially me on Disc Priest having to unlearn my Holy Paladin tendencies) it went about as good as you can expect. The hunter started throwing insults our way. Tell me was it abuse or unfair that we decided to kick him?
Oh my so that’s just like me trying to aim my Holy Power Spender when every caster scatters beyond the possible range… Or use my only other AoE heal that costs a ton.
They should just change it to how it was originally, where you can’t kick anyone for the first ten minutes (except dced people) and can’t kick during combat or for 30 seconds, after exiting combat.
You wanted the RDF, you got the RDF. This experience is 100% authentic and is like back in the good old days the RDF and RRF (hell, is is gonna be funny!) were.
So just eat this salty meal, you wanted it. Or just play classic era.
It’s a shame that there is no TBC or WotLK era without RDF!
We are 4 friends that queue RDF, if you respond that you need chaos orb - we vote kick you instantly. One time we have kicked 6 people during one dungeon lol. Ez profit
Yup, it must be a “you” problem when multiple people have reported about it and you bring your own “this never happened to just me personally so it must not be a problem” take.
Get back to us when you grow up.
Vote-to-kick is one of the worst things Blizz implemented.
Its present here in these forums too, if ppl report(vote) you, you will get temporarily banned from these forums (perhaps for weeks). It doesnt matter if the reports were “unjust”. (Idk how many reporters it takes, can be a single person with several accounts as well).