Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

But… that’s because SWTOR has good writing, but the Empire stuff is just better written.

I think someone should tell them, that SWTOR is a more story-driven MMO that has dialogue options and a narrative that can branch in to all sorts of directions, while still being linear (And no, even if it’s a nice thing to have, telling Zappy Boy to go away isn’t a major branching choice)

Pretty much this. I mean sure, there are games where being evil is more or less the main thing that you can do (Overlord comes to mind, but the “Good” in that game is actually either stupid, or evil in a different way), but those games are pretty much designed around it, and make it fun as well. While in WoW, you never really had this “Mustache-twirling evil” storyline where you were the bad guy.

And even if the Horde should be bad, they should do better writing.

I’d kinda like that, actually, if only for how ridiculous of a notion it is.

Suddenly, the Sith become Light-sided Peacekeepers, and the Empire can do nothing else but be confused at the whole spectacle.

“Let go of your anger, young Skywalker” “My Lord! I have no idea what you are talking about! We are being assaulted by Republic scum, and you are sitting here doing… Yoga!”

On a more serious note, I am heavily against the whole mentality that everything on Argent Dawn is becoming a competition. Surely, we can all have fun together? Another persons fun doesn’t need to be greater or lesser than your own, simply enjoy the fact that another person has fun.


Honestly your asking too much of the AD community, I do admire your philosophy and I do wish more people were like you though, im serious :slight_smile:

My pet peeve is people from The Sha’tar posting about the AD community.


Stop bringing your drama here, please

Who even are you?

Only Argent Dawn Roleplayers can say that.

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Guess I am one then, thats a pretty terrifying revalation, besides, I already know the Grim Gest wasnt origionally on Argent Dawn, they came here less than a year ago.

Leverta-the-shatar? :thinking:

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Woah! Big revelation right there mate! Unrelated to this!

Aye, I saw them in the refugee camp when I came from Outland.

I heard you’re also currently handling some kind of drama in your own topic mister Valoursworn, perhaps you’d be better suited to dealing with your own messes?

Honestly, I was just replying to a posters comment quite honestly, and you decide to lash out without cause, thats pretty sad and prooves my point at the same time.

As I was saying Cilestine, you’re asking too much of the AD community.

Yeah thats pretty sad Valoursworn-Argent Dawn.

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I’ve already eaten it for breakfast today, it was rather stinky as I had to digest a bunch of trash-tier RPers.

Can we get back to peeves? You already got one topic closed with this kind of discussion.

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They have a one track mind, the idea of anything that isnt drama is alien to their bot minds.

But in seriousness, my peeve? Why blizzard hasnt made rep account wide properly yet.

Sure we get to avoid having to require reps now for tabards but I do wish they’d just use the paragon system more.


It really feels like Triple Ahnas Developers and Publishers are trying their hardest to win the “Stupidest PR move” award. Diablo just took a swing with a contest for a Switch giveaway with Diablo on it.

… You just need a Switch to qualify for the giveaway.

I wanna show them a picture of me standing there, with a sign saying “Are you of a sound mind?”, and expect them to send me a Switch for it


To be fair thats not even wrong.

The diablo immortal play was bizzare beyond words, what the hell were they thinking?

They have said apparently diablo 4 and other diablo projects will be announced next blizzcon but honestly… a whole year? You cant even leave a teaser?

I don’t know what’s with your obsession re Grim Gest but we are on AD for almost 17 months now and like it here