People who leave M+ and brick keys need to be banned.

Mate, you’re getting too obvious with the trolling by now. Slow down!

The best thing that can be done with that is completing a m+ not in time will not give any reward. You can spend as much time as you want in +0 getting 340 gear and learning staff. But if you want more and go in m+ then do it by the rules blizz created. The higher the key - the higher gears ilvl, but only in time.
That will fix a problem (it IS a problem imho) when people with no skill at all, that have no idea how to deal with a specific affixes, dont know boss and trash abilities still can gain the best gear. And when someone refuses to pull you through the dungen, you just go complain on forum. That is kind of unfair, dont you think?

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No loot being awarded on completion will only result in the key leaves being more radical, like people instantly dropping the thing after the slightest of mistakes because it’s likely they don’t recover. That’s not healthy at all. We’ve had this at the beginning of Legion with depleted keys, got changed for a reason I suppose.

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Well, now leavers’re do the same. They (we) leave when it becomes obvious that there is no way to finish in time. No drop needed when u try to push high keys. And trying to complete dungeon is a waste of time.
Removing the reward from not intimed m+ will keep casual players of high keys. And there will be no hard fillings for those who leave, cause there will be no reason to finish not intime to those who want gear.
But now, the difference between intime and not intime is just 1 peace of gear for those who hate leavers, and everything for those who tend to leave. That should be equaled for everybody. Didnt made it intime - no reward for everybody. Thats it, no problem, no hate.

I would suggest getting better at vetting people for your dungeon runs. Remember that you are the boss of your own group, there is no democracy here. You choose who gets the privilege of joining, so choose wisely.

Do Not PuG Find a guild and play with them…


I think there are 2 sides to this story.
I totally hate getting dps/tanks that have no idea about how to handle the affix and just want the loot at the end. I have seen tanks and dps being so unwilling to learn from mistakes, that I seriously considered if they were drunk. No sort of noob-ness can explain it, and yes: I too find that sort of behavior rude. It is never chill enough for you to leave your brain at the doorstep of the dungeon. That far I can follow the dodo.

On the other hand it is a pug, and no one forced you. But as a person who do put my key out for pugs I sure would like to know in advance, if I invited a potential key-leaver - that should be my privilege to know such things if people insist on having the liberty to leave keys, right? Iirc rio doesn’t provide that info - quite the contrary it encourages ppl to leave keys at the slightest resistance.

Just lately I joined a M+ run. Still a very low key because I am a new player. But only after a few minutes I realized very low damage and very squishy dps.I then looked through the players and realized the group leader was premade with somone and they had perhaps 300 ilevel but were asking for 345 in the tool. I directly left

I actually respect and understand BOTH sides’ arguments here.

I think it is the usual - Blizzard failing to give players enough TOOLS to deal with the situaction and self-police themselves.

The easy and obvious choice would be to

  1. give us a checkbox at start to “lock” the group. If that’s what you agree to run, you can’t leave or feign disconnect until timer expires. If you leave - 1 day deserter, account wide, unless you actually dc and are not seen in game or in app for the counter duration.
  2. ensure all members see and accept the lock when starting, and are booted if they don’t accept.
  3. make it possible to release the lock, therefore letting all members leave as they please.

That simple system would give us all the CHOICE and fair rules laid down upfront.

Feel like Phodapopo, and want to leave for “reasons”? Just don’t queue for groups with locked key, don’t accept a lock at instance start. Period.

Don’t want leavers in your group until timer expires at least? Fine. Just advertise that, and lock people to the key at start. If they accept it, they won’t complain about the harsh punishment either.

Done, problem solved.

Oh, and Phodapopo.
All I see from you is… MY time. MY reasons. I. ME ME ME.
Life is not solely about you.
Contrary to the liberal delusions.
Life is an unending string of compromises.
You will learn that really, really fast.
Despite that, I respect your arguments, I really do.
The problem is, that isn’t stated anywhere, and most players ASSUME you sign up to complete the key, not to +3 it or to execute it perfectly OR ELSE (and the latter seems to be the reason YOU want to run keys for).

For your argument to stand, the expectations need to be stated before the run, before you get your invite.

Frankly, the other side also fails at this, but when key is posted with “no leavers” in notes, leaving should be a reportable, bannable offense. Just like ninja’ing loot was, if loot rules were stated in raid chat before run started and then not obeyed.


With ur “lock”, I’ll just afk till it’s over

I allready see people ninja’ing that checkbox “lock” just before starting the timer. ^^

But few people are openly malicious sociopaths.
And sociology teaches us, that in situations of conflict where “easy” ways out are cut off, people in general tend to just slog through, and some actually become constructive - opting to coach, rather than to ditch or openly sabotage the party.

I also don’t think you’d ever be in a situation like that. Firstly, you’re a tank, meaning a lot of how a key goes is actually on you.

Secondly, why would you ever self-inflict harm and accept a locked key if you could just queue for a group that is assembling to run an unlocked one?

After all, with our awesomesauce rio scores of 306 and 423, we got all dem choices, right? :wink: EDIT: oh wait, you’re an alt, actually. All the more then - with your rio above 1k, you actually DO have choices. So what’s your problem then? :smiley:

The issue isn’t in banning or not.

The issue is in matching like-minded people.

Let me reiterate: I have no issue with you wanting to leave at the sign of trouble… as long as you announce that ahead of time, so that you can run with people who think like you, and people who’d rather laugh mistakes off and slog ahead can run with people who think like they do.

@Trollbins, not if the key box with accept button is shown to all five members, showing affixes and lock selection made by key owner, and everyone having to press “Accept” or get out.

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Yeah, that accept button came into my mind right after I posted =)
I dont mean it is a bad idea. I think that there should be the way to bring likeminded people together too.
The thing is, imho, its to complicated system to expect blizz will gonna try it.
To big a risk to make it even worse.
All that will only increase the gap between different players. While blizz is trying to minimize that gap.
All that WF, TF gear. Many and more ways to gain that gear made people equalized in ilvl whether they do endgame content or not. So today your ilvl doesnt mean anything.
That have put players in need to distinguish endgame player from casual ones.
So people came up with rio. And that in turn brought to rio rating race, leavers, haters, etc.
Like I said before, the only way I see is to make gear obtaining more hard. Like having no reward in completing m+ dungeon not in time.

And you’re disrespecting 4 other people by breaking the key but when you do it, it’s fine.

So, again.

There’s 4 people who disrespected my time by being so bad and literally not caring to do the minimum.

How in the mother of f is this me being wrong? Are people really, really this oblivious to human behavior? If someone hits you in the face, do you just stand back and take it and if you defend yourself, are you the bad guy here?

What are we? North Korea?

Like, man, give me a break already - the more I talk to people, the more I realize that, seriously, everyone that I see every day literally can’t have any hope of objective thought.

Seriously, man, give me a break, I’ve had enough of humans and their inability to think straight for even one second.

Man this is so, so disheartening.

things is: u lost ur key, is it a big deal? No. U queue it again. Plus, there will never be any punishment in self-made group. Blizzard consider it is our responsability who we play with. So stop fluk(ing around and get back to grinding



You took the risk of joining them, that’s the risk YOU take when pugging.

If you don’t want to run with people that don’t live up to your high standard then maybe pugging isn’t for you?

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u dont know if ppl are good or crap before starting run.Thank the fluking god ur not prisoner of a wipefest with ppl having no clue

It’s just my opinion but I’ve never left groups I’ve joined just because there’s bad players in it. If we wipe it’s annoying but it happens and I personally think it’s good manners to see it through while offering advice if possible, unless ofc it’s obvious that it’s hopeless or the group falls apart. I’ve played that way since Vanilla. Yeah ok, M+ with timers and all that makes it even more frustrating when things don’t go well, but if you want a definite clean run you need to group with players you know and trust. It’s an mmorpg after all and if you use the group finder you’re rolling the dice as to who you’ll get.