People still leaving after 1st boss kills for items, which gonna be replaced in 2 days

Help me find logic.

Where is the logic in making yet another thread about a topic that already has several active threads going on right this very moment?

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Link the one you are talking about.

139 replies and more added by the minute…

And this one

would you like me to keep linking you threads?

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And this one

I can go all day.

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Well my post is focused on the items replaced in 2 days, but ok. That way every other threads can be similar.

You could have asked that simple question in any of the linked topics or in any of the linked topics I haven’t posted yet. Where is the logic in that question warranting its own thread?

The logic is probably this:

  • If you plan on pugging M0 dungeons, you’ll want to be decently geared.
  • Some players have their first raid night on Wednesday or Thursday, and they want to show up well geared.
  • M0 dungeons have daily loot lockout. Some items, like the Ara-Kara Sacbrood trinket, are so good that you’ll want them at 493. Most players will not walk into a M0 and get exactly the drops they want.

Why do you still do heroic dungeons today if it won’t matter in two days?

The problem is, the people who are spamming to get as geared as possible are going to complain that M0 is too “EZ”

They really won’t. M0 is just another stepping stone, and people who play it as endgame will still hit a wall with it until they outgear it by +20 ilvl.