Have tried so hard to time to iframes for the breath—by that I mean about 4 or 5 times in total—but it ended up being easier bringing along my Black Iron Greatshield. Slap a Fire gem on that bad boy and it brings it up to 95 Fire block, high as it goes. Full breath and your health barely flinches The massively high stability allows for low-endurance characters to use it as well.
My peeve: the moment when people talk about games I’ve never played and I don’t understand a thing.
Problem here seems to be your lack of playing dark souls 3
Oh, so they’re talking about dark souls. Thanks for saying :o
popular opinion here; you only get the true souls experience doing every boss 100% solo, no summons, no co-op.
pixellated vid of me killing the hardest boss after 30-ish attempts in the soulsborne series:
you don’t get this rush w/ co-op, bros…
Never touched Dark Souls and never intend to… I wanna keep my sanity.
I have Dark Souls 3 on my Steam account, but only clocked 13 hours in to it.
I do enjoy the Souls games, I have plenty of time clocked on Dark Souls the original on my Xbox, though admitively I never really got anywhere far in… Either games, really.
The thing I always did was more or less take things slowly, walk around the world, fight monsters in an attempt to grind some souls. You know, things that one would call “Noob actions”.
All this talk about Dark Souls kinda makes me want to install it and boot it up again. Though I already have more than enough games to play already. I have about fifteen games on my Favorites list (That I call the “Backburner games”) to play and finish.
Personal note: Play less WoW, play other games.
That’s my goal! I want to bust out Dead by Daylight that i got for Xmas.
Then you get guys like this who casually beat Dark Souls 1 in 30 minutes. I learned that day that 90% of the mobs I died to repeatedly? I could just run past.
I have done 60 to 70 on my human today. I have decided that this character shall be my “grind alliance allied races” character.
Wish me luck.
I still am able to break away from the vice-like grip of World of Warcraft, but it does happen that I get drawn back in to do… Something. Like Island Expeditions, I found that I quite like those as of recent note.
I’ve been playing Fallout New Vegas recently, a game I bought many moons ago, played it for a while, and then forgot about it. Once I leveled a character up to around 15 I decdied to go to Big Mountain and… Oh boy, does it have a lot of stuff that I like.
Wild Wasteland appearances from unfamiliar to very charming, to voice acting that makes me want to sit back and listen to the performance rather than skim through the dialogue and skip, and weapons that really are quite nice.
Best of all, it has James Urbaniak, also known as “That guy who plays Rusty Venture in The Venture Brothers” putting up a performance as one of the Think Tank scientists. Honestly made me fall in love with the expansion just because of that performance alone, mostly because I like the cartoon, and because the voice actor himself is quite pleasant to listen to.
Here are a few screenshots I took from my adventures across BIIIIG MOUNTAIIIN! https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/501165104809771020/530092683390353448/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/501165104809771020/529818440324612096/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/501165104809771020/529812440712609813/unknown.png
I know this might be petty of a Peeve… But long profiles man. I don’t know why there’s so much in the about section but whatever they put in is awfully long. Not even a TL:DR as well.
If I have to scroll down more than once it’s really not enticing unless the text given is in bigger character or the profile is crafted in a way that is pleasant to look at.
That’s a fairly common peeve. And it feels weird to stare at someone while seemingly doing nothing, and then they ask can I help you? And you say, wait, I’m not nearly done reading your profile just stand right there as you wait until we can finally start roleplaying m’kay?
What are Rylaks anyways, reptiles?
I once thought them to be mammals but they lay eggs… So honestly reptiles is the closest category by now.
Unless we go down the route of considering them to be of the same wood as Echidna IRL.
May be mammals, we need to look for some mammaries.
Could be dragons.
My pet peeve? Hordies that come unto this forum and whine about Alliance ganging up on them.
Just came from Nazmir (forgot I had warmode on) and the Horde’s been ganking me and a few other Alliance members with atleast 7 people…
dragons are reptiles
that’s cute.
try 20-40 for a change
This is post 2000