People seem to be down on TBC?

It’s nothing like that. It’s based on comparative experience on vanilla and TBC servers. Alot of people like TBC, it’s a good game. Vanilla server launches would have 5x more players.

There’s also faction balance issues, which would have been far lessened in going from Classic>TBC but people apparently say there is a huge horde majority so…

Most people aren’t against TBC just because they point out its flaws. That’s silly.

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Blizzard say whatever is flavour of the month to please the forum populations,

Not sure what a ton is to you but it aint anywhere near the 10+ million subs that were all happy with flying in 2 continents, (1 being a planet i guess).

This whole flying arguement is nothing more than a coat tail that vanilla purists have hung on to for dear life. It was something they could use to argue for vanilla servers.

Many things bug people about the game, flying, dallies, unending grinds, welfare gear, etc etc.
Of all the things, flying is way down the list, you ask retail players what does more damage, flying existing or all the stupid gating systems, catch up systems, endless grinds for power etc.
Futhermore in terms of TBC and Wrath, flying is only in Outland/Northrend so any wpvp in STV or Southshore (which I promise will still be hotspots even in these expansions) will still happen without flying.
This is something I think should have been the case, Cata should NOT have opened flying in vanilla zones, they were designed without it, BUT this would be odd if MoP, WoD, Legion and BfA all had flying and vanilla didnt so it had to be done.

The current iteration of flying is to lock it behind achievements - NOT restrict it! This is because using a gold based currency in retail would be way out whack, how much would it cost after all these expansions, new players would have no chance. Getting flying is easy, all you have to do is play the game and wait for pathfinder part II to be released. You’ll have all the rep and stories done by then.

If anything its easier to get flying now than ever, no need to grind out x amount of gold to buy flying per expansion.

So no flying didnt ruin anything, it changed a few things but not ruined.

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It was.

Name one good Thing with mega servers
Except that u Can find Dungeons 24/7 with random. (The LFG button)

Even we all know that these randoms sucks playing with.

Servers ain’t build for that.
Ur all complaining around the Forums about u can’t farm, wpvp, lag. The list is huge.

All comes down to that.
U cannot name one bad thing, where I cannot (inset to many players reason)
On the mega servers.

But retail players are to blind. They are used to see new fooes every day. Modern wow and modern playstyle has destroyed it.

I get dejavu from 2004
Gj guys

If I’m playing TBC then not on a Blizzard managed server after they displayed their incompetence with classic.

I would play TBC over vanilla but we gotta start somewhere, mainly I’d play some of current meme spec or hunter

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Its not only about being happy of a feature. But the underlying damage on how the game is played and developped (on blizzard’s side).
We all know casuals and most people are happy to have everything handed to them, but still, is that a good thing ?

ask you this question: Why is there pathfinder in the first place ?
why not just let flying being available straight away with gold ?

Isn’t the answer obvious ? because it killed world activity. Be it at the start of an xpac where it would give insane advantage over ground players leveling, content skip any challenge they developped for months (I mean the game plays on the ground as far as we know) and of course making world pvp totally irrelevant.

I invite you to watch this video at 11:40 min mark. I think Preach explains one part of the problem very clearly.
After that you can just go google and search “the problem with pathfinder or flying” and see what people really think about it.

Flying is a clear problem for blizzard. There is a reason why its gated and locked behind grind. Oh surprise you said those things ruin the game more than flying but here they are !

If you don’t get it after that, I seriously cannot do anything to save you anymore. :cry:

I’d love to see tbc :slight_smile: . Wasn’t all that balanced perhaps but was Def . Where I enjoyed myself the most .

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Yeah i explained that if it still used the gold ‘gating’ system then the cost would be so high by now after all these expansions that it would be impossible as a new player to farm enough gold.

Flying isnt available at the ‘start’ of any expansion, it required minimum levels and cost a LOT of gold, there wasn’t any advantage to be had until AFTER you completed most/all of that expansions content. At launch everyone is grounded and has to run about in all the wonderful content the art department creates (only department that does anything these days)


Flying isnt locked behind a grind, its time gated (as it was gated in the past but with other means) but there is no grind for it today. All you have to do is play the game and when they release part 2 you’ll have all the requirements done, its really NOT hard to get it, its easier than ever.

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For you. For me it is removing Arena and only allow it in special zones for premade groups.

Tbc is best version of wow. Harder pve and better pvp.


Nobody care about people that want “Only Classic”, this lobby should not have the right to talk since all they do is playing the same game forever.

Not to mention TBC and WOTLK versions are far way more competitive, they have better game design and more things to do outside of your weekly raids. Arena is a thing, despite lot of Classic-fanboy don’t like them, it’s the best PvP competition you can have.

Spamming Frostbolt and Arcane Explosion and doing 120vs80 is fun for the first month, but after, it’s really boring. It transform you into a fart frog with literally zero skill outside of Classic. Everyday you play in Classic, you lower your skill in many others games.

Try to play others game after 5 month of Classic, like League Of Legends, you’ll be surprised how bad you are now ^^.

I pray TBC will be announced on next Blizzcon so we can all forgot this Classic-meme. Actually, i’m not playing anymore ouside of my weekly raids, since i’m done with everything. R10, Raid BiS, full golds, there’s nothing to do, everything is easy mode and not fun (ranking was absolutely horrible). Only leveling was fun in Classic, first phase was nice. Since Dire Maul release, the game is going into horrible state.

I’m focus on 8.3 in Retail waiting for a TBC announcement next Blizzcon. I’ll do the BWL raid, and we will destroy it like MC. Then ZG will be a formality, same for AQ, same for Naxx.

If TBC launches, population of horde will dramatically increase cause of the blood elves… it happened in first release when people were not so min/max oriented… and nowdays it will completly destroy ally population on pvp servers

With everyone being on their flying mounts, they are not able to attack eachother.
Whereas, if I’m on my ground mount I can attack and be attacked by everyone. (Both starting with 100% health/mana)
World pvp with flying mounts = dive when a person is fighting a mob and gank him (One starting with low health/mana)

Everyone has the right to talk even if you would condemn wait they say.
I am not one that would only play Classic forever if there would Add-on only servers for other Expansions but I am for that the Classic only players should be able to keep there Classic only servers and if there ever would be changes it should be democratic choice.

Agree. I already plan on a TBC Server to recreate my two Sin’dorei from back then and if there will be a WotLK server I will create an additional Sin’dorei DK. But honestly I wish there would be a RP-PvP Server in DACHL too. Or that they like now in Retail lift the characterlimit per Server because I have more characters I would like to RP with then there are places open on a Server and I do not want to have more then one RP Server per Servertype so the RP Community is not fractured.

There’s no democracy when it come to business. TBC is worth to do since it require very low development and can give lot of money for Blizzard, there’s an high interest for it, All of my friends who play on Retail will try TBC if it come. And half of them never tried Classic because what they watched on video seem completely outdated for them.

Classic player can do the lobby they want, if they want to play Classic forever, they can do it, but if they try to do what Retail player did before Classic was announced (“Nobody care about that”, “It will never exist”, …), we will fight them.

You can pretty much do the same with no flying. Thats ganking, flying or no flying it makes no difference tbh.

I’d love TBC servers but only if they don’t touch Classic ones. It’d be great to level up in Classic and then transfer that character to TBC server (only if it’s one-time transfer)


Idd, but the extend of ganking versus a fair fight is a huge difference between those two parts of the game
Edit: Lets say you are on your flying mount, and you meet a foe on a flying mount - those two will never just land to pvp.

I did not said, BC servers should never happen nor did I say all Classic Server should automatic be changed into TBC Servers. Oh and there is Democracy in Business too. If you do not listen to your customers and do the opposite of what they want , you better have a good reason because you risk that people will be pissed and stop being your customers.
If you would have read what I wrote and just wrote contra I said there should be democracy if it is about developing Classic. Like it happen in Old School Runescape. I agree with you TBC should come but it should be not on cost of Classic. For example if Blizzard would decide to just recicle through the content patches so that Classic Servers would be automatic upgrade to TBC Servers and people who want to play Classic has to create new characters on new Classic servers. This would be a dick move and would cost customers that want just play on a single Expansion forever without change because it would mean there characters would be effectivly reset all few years. But it would gain customers who want to play from zero again and again. Blizzard need to wage which customergroup is more. I would be against too, that Classic characters can not be taken to TBC Servers because while there are many different characters I want to lvl, there are some characters I would love to play with in TBC, WotLK and further and not all the time lvl up again. For me it would be perfect if with new Expansion Servers would be just copied on the new expansion so you can just take of where you left and there would be no problem with Characternames and so you can decide which Add-on you want to play now. Alternativly you could get a free charactertransfer during the pre-launch phase where the BC Servers would be open on 2.0 like version with pre-event and when it goes “live” one way transfers from Classic to BC would cost money. So everyone can play in there own tempo.


  • Without flying it works only for rogues and druid. Against any other class you can look arround on the ground and see them coming miles away so you can properly decide to engage or not in a targeted area.

  • Furthermore, it increases the odds of said ganker being ganked in return on his own back, with flying theres also less chances for the ganker to be ganked/hindered.

  • And another thing which ties to both above: flying is an easy tool of fleeing when you should have died. If u manage to jump on your flying mount at the last moment GG you are utterly skilled and your ganker cannot have honor anymore. Whereas with no flying you would have either died, or ran into a buddie on the ground to help you, on ran into an enemy finishing you off, or be killed by the world challenges aka random mobs.

  • Flying also makes pvp gathering and socialization disappear:
    without flying like classic: you wanna go into an area blocked by several enemies? let’s call some friends !
    with flying: “LUL BRAH just wait arround with your fly until they disappear they can’t touch you anyway and if we come as a big group to kick their asses they will just evade in the air rather than facing the consequences of camping lowbies if they were on the ground with no easy escape. I have my dailies and worldquests to do, byebye”.

Do you guys have anything proving all these (utterly obvious and proven) facts wrong now ? no you don’t.
Flying killed world pvp. Period.

Is that how so many PvP servers died so far, while PvE servers are alive and well?