Okay, you know what, I’ve become cynical as can be, I get peeved all the time, I’m doing the Hidden Master quest and get annoyed in the cutscene by how over-the-top the Pandaren applaud animation is. I have become Peevery incarnate.
Not only is my torso armor not 3D, but unlike the helm and shoulderpads, and weapons, none of my gear actually has a metallic gleam.
Spell effects look like garbage, the new character models aren’t perfect, so much clipping, blizzard adds new mounts instead of updating old mounts’ models- too many classes, none are interesting and unique…
Dammit man let’s just be honest, WoW has not aged well…
And whats up with some of these cloaks like the DK from nighthold… what’s the purpose of wearing that, i get that the wide ones are a failed attempt on making… actual cloaks, but what the hell are these scraps of cloth hanging from our necks supposed to be? backwards ties?
Check out Ironthread Greatcloak from WoD. It’s a classic.
I don’t like some of the hair colors of trolls and night elves… and gnomes, they’re all neon colored, don’t feel natural, unlike that of say, the Zandalari trolls, they got green-ish hair and the like but it actually looks like hair, less can be said about the older races’
Night Elven hair would be cool if it had options to have some special effect depending on the hair color.
The dark blue hair color looks great with this… astral effect with it: https:// imgur .com/Sy98dsC
The green could have ivy and moss-like textures in it, or at least look more natural, it’s the weirdest looking hair color on night elves.
Also where’s their black hair?
What’s up with gnomes and the green or pink hair?
Orcs with the straightback pose have so many issues, diagonal stance, move with only their legs when running, they look like they have a cramp or something, and then there’s the beard clipping.
Because orcs were designed, for whatever stupid reason, to have a crooked back only befit of peons, when they have a straight back, the 2D textures become even more noticeable than usual
Back to night elves, their facial markings shouldn’t change with the color of hair, they’re tattoos, and should be less opaque and vibrant, and instead have a dark purple or dark blue-ish color, but as i said, not opaque
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I just recovered a deleted NElf I had. They were using fury spec to have a spear and shield, right?
But to my surprise I had… two spears on my back. And it looks kickass.
Now I’m afraid of changing gear in case it “fixes” the bug.
RIP friend just told me the second spear isn’t visible on their screen. Damn. 
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That is a bug from the prepatch. As noted, it is clientside only, and I believe it has been fixed so if you change gear in any way it goes away.
from the prepatch campaign.
Old but still fresh peeve: that Blizzard still hasn’t managed to standardize the size of hitboxes in relation to the enemy’s size. I find it terribly annoying when you either have to stand inside of the mob to be able to hit it, or miles away and still be too close to charge, and that often by enemies about the same size.
It’s annoyingly hard to find a guild that my alts fit in.
Pet peeve of the hour: Character models having bugs, clipping issues or unfinished textures - and these things often taking months to be fixed. I get that’s it’s not technically game breaking issues, but they never cease to bug me regardless.
Agreed. In Legion I would play the Runas quests on every alt and enjoy it every time. The rest of Aszuna, not so much.
What’s also cack about the current time in lore, or… agh, I don’t know, is it just me who lacks the motivation to introduce a character to RP now? Either it feels too late for a character to join the frey or it… I don’t know, it’s like I just don’t want to RP anymore, I have nice ideas but they’d require me to have started on them sooner, or the lore to have gone differently.
It’s like, I’ve become so cynical that I automatically start making up hundreds of changes to the lore, gameplay or what I would’ve done in my head, and then continue to get angry that this isn’t the case.
really difficult doing shading on my dark furred tauren.
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I actually don’t dislike BfA. I do dislike the Horde writing. Not that Sylvanas is leader and does exactly what you’d expect her to given her entire record thus far but rather the general apathy of the other horde races to this fact. I know another uprising is brewing but the silence leading up to it is deafening. If there’s one thing I cannot abide it’s a story having its potential squandered. A lot could be told here and there during questing and the campaign so that the client races of the forsaken do not seem quite as mindless as a newly raised Andorhal farmer…
Sylvanas calling Anduin “little lion” or any other “title”. It’s just…urgh. I cringe every time. Is this really better than just simply saying “Wrynn”?
Oh, and the ending of the Mag’har recruitment. “Honor is everything!” Geya’rah, sweetie, I don’t know how to break it to you…
g0ddamned name and shame threads. like come on. stop. not enough people give enough of a damn to do anything about it.
The destructive cycle of orc honour culture must end. One offense breeds another to be settled in blood. Barbarians!
That’s also a peeve. Orcs claiming honour is funny without having to explain the joke but the nature of said honour isn’t codified in any meaningful way so it’s wholly up to the individual while it’s treated like something everyone should know and adhere to. Where’s that orc bushido, blizzard?
Without definition there is no expectation beyond vaugeries like loyalty and a warrior can be honourable both by sparing a foe and slaughtering them to the last for honour points as an expression of being badass. It’s just bad worldbuilding.
In regards to the B4A being crap argument, I have noticed that pro B4A story players on MMO Champion try to compare this to Star Wars, as in people like to play the “evil side” more than the good side.
Where this may be true, these people do not seem to understand that playing the evil side might be more fun when it is a choice you made rather than one forced upon you all of a sudden for the sake of half assed plot.
I can’t imagine Empire players being happy if the Sith all of a sudden, with no rhyme nor reason, started acting like Jedi somehow with no options to do otherwise.