Pet Delights, positivity thread #2

He is, yes.

The thing is, I tried to ‘peek’ from the door instead of trying to listen to him.
I’ll never do this error again.
Also for the love of God. I hate going on the website named ‘IS EVIL’.
Always turns my stomach upside down.

I only vaguely remember some of the websites to be fair.

The most memorable being the dollmaker because it summons the dollmaker.

I know it does.
Everytime I see it, I just hesitate to click. It terrifies me.
He is just… there. Watching.

i know from watching Distortion2 speed run the game, he’ll leave Dollmaker to the last possible minute if he can help it, so he only has to do one cycle of looking for a doll.

Distortion2? Never heard of him.
Mostly watched Playthrough from Markiplier (RIP how he ended it), John Wolfe and some people that did it in 1337 mode.

Mostly does soulsborne speedruns. but he speedruns a lot of games and when Welcome to the game 2 came out he speedran that. He was (at the time) one of the top five fastest people to complete it.

I watched markiplier’s playthrough, I watched 8bit-Ryan do it and I think I watched GTLive do it too.

Need to watch his own, before getting back on the game.
Seriously, the breather is killing me. Even when I’m getting the first VPN, I can’t help but check if he is here. He is my bane.

Stop checking, be patient.

I’m trying to be. But he is just… so stressful.
This silence, it is what makes me even more stressed. The silence.
And yes, my volume is at the max on my headset.



The amount of times i’ve had to renable the tooltip on WoW becauswe its bugged out is mind boggling.

But i am here because Jessicka’s post on how to fix it has come in clutch again.

Thank you jessicka, you’re awesome.


Only just saw this and I love it. This is my pet delight


Oh man, I had an untitled goose game dump in my feed yesterday and thought of you then too.

I’ll see if I can dig it up.

EDIT: You can have this while you wait;


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Not the one I saw, but that one’s okay and not got a political leaning to it.

Doesn’t have my favourite images though, so here’s some on the side;


I always found this one a fun video - kids are given a marshmallow with the promise that if they can wait 10 minutes before eating it, they will be given another.

Also, often a predictor for success in society.

Finally took the time to see Joker with some friends. I went in with few expectations and was blown away by the story and acting chops on display.

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I like seeing couples in RP. People that you know are in a relationship IRL. It is always very sweet to me.

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Voldunai Exalted! Good to get that out of the way, even if I won’t play a Vulpera I’d be simmering with annoyance if I couldn’t at least unlock them on release.

Now for Rustbolt… Euuggghh…

I’ve really been enjoying The Outer Worlds. I only heard about it two days ago and was suprised to hear it was releasing almost instantly. For me it’s like a combination of the good parts of Fallout New Vegas and SWTOR. Would really recommend it if you’re a fan of Obsidian’s RPG:s.

Oh and that I could play the game for 1£ with the microsoft game pass, which is just great.

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